“Hinashizaka Slope on the left, and Fujimizaka Slope on the right. Apparently you could see Mt Fuji from here on the early 1900s. Likely blocked nowadays.”
17 Benefits Of Investing In Student Housing
Taking a leap to decide to invest in real estate is something to pat yourself on the back—good job for bringing the risk to gain high returns. Student housing investment is an excellent asset class that has proven to be resilient to economic fluctuations. It has been known as one of the stable investment opportunities. The current coronavirus pandemic and the most recent economic recession have proven this point of merit.
Some investors note that investing in student housing could be pretty risky and scary. With possibility of students thrashing the place, it’s no wonder why some people feel this way. However, the reality is that student housing is an authentic component of real estate.
Nowadays, many companies are building their business models around student housing because of its growing business potential and high returns. Putting money for building and maintaining college apartments, like sunrisevillageapts.com, is a great investment move to take advantage of today.
If you are having doubts until now, read more of the benefits of investing in student housing:
- High Enrollment
Despite the raging tuition fees among many countries worldwide, the demand for undergraduate and graduate degrees is increasing. Student enrollment is rising continuously, and parents continue to send their children to college. The need for education is still huge.
When it comes to real estate, the typical factors in perceiving and considering are job growth and demographics. But, in this case, high enrollment is the primary indicator for student housing. Applications and their continuing processes indicate that a specific area, especially if it’s near a university, will be populated with students.
- High Demand
If you have tried being an in-house university student, you’ll agree that most schools promote or offer housing on campus only to first-year students. This is because they can’t keep up with the high demand.
Starting when universities stopped sustaining these increasing demands among students, third-party real estate investors and developers have started coming in to take advantage of this business opportunity. Purpose-built establishments and apartments are now constructed just outside of campuses. This real estate trend is witnessed all across the country and even overseas too.
The number of students pursuing further education has reached 2.28 million in the school year 2015-2016. This data alone proves why there is a vast pool of demand for student accommodations.
- Turnkey
Many student housing investments are turnkey, so all you need to do is find student tenants. You don’t need to shell out money for remodeling or home improvements for your property investment. Many developers nowadays buy out large apartment complexes or condominiums and have each unit rented out. Sometimes, they sell these units too.
When such opportunities arise, you can purchase a smaller unit from that large complex and have a turnkey investment where they will be the ones to manage it. This is a convenient way for you to make money, as you don’t need to do anything.
- Recession-Proof
It’s natural to hear the term ‘recession-proof,’ which is often claimed by many business analysts. Although they may be valid, sometimes they’re not. Nonetheless, student housing is an investment that is genuinely resilient to the economic downturn.
In reality, when a local crisis happens, the opposite effect on student housing happens. In contrast to what other real estate properties experience, more students or an increasing number of people apply for student housing. The reason is that they believe that an undergraduate degree will give them more possibilities to land a job when the labor market has collapsed or is impossibly competitive. People do their best to afford college, and those who finished a bachelor’s degree would think that a master’s degree is an even better solution.
Hence, the demand does not change, even during a recession. People never stop going to school, even when the economy is suffering.
Another critical phenomenon is the online learning alternative due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although it has affected many student housing properties, they managed to reopen since many universities announced their intention to go back to on-campus learning. This scenario serves as an example of how resilient a student housing investment can be.
- Marketability
When your student housing property is located in one of the vibrant places in your city or town, you won’t need to market it to increase occupancy manually. These locations usually already have nearby restaurants, art galleries, malls, and nightlife, so these establishments become magnets for students to rent your housing unit.
Say goodbye to posting advertisements everywhere to seek out tenants. Let the tenants reach out to you. These college town properties usually sell themselves, so you have very minimal effort for promoting them.
- Guaranteed Rent
Although some real estate owners have a negative judgment regarding students not paying on time or difficult tenants, students are actually responsible payers most of the time. The best thing about student housing is that they are usually good tenants or have a parental guarantor, which ensures no problem with rental collections.
- Students Could Be Long-Term Tenants
Many students either study for associate degrees that last for two years or an undergraduate degree that lasts up to five years. They may even extend their housing terms if they plan to proceed to higher education, like master’s or doctor’s degrees. Due to the duration requirements for college, this would mean that students are long-term tenants.
Most landlords that aren’t in the student housing industry may have a hard time listing their rental properties, but not with student apartments because they usually stay until they graduate from college.
- No Need for Car Space
Since most of your tenants are living close to the university, they won’t need to drive a car. Some may not afford a car, either. This will be an advantage on your end because you won’t have to provide car space.
- No Chance for Losing All Income
Investing in student housing has a 100 percent chance of not losing your entire income. Unlike other rental business models, you get to retain some income source because there will always be enough students occupying your property.
It’s a big swing for some private property owners who rent the entire home to a family. When the whole family leaves, there will be zero income for you.
The good thing about a student apartment is that even if some students leave and stop renting, there will still be some income left due to the other students renting continuously. It may not be ideal to have some vacancy, but it sure is better than losing your total income.
- Less Delinquency
Although there is nothing like a guaranteed investment, student rentals can be one of the closest things. Even when you encounter irresponsible students and run from their financial obligations, you will always have guaranteed income through your parents. It’s not uncommon to have the parents sign guarantees, so your payment will be protected.
Also, a large majority of students are responsible for their finances. This means some hand out their rent fees on the first of the month to ensure that they have secured their housing expenses already paid. This makes the student rentals have lesser delinquencies than other areas in real estate.
- International Student Tenants
Since your student housing property is located in a college town, you can expect many international students seeking out to rent. Universities in America are very active in attracting students from other countries. There will be a high demand for your property, and in turn, you will be left with no risk of having zero income.
- Concrete Structures
Most student rentals are built for comfort, so they usually come in concrete and high-quality construction materials. Students could not create considerable damage, unlike with other properties that may have used light materials.
The concrete structures also become more attractive for students to live in. This becomes a selling point for you to market. Young people always prefer to stay in a living space made of concrete because it gives them an impression of safety and security.
- Price Appreciation
Student housing properties usually have a good prospect for price appreciation in the future. Since many other investors will be interested in buying a property around this high-traffic area, the properties will increase in value almost every year. If you plan to sell and make more money through asset sales and profits, you can do so by buying now when it’s still affordable.
You may buy a purpose-built property now and have it rented out for some years. When the time is right, and the real estate has boomed enough, then you can sell your assets and make big profits.
- Maintain Market Rents
Some states in the country implemented rent control prohibiting property owners from raising rents until they get a new tenant. Unfortunately, this could be a real pain for them, especially if the existing tenants have no plans of moving out. Because of this policy, you are not entitled to ‘mark to market.’
However, when it comes to student rentals, you have the chance to do this simply because you will have an opportunity to attract a new crop of students every two years or so. This will not be a downside for you even when your property falls under a state that implements rent control.
You will always have new students come into your property because they will soon move out after finishing their undergraduate studies. Most of them often transfer and find a different place to live, which might be closer to where they’re going to work soon.
- Managed Property Investment
If you invest in custom-built student accommodation, it usually already includes property management. This allows you to entrust the administration to experts like the university itself or building administrators. This is intelligent investment management that is active and proactive.
On another note, you may also reach out to third-party real estate property managers who can do all the tasks that involve your property.
- More Significant Returns
The best advice to take when investing in student housing is to spread out your investments into a few stable properties with credible operators and, at the same time, take a risk to invest in new properties around some areas that have the potential for growing demand. Doing so will create a more balanced portfolio, so even if one property suffers from unpredictable circumstances, your overall investment will still balance out.
If you invest in a diversified and concentrated single asset, your returns are secure and sure. On the contrary, if you invest in several acquisitions, there are also opportunities for good returns with minimal risk.
Hence, the key is to spread out your student housing investment as much as possible because this will be a surer way to generate your desired returns.
- Student Accommodation Is Attractive
The amenities and facilities present in purpose-built student accommodation are already secured. These benefits are imperative for the daily lives of students and occupants in the building premises. For example, they can enjoy communal areas, high-speed Wi-Fi, and study areas. All these amenities become available and attract many student tenants.
One of the best features that your student housing can have is when the location is near to their university or close to shops, cafes, local nightclubs, and workplaces. When you choose to invest in student housing, you will benefit from higher yields and shorter void periods. This entails the certainty and security that many investors are looking for.
Student rentals, in summary, are a significant investment. Depending on the area you choose, you will indeed have the best returns, especially when it’s near a university, coffee shops, restaurants, and workplaces. Like any investment, though, there are always risks involved. What you need to do is to lessen the risk and contain it.
When you think about the trouble of managing a student housing unit or apartment, feel free to ignore this because you can always find a third-party real estate management company that can take over all the operations for your property.
Take advantage of investing in student rental properties if you are familiar with an area where it’s booming with students and lots of traffic. Invest now and wait for your returns to generate.
Meanwhile, if you want to read more such exciting lifestyle guides and informative property updates, stay tuned to Feeta Blog — Pakistan’s best real estate blog.
17 Benefits Of Investing In Student Housing
- Published in International, Real Estate, Real Estate Investments, Student housing
Why Software Engineers Should Invest in Real Estate?
You cut your teeth as an engineer, developing everything from simple applications to complex distributed systems used by millions of users. Maybe you work for one of the FANG companies (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google), and make six figures. You’ve been thinking about investing in real estate for some time, but you’ve held off because you believe there’s a high barrier to entry. Software is your world. You don’t have extensive knowledge of real estate.
What’s more, you work 60+ hours a week, and because of the amount of work, you don’t have time to study all the various ways of achieving financial freedom. So, you end up investing in stocks or crypto – and here lies a waste of capital allocation for software engineers.
Let’s face it: You didn’t land where you are today because you’re incapable of learning something new and complex. In fact, your expertise, attention to detail, and higher-than-average income make you the perfect candidate for real estate investing.
I decided to write this article to help techies like myself achieve financial freedom through real estate investing. And not only techies. This article is definitely one to read if you’re an engineer, product manager, designer, investment banker, sales manager, or another high-income earner.
Are you playing baseball in golden handcuffs?
What do baseball and golden handcuffs have to do with software engineers getting into real estate? You may not realize it, but most high-income earners like you are in a very sticky situation.
Employees stay with the same company for a variety of reasons. Exciting work. Thrilling challenges. Industry prestige. But of course, the main reasons they stay are the benefits: excellent base salary, stock, health insurance, and matching retirement plans.
All these exceptional benefits are “golden handcuffs.” They’re the juicy perks that encourage high-income employees to stay right where they are instead of seeking new opportunities.
Here’s where software engineers, golden handcuffs, and baseball players collide…
In large tech companies, software engineers can count on multiplying their total compensation by 1.3 every time they’re promoted to the next level. Let’s say you work for one of the FANG companies where compensation is pretty high:
- A junior engineer (SDE 1, E3, fresh grad) makes a $125K base salary + $100K in stock for total compensation of $225K per year.
- A mid-level engineer with 3-4 years experience (SDE II, E4), makes about $165K+ base salary + 130K or more in stock.
- A senior-level engineer (SDE, E5, 5+ years of experience) can easily reach $420K, $200K from base salary.
- Then there are E6s, who constitute approximately 10% of the engineers at FANG companies. E6s earn up to $550K in total compensation. About 5% of E6 Facebook engineers make $700K-$1MM+.
Their salary increases sublinearly by about 10% from one level to the next. Stocks rise superlinearly about 50% from level to level. Now, the stocks that these engineers hold have also increased in value by about 8-10% annually over the last few years. As a result, they contribute to the $700K-$1MM high earners for folks in their late 20s and early 30s.
Don’t get me wrong, being an E6 at Facebook or Amazon is tough. It takes a lot of skill to reach this level. Most E6s have natural technical talent and graduated at the top of their class. These are true “high performers.”
But if you’re an E6 who’s coding, mentoring, providing technical vision and strategy, and leading your entire team’s technical charter – you end up working 60+ hours per week. Can you continue to meet such high demands for the next 5, 10, 15 years?
The younger techs can.
Paul Peebles from Old Capital calls this phenomenon the “baseball player effect.” Fresh tech grads earn almost the same amount of money as lower league baseball players. Plus, their careers peak in the mid-30s. After that, they compete with the “fresh blood” who eagerly churn out 60+ hour weeks without issue.
It’s the same for software engineers. Once you’re in the mid-30s, you hit the peak in your career. Then, your career and compensation stop growing at the same rate as before, eventually coming to a standstill.
You have an exact window of time to distribute your resources wisely so you can afford early retirement and comfortable life without depending on an employer.
When it comes to investing, time is of the essence.
If you work and live in California, like most techies, you pay the government up to 50% of your income. As a result, even if you make $800K a year, you’re left with only $400K.
Most California-based techies live in shiny houses, costing $2MM on average. With a 20% down payment, you then pay $10K for the monthly mortgage. You’re now left with $23K per month for all other expenses.
Now add the family, kids, expensive cars, and vacation to the equation. All of this can cost up to $10K per month, leaving you with only about $150K per year to invest. Talk about lackluster!
And what if you only earn $500K annually? If your career and income peak in your mid-30s, you’ll need to allocate your funds wisely (while you still can) in the growth stage.
But here we are again: Working 60+ hours per week with no time to explore investment options. Let’s talk about how to change that.
Real Estate vs. Stocks
We can’t go into a head-to-head comparison of real estate vs. stocks because it’s like comparing apples to oranges. The factors that affect stocks or real estate values and returns are very distinct.
But, here are some thoughts I’d like to share with you on this topic:
It’s safe to say that most techies invest in the stock market because they think it doesn’t require that much research or money. When you buy stocks, you own a piece of that company. Consequently, you make money with value appreciation and dividends.
Then there’s real estate investing…
There’s a massive misconception that real estate investing requires a substantial initial investment and tons of time researching the market.
However, the ways you make ROI on stocks vs. real estate are entirely different. That’s why portfolio diversification is paramount.
With real estate, you acquire physical property. One of the most popular and sustainable ways to make money from real estate is by collecting rent. Another way is through appreciation – capitalizing on increased property value. Lastly, you can pay down your loan principal.
The advantage of real estate is that it is a tangible, diversifiable asset that you can control. In addition, real estate investing offers you some substantial tax benefits. Despite not having similar liquidity as the stock market, it provides long-term cash flow and passive income to help you retire early.
Real estate returns vs. stocks
Most syndications offer 6-8% cash on cash return and 10-12% total annualized return. It’s certainly better than the stock market, period. Yes, you could argue that real estate can take a hit during economic recessions. But this applies to the stock market too.
Here is a comparison of the total returns of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) and the Vanguard Real Estate ETF Total Return (VNQ) for the last 17 years:
Image by Sabrina Jiang © Investopedia 2020
Should you syndicate your own deal?
Real estate syndication consists of two parties. One group is the syndicators, who do all the work for you, such as finding and evaluating deals, getting the property under contract, hiring and overseeing the property management company, executing the business plan, and finally disposing of the property. The other group is the passive investors – they don’t do any work but invest $50K, $100K, or $150K. They do this so they can buy a large piece of real estate that they cannot buy otherwise individually. Syndicators make extra due to their sweat equity.
There are 2 types of people out there. Knowing which one you are will help you decide if being a real estate syndicator is right for you:
- First, there are high-income earners who believe they don’t have the time or interest to invest in real estate syndication. While that may be true, it’s problematic because not investing in real estate is a waste of capital allocation.
- Second, there are low-income earners who believe syndication is the way out of their situation. This is problematic because the quality of syndication is not that high.
I am a real estate syndicator myself and have invested in more than 1,500 units. I’m also a lead syndicator on two deals totaling 580 units. Let’s explore the pros and cons of becoming a real estate syndicator.
Pros and cons of being a real estate syndicator
Have you been visualizing yourself traveling the world while the income keeps rolling in from your investments? That might be your goal, but here are other benefits of real estate syndication:
- Steady wealth building. Although it often starts at a slow pace ($50K per year), once you buy your 400 and 500-unit properties, you may be able to replace your current income in as little as 3-4 years. However, these initial years do require a fair amount of work.
- Invaluable skills. The experience and skills gained by syndicating your deals are hard to acquire elsewhere. You learn asset management, how to stay in the game, and how to build a strong network of multifamily vendors, such as brokers and lenders. Even if you decide to buy multifamily independently without doing syndication, these skills are invaluable. However, make sure you enjoy the day-to-day of being a real estate syndicator.
- Great retirement is more than possible. When you commit to syndication and managing your assets, early retirement for your high-income lifestyle is within reach and sustainable.
Before you make a decision, here is a list of reasons why syndicating while having a high-income job is not necessarily worth it:
- Initial ROI vs. time spent. A sponsorship team makes around $1K per unit a year. The cash on cash ratio vs. property appreciation ratio is approximately 2:1. For example, if you purchase a 150-unit multifamily property, the sponsorship team earns around $150K per year. So, if you have 3 people on the team, you each end up with $50K per year, including appreciation. Without appreciation (only cash flow and asset management fees), it’s $33K per person annually. Those looking to replace their after-tax income from a W2 job will need 1,000 units to make $1M/3 = $333K a year in a 3-person sponsorship team.
- Risk and responsibility. Imagine being responsible for that much equity under management while only making $333K per year. Is it truly worth it? Take a moment to consider this before making a decision!
The bottom line: Real estate syndication is not rocket science. It’s mostly hard work, a little bit of research, and 5th-grade spreadsheet skills.
How to passively invest in real estate
If you’re a high-income earner and don’t have enough time to do research, passively investing with real estate syndication is your way to go.
It surprises me that while syndication provides an excellent resource for passive income, I’ve hardly met any FANG engineers in real estate syndication mentoring groups. It’s unfortunate because real estate syndication offers high-income techies an opportunity to diversify their portfolios and enjoy early retirement.
You don’t have to “work your way up” or spend a lot of time becoming a syndicator or general partner yourself. Passively invest in syndications!
Here’s an example of what that looks like:
I work in the tech world (engineering manager at Lyft). A few of my friends invest in my real estate deals. I take care of their tax filings, so I may have to call them from time to time.
While I’m doing all the paperwork, they’re out in Hawaii just surfing and enjoying life. Sometimes I get jealous. Why am I doing all this for them while they’re not working for any of the money that’s coming in?
That’s the power of passive investment in real estate. The return on your time equals infinity – especially if you have someone like myself doing the work for you.
A roadmap for software engineers looking to diversify into real estate
Diversifying your portfolio into real estate doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s what to do:
- Dive to blogs and podcasts to learn about real estate syndication. I’ve put together a list of real estate investing podcasts and a list of real estate syndication blogs.
- Buy your first rental property. Use it as a learning curve before investing in syndication. Once you experience being a landlord you’ll value all the effort that goes into keeping a rental property operating smoothly.
- Buy a house-hacking home. It will help you save a lot of money on mortgage payments and invest it into real estate. If your spouse doesn’t want to share the house, go for something that doesn’t cost $2MM.
- Passively invest in syndication, but check the syndicator’s background and track record. With Cash Flow Portal, we take care of this for you. On our platform, you can easily talk to them, check their references – even connect to meet for coffee! Make sure they are responsive, confident, and experienced. Check online reviews of the syndicator.
- Network with syndicators. Cash Flow Portal offers a simple way to connect with syndicators, vet them, and passively invest in their deals.
Author Bio
Perry Zheng is the founder and CEO of Cash Flow Portal, a real estate syndication software. He lives in Seattle, where he owns six single-family properties. Perry started real estate syndication three years ago. Today, he has more than 1500 units, raised over $16M, and is a lead syndicator on two deals totaling 580 units.
His goal is to help other syndicators succeed and overcome common challenges like raising capital and finding deals even while having full-time jobs. Perry is also a full-time engineering manager at Lyft. He worked at Twitter and Amazon before that.
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Why Software Engineers Should Invest in Real Estate?
9 Things To Check Before Buying Investment Property
The real estate industry has seen impressive development over the past few years, thanks to the growing number of prospective homeowners. Today, you can find all sorts of investment properties to purchase, whether it’s vacant land, a commercial structure, or a residential building.
One thing about many of these for-sale properties, however, is that they may seem impressive from the outside, but the interior is wanting. For instance, there are those that might require repairs or termite treatment before you can move in, which could easily hurt your budget.
That’s not to say every stunning building has a set of hidden issues, but it’s better to be sure before investing your hard-earned money. So, what are some of the things to check keenly in an investment property before accepting your next deal? Read on to learn more.
- Pest inspection
Pests can be quite destructive to structures, especially those with several wooden designs. Unfortunately, not every homeowner takes the idea of pest control seriously, which is why you should prioritize it in your home inspection process.
Of course, it’s almost impossible to determine such issues with your naked eye. As such, it’d be prudent to hire a professional expert to carry out the inspection in all the rooms. After the process, they’ll give you a full report and whether there are any signs of a future pest infestation.
You might be wondering how such an inspection will be beneficial to you. Well, for one, it’ll save you any future regrets. It can be quite frustrating to move into a house only to realize later that it’s infested with termites and other creepy crawlies.
Another advantage is the fact that it helps in uncovering any other hidden issues. For instance, pests might have messed up with the building’s structural design, which can easily go unnoticed.
With all these in mind, you’ll have the upper hand during negotiations. Of course, the help of a real estate agent might come in handy, especially when trying to estimate the final value of the property.
- Well water
Most residential properties have a private well which is the main source of water within the home. If your target property has this, it’d be wise to have it inspected thoroughly before going ahead with the purchase.
It’s a no-brainer that contaminated water can pose a risk to the health of its users. Well, water can be easily polluted depending on its location and the design of its seal. In fact, the latter should be your first warning sign as you commence the inspection process.
Again, it’s important that you hire an expert to test the well water and ascertain the condition of the well itself. Oh, and don’t forget to check the flow rate and pressure.
Drilling a new well can be very expensive. Therefore, you need to be sure that the available one is still useable; otherwise, it could come back to haunt you.
- Plumbing
Is the plumbing system still in good shape? This is another critical question that will need answers before you can invest your money in any given property. It doesn’t matter if it’s a commercial or residential property; poor plumbing can always lead to a lot of frustrations.
So, where should you start with the plumbing inspection? The aesthetics can be very appealing to the eye, but that doesn’t guarantee a fully functional plumbing system. Therefore, most of your checks here should focus on the operation rather than the appearance—although that’s another aspect.
One way of inspecting this section of the building is by checking the pressure of the water. Hook up a pressure gauge to the hose faucet in one of the rooms and turn it on when the rest of the sections aren’t in use. The recommended pressure is always anywhere between 30 and 80psi. If yours doesn’t meet this threshold, then there must be an issue with the plumbing system.
You can also get a miniature camera and drop it into the sewer line. Inspect for blockages and any noticeable damages along these sections. Remember, failure to carry out such inspections could leave you with repairs amounting to more than USD$5000, depending on the size of the building.
- Beware of any room fresheners
The easiest way to know whether there are some issues within the property is when there is an unpleasant smell. Of course, the sellers already know this and might decide to mask the smell with a room freshener rather than dealing with its root cause. As a buyer, if you’re not careful, the beautiful smell from these fresheners could fool you.
Take, for example, a house that was previously owned by a smoker. Of course, the tobacco odor rarely goes away immediately. If fresheners are used, it might be difficult for you to realize, but once you’ve moved in, it won’t take you long to notice the smell of tobacco. Apart from creating an uncomfortable environment, it could also lead to some health complications.
- Floor condition
Uneven floors may not seem much of an issue at first, but they can be quite frustrating for you as a new homeowner. For instance, if the living room has an uneven floor, it’ll be quite difficult to organize your furniture. For one, you might need to use some supporters to stabilize your tables, seats, TV stand, and other furniture.
So, how can you avoid such an experience? Well, it’s all about how you inspect the house. It’s always recommended that you bring a marble during the inspection and place it around various areas of the floor in every room you visit. This will show you any defects in the floor design.
Keep in mind that this isn’t proof of poor construction, especially if the house is quite old. Some houses can settle aggressively, and this will create a hump in the middle. Without inspection, some owners may not be aware, while others might want to play it down.
However, the fact of the matter is that this could be quite costly. The solution to deflections in floors may demand that you rip out the entire existing floor. In other words, you’ll need to reconstruct the floor from scratch; otherwise, you might have some unpleasant patches all over. Therefore, realizing this before taking the deal can save you a lot of money in the long run.
- Condition of the walls
Another very important factor you should open your eyes to is the condition of the walls. This is something that you can’t run away from because it determines the aesthetics of your home. For instance, no matter how organized your living room is, poorly designed walls will always drag your efforts back.
Some defects like worn-out paints and other naked damages are quite easy to trace. Remember, there is no ‘negligible’ damage when it comes to home inspection. For instance, there could be some stains left behind due to the tobacco residue in case you’re buying from a smoker. The yellowish-brown stains can be quite costly to get rid of as they’ll require a lot of scrubbing and two or more coats of paint. Therefore, be sure to record everything that you think requires attention before you can commence the negotiations.
There are, however, some issues that aren’t easy to notice. For instance, some people conceal water damage by painting over them. In the process, moisture is trapped beneath these paints, which can easily lead to the growth of mold. Black molds, generally, pose a threat to your health when you breathe in that odor.
So, how will you determine such issues? The biggest culprits when it comes to water damage are areas under the drawers, sinks, or beneath the tubs and toilets. In fact, if you come across warped sheetrock, that’s an indication that there might be some leaks, which could also mean that there is some water damage around the area.
Of course, the sellers are always required to disclose this information to their prospective buyers. If you happen to realize these issues during your inspection but aren’t mentioned in the package, then that could say a lot about the seller. In such a scenario, you have all the reasons to back out because you don’t know what else they’re hiding from you. In fact, depending on your state laws, the sellers might be forced to reimburse you for any costs incurred during the inspection.
- Are the walls soundproof?
Now that you’re impressed with the condition of the walls, it’s time to find out if they’re soundproof. This is quite important because of many things. For one, you will definitely need your privacy at some point, and when you have friends over or children around, it can be difficult if the walls aren’t soundproof.
Also, if you’re working from home, then we can’t stress how much this aspect is important. You wouldn’t want to be distracted by the noise from the living room while you’re busy with work in your home office. Of course, it can be difficult to tell with empty rooms, but you can still test it by playing music in other rooms while the door to your office is shut.
- Roofing
This is the first thing that you see the moment you enter that gate. This is a vital part of any home, and its condition should be confirmed before you can sign the deal. There are several things that you’ll need to check.
Here is part of the checklist;
- Broken or missing shingles
- Worn-out rubber boots supporting the vent pipes
- Damaged or missing chimney cap
- Cracked caulk
These are some of the factors to consider during the inspection. In addition to these, you might also want to check the design and see if it resonates with your needs. Some might be too old for a modern house, which means you’ll be forced to make a few changes—and that’ll be costly. It goes without saying that you’ll need to hire a professional roofing inspector for you to get the best results.
If there are some repairable defects, you can give the current homeowner some time to do the necessary. However, if it needs a lot of redesigning, then be sure to communicate the same and see if you can come to an agreement. Of course, if you don’t find common ground, then it’d be wise to move on to the next candidate.
- Ownership history
Knowing the condition of the house is one thing, but understanding its ownership history is another. So, why is this aspect vital? Inasmuch as it might not necessarily mean something, a house with high turnover should signal a red flag. Of course, people move out for various reasons, but when you have three people moving out within a space of 10 years, then that says a lot about the home itself and the neighborhood.
It’s worth noting that even in areas with the lowest average homeownership length, it’s estimated that most people hold on to their homes for at least eight years. Therefore, if several people are moving out within that period, then that means the house could have some hidden issues.
Unless you can find out these issues from a trustworthy source, it’d be wise to reconsider your options. There are high chance that you might be frustrated and end up listing the house within the first few years. The disadvantage, however, is that this will worsen the ownership history, and you might struggle to find the next buyer.
Many people end up regretting their purchase simply because they didn’t pay enough attention during the property inspection process. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a commercial property or your home. Inspecting it before finalizing the transaction is quite important. Checking the roofing, floors, walls, and plumbing system can save you a lot of money in the long run.
It’s worth noting that some repairs like uneven floors might require a total redesigning, which could be very expensive. Therefore, be sure to consult an expert before moving to the next step to avoid any unnecessary frustrations.
Also, if you want to read more informative content about construction and real estate, keep following Feeta Blog, the best property blog in Pakistan.
9 Things To Check Before Buying Investment Property
- Published in International, Real Estate, real estate investment, Real Estate Investments
5 Tips To Wholesaling Real Estate With Technology
If you’ve been around the real estate industry long enough, you might be familiar with the phrase ‘real estate wholesaling.’ It’s one of the best investment options for someone who’s low in cash but still wants to try their luck in this field. However, just like any other business, beginners tend to struggle due to competition and lack of a reliable buyer network.
However, that doesn’t mean you should give up on your dream. There is, of course, a wide range of solutions you could try, and you can always find one that works best in your situation. One of those options is virtual wholesaling.
Technology has become the magic bullet for just about any business-related problem. It most certainly has played a significant role in the growth of the virtual real estate wholesaling market. As a virtual wholesaler, you can do your advertisements on social media and various real estate websites.
So, how can you leverage the benefits of technology and improve your real estate wholesaling project? This article compiles a list of must-read tips for anyone looking to venture into this business.
What is real estate wholesaling?
Before going any further, it’s important that you understand the meaning of real estate wholesaling. Inasmuch as it’s a common phrase, many beginners still don’t get what it really means. It’s simply a short-term strategy employed by investors to generate significant profits within a short period.
You might confuse it with retail wholesaling, but the two aren’t related in any way. When dealing with ordinary goods, a retailer purchases items from a wholesaler in large quantities and then sells them to consumers at a higher price. That’s basically how retailers make profits from their businesses.
However, real estate wholesaling is totally different because, for one, it doesn’t involve bulk goods. Instead, the wholesaler, in this case, signs an agreement with a homeowner looking to sell their home. The wholesaler then looks for potential buyers and assigns the contract to the best candidate available.
It’s worth noting that the goal in real estate wholesaling is to find the right buyer before the contract signed with the original owner expires. In other words, money is only exchanged between the parties involved once a suitable prospective homeowner is found. (1)
In the past, it was necessary for the relevant parties to meet face-to-face before any deal could be made. However, with the advent of technology, most of the tasks can be done using phone call applications. Call Cowboy, for instance, is a modern dialing platform that’ll allow you, the wholesaler, to interact effectively and even hold remote voice meetings with potential buyers.
Tips for virtual real estate wholesaling
Now that you understand what it all means to virtually wholesale houses, how can you use technology to meet your needs? Well, for one, the process isn’t as complicated as you might believe. As mentioned earlier, though, wholesaling real estate is a short-term investment that requires you to find a buyer within the shortest time possible. Therefore, you need to have a working strategy prior to stepping into the market.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Do your research
The first step towards a successful real estate wholesaling project is conducting rigorous research. With the modern real estate market and any business for that matter, the more effort you put into your preparation, the higher your chances of success. Knowing the basics of real estate is one thing, but familiarizing yourself with the whole process of wholesaling is another. (2) So, as a prospective wholesaler, you need to understand how things work.
You can search through the internet for resources that’ll give you vital information necessary for any beginner in the industry. Google and YouTube, for one, are ideal technological platforms that’ll come in handy in this process. Also, in your research, make sure you look into all the legal requirements to avoid unnecessary frustrations in the future.
Of course, reading materials online will be of great help, but it would be wise to consult someone who has seen it all in the market. Remember, real-life experiences give you the exact feel of what to expect.
Find the right marketing techniques
Every business needs proper marketing strategies for it to rise above the competition and generate the desired profits. Real estate wholesaling is no exception in that regard. It’s worth noting that your primary goal in this business is to make profits, and that can only happen when the home is sold. So, the more people you advertise to, the higher your chances of finding a buyer who meets your needs and those of the original homeowner. (3)
So, which are the most effective marketing techniques in today’s environment? The main marketing approach in the modern world of business is social media networking. This is because almost everyone today has access to the internet and is registered to at least one social media platform.
Based on this, it’s safe to say that there’s a huge consumer base for any business on these social sites. You can, therefore, leverage this statistic to grow your outreach and build a network of potential buyers. Facebook, for instance, has an open marketplace where you can post your advertisement and wait for interested parties to contact you. Real estate and auction websites are another set of options that you might want to consider.
It’s worth noting, though, that even with the growth of internet marketing, phone calls and text messaging are still quite effective. Drop Cowboy ringless voicemail and other similar applications, for instance, can boost your outbound marketing by allowing you to deliver pre-recorded messages to the voicemail boxes of your potential buyers. The advantage here is the fact that you can send these marketing messages at any time of the day without being a nuisance to the other party.
Find motivated sellers
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned investor, the next step is to find motivated sellers. After all, you’ll need someone who’s willing to sell their house for you to get into business. But how do you go about this phase? Well, unfortunately, this is where many beginners start going wrong and end up being frustrated during their first sale.
Fortunately, nowadays, one can easily access a wide range of information in the real estate industry on their mobile device with a click of a button. You can use such features to your advantage when looking for motivated sellers. Rather than going around looking for listed properties, you can just use online tools to find houses on sale and check important seller data.
Some of the information you’ll be able to access are pre-foreclosure data, any important details about the property, and the seller’s contact information. As such, you can contact the original homeowner if you’re interested in whatever you’ve seen and start making offers.
Do your due diligence
But before you make an offer to the seller, you must make sure that whatever you’ve seen on the pictures meets your needs. As a beginner, it can be quite challenging to evaluate the market value of a given property while keeping in mind the cost of repairs and other expenses since you don’t have enough experience in the field. Therefore, once you’ve determined the location of the property, you can start by researching the average value of similar houses within the area.
Again, you can easily access these important pieces of information online. Just visit a reputable real estate website and make the comparison. There are also many repair estimate tools that you can use to do your calculations, allowing you to come up with a competitive offer to your seller.
If this seems like a difficult task, then your alternative option would be to network with other investors and agents, especially those working within your selected location. Find someone you trust in your network and consult them about the deal and you should go about it. Any professional will advise you according to the current market climate, which should give you an idea of where to start with your offers.
Once you’ve crunched the numbers up, it’s time to present your bid to the seller. Again, make sure whatever you’re offering will cater to all the repairs and still leave enough room for you to make a profit. It’s always recommended that you find a sweet spot somewhere between the highest and lowest possible valuation of the house. Remember, if you go too low, you might scare away the seller, and if you go too high with your bid, you’ll struggle to find a buyer.
Consider building a website
Finding motivated sellers and advertising their houses on social media platforms is a great way to start your real estate wholesaling business. However, once you’ve started gaining popularity, this method may no longer be sustainable. So, what’s your next step once you get to this stage? The best step you can take here is to build a business website where every operation related to your wholesaling venture will take place.
As mentioned, social media platforms are the most visited sites. However, having an engaging website can attract a portion of these online visitors. Adding videos on the website to bring properties to life can go a long way in attracting more users and potential buyers. Apart from pages where you’ll be posting new deals, you can add sections to your website for testimonials, blogs, and user engagement.
Advantages of real estate wholesaling
As mentioned earlier in the article, the real estate wholesaling business is constantly growing in popularity. But why are many people opting for this form of investment? What benefits does it bring to the investor? Here are a few insights:
Easy to learn
One advantage is that real estate wholesaling is friendly to beginners, hence anyone looking to have a taste of the real estate industry can start here. For one, it doesn’t require any license, and you don’t need a college degree to join the market. Is your account running low? Fortunately, the investment needed in wholesaling is negligible as compared to other real estate strategies. As such, you’ll be able to hit the ground running without too much hassle.
If you’re still learning the ropes in the industry, then this strategy is for you. It’s very simple to understand, even for someone who has never closed a deal before. All you need to know is how to find motivated sellers, advertise the property to potential buyers, and reassign the contract to the most suitable candidate. With proper guidance, you can end up closing multiple deals every month.
Quick returns
If you compare the amount of time it takes you to gain returns from new construction and a wholesale deal, the latter emerges as the clear winner. Depending on your level of expertise, you can close wholesale deals within a few days. In fact, those people who already know their way around the market can do so within hours.
Independent of your location
Another amazing fact about real estate wholesaling is that you can do this business from anywhere. With the growth of virtual wholesaling, you can literally sell a house based in a different country and time zone without physically visiting the place. In most cases, you only need a phone and a laptop to finalize a deal.
Real estate wholesaling is one of the most popular strategies in the industry. It involves a wholesaler whose responsibility is to find motivated sellers and buyers, quote two different prices for a given property to both and make profits from the difference. If you’re looking to join the rest of the industry, the best way to start is by doing enough research.
Once you’ve understood everything, you can start looking for sellers, assess the properties on offer, and make a bid. After agreeing with the seller, you can now start marketing the property using various technological platforms, like social media and real estate websites. Building your own website will also accelerate your growth in the market since people will know where to find you.
- “Five Things To Know About Real Estate Wholesaling”, Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesrealestatecouncil/2020/03/17/five-things-to-know-about-real-estate-wholesaling/?sh=373c9edf70a3
- “Eight Steps To Start Virtual Wholesaling Successfully”, Source: https://www.forcom/sites/forbesrealestatecouncil/2019/11/21/eight-steps-to-start-virtual-wholesaling-successfully/?sh=1fec9edf7d58
- “What is the Goal of Real Estate Wholesaling?”, Source: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/100214/what-goal-real-estate-wholesaling.asp
5 Tips To Wholesaling Real Estate With Technology
- Published in International, Real Estate, real estate investing, Real Estate Investments, wholesaling
Old Architecture Looks Like In Japan (30 Pics)
History, although not always correct, is very important to our society. Without it, there would be no traditions to follow today, culture to appreciate, or memories of our ancestors that we can learn so much from.
Instagram account Japan Property Central shares a really important part of history—architecture. Their photographers travel around Japan, capturing the oldest buildings and how they look. How they’re being used today. Many of them have been repurposed to be something else, like hotels, shops, or even homes.
The buildings are really beautiful and unique. The way they harmonize with the modern world around them is an amazing sight to see. These buildings are like monuments of history, a portal which transports you to old times.
More info: Instagram | japanpropertycentral.com
We got an interview with Zoe. She told us the main goal behind these photos: “To share the interesting buildings and homes in Tokyo and other parts of Japan, and the history and stories behind them. The older homes may be at risk of being demolished and redeveloped, so I want to try and document them while they are still standing. Sometimes I am too late.”
“A tatami shop in Tsukiji, Tokyo. Built sometime in the 1920s or 1930s, and still seems to be operating today. The building is a great surviving example of the pre-war shophouses found in Tsukiji and around Tokyo’s other historic merchant districts. If you look at the roof line you can see a line of windows showing a 3rd floor or attic that may have been added at a later date.”
japanpropertycentral Report
Here’s how Zoe got into photographing these buildings: “Out of necessity. I run a real estate brokerage and the property photos we receive from listing agents do not always show the property in the best possible light. Many times there are no photos at all. Many of our buyers are foreigners and expect high-quality photos before they will decide to inspect a home or apartment, especially if they are flying in from overseas. Often I will have to go and take the photos myself. I am still very much a beginner at photography.”
“The entrance to the Edo Senke tea ceremony estate in Ueno, Tokyo. The buildings are historic, having been shifted here from a Daimyo’s mansion in the 1860s. Wooden tea houses are relatively easy to dismantle and relocate, and it wasn’t unusual for old buildings or even parts of them to be moved and reused. It still happens today on occasion. When people talk about Japan’s scrap-and-build approach to buildings, they are not referring to the traditional construction methods that last centuries. Alas, the grounds of this estate are privately owned and not open to the public.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“Futaba Sushi, Ginza. First opened in 1877. The current building dates from the 1950s. Note the sushi ‘yatai’ cart built into the ground floor, right in the center. Sorry, no photography allowed inside the restaurant.”
japanpropertycentral Report
Zoe shares the difficulties she runs into while capturing the photos: “Trying to get a shot without a car or van blocking the building. I usually wait until there are no pedestrians or cars in the frame. It might only be a few minutes, but other times I have to come back later. Another challenge is that the streets are often very narrow (some streets are just 2 meters wide), so you need a wide-angle lens for some locations.”
“Gion Shirakawa at dusk. This laneway is a cobblestone shortcut near Shirakawa River. If you follow it you’ll end up at Shijo Street.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“Kiyomizu-dera Temple and its hinoki wood stage. Founded in 778. I wonder if this is the quietest it has ever been in its 1200 year history. The main hall and stage were built entirely without the use of nails (or screws) in 1633. The wooden foundation pillars below stand 13 meters tall and are made from 400-year old trees.
The main hall was covered in scaffolding for over three years while the roof was redone, and only just removed in February 2020. It had been 50 years since the bark-thatched roof had been replaced.
Many of the buildings within the temple grounds date from the mid-1600s. There were a few fires up until that point that had destroyed the even older structures.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“In my free time, I like to explore different neighborhoods and share some stories about the interesting buildings I find along the way. If I have an afternoon or an evening free, I’ll go for a walk around all the back streets of a neighborhood in search of some interesting buildings. You are almost guaranteed to find a few no matter where you go. Sometimes I will have a particular house in mind, or be in the neighborhood checking out listings for sale and use it as an opportunity to explore a little and take some photos.”
Here is how Zoe describes her style: “Chaotic. The city is just a jumble of power lines, street signs, bicycles, and construction. I would love to take clean and uncluttered photos but I am realizing that it is impossible in Tokyo. I no longer notice all the transformer boxes and power lines anymore.”
“Once Upon a Time. A bar in a historic brick storehouse in Yushima, Tokyo. Built sometime in the late 1800s. The bar owner has been renting this space since the mid-1970s. Downstairs has a bar counter and tables, while the 2nd floor has an event space.
Not sure how much longer this historic building will remain standing. The property owner wants to demolish it rather than repair it, with news of its potential future demise first reported back in 2013. Last year there were stories that it would close in 2022.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“An old shophouse alongside the Ikenoue Shopping Street in Tokyo. This would have once had a shop on the ground floor, but has been converted into a private residence some time ago.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“It has always been a personal interest. There’s an assumption that Tokyo is a big metropolis of shiny glass buildings and neon lights, but it’s a very old city with lots of more humble, older, and traditional streets that don’t get featured in the tourist guides. Something is charming about them, especially when they have a very worn patina and are lived-in and cared for,” said Zoe about how she came up with the idea to photograph old buildings.”
I started putting more effort into my company’s Instagram account about three years ago. I still have a very long list of places to share and neighborhoods to visit. I don’t think I will be stopping any time soon.”
“The Ogawa Dorayaki Store alongside Asakusa-dori Avenue. Dorayaki is made from two pancakes or pikelets with red bean paste filling. This little shop was a hold-out, and is now sandwiched between a 13-story office building on all three sides.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“This shophouse was built in 1918 as a hardware store. At a later point it housed a bar and restaurant but has sat vacant for the past few years.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“There’s something about living in a constantly evolving city like Tokyo that is very energizing and motivating. There’s always something to see or somewhere to visit. It’s also a very safe and clean place to live, and it is incredibly easy to get around by train with no need for a car. Some of the architects and building designs are among the best in the world. My favorite ones are the weird and unusual homes often built on tiny plots of land in the middle of the city. You have to be very creative to come up with some of the designs, especially when the land itself might be just 50 square meters in size.”
“Café Sakanoshita – a charming place inside a 90-year old renovated kominka house. Closed on Mondays. Unfortunate timing!”
japanpropertycentral Report
“Tenyasu Tsukudani, a store selling simmered and preserved food since 1838. This shophouse was built in the 1920s. The streets would have once been lined with buildings like this.
This part of Tsukuda has a history going back 400 years, and is where the traditional tsukudani preserved food originated.”
japanpropertycentral Report
Here is what inspires Zoe: “Being able to continue to connect with all kinds of wonderful people who are also into Japanese architecture, new and old, and who like to explore different neighborhoods. The most unexpected and fun part is seeing sketch artists in other countries create amazing artwork from photos I posted.”
“Tsuruse traditional inn and kaiseki restaurant. Built from Hinoki cypress wood in the 1920s~1930s, but the restaurant has been operating even longer. The outdoor terrace dining deck along Kamo River is the largest of its kind in Japan, seating over 200.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“The Philosopher’s Path (or walk). A peaceful path alongside the Biwa Canal. The historic canal was completed in 1890 and the 1.8-kilometer long walking trail was completed in 1968 thanks to efforts by local residents. It was named to honor Nishida Kitarō (1870-1945), said to be Japan’s most influential and significant philosopher of the 20th century. He would walk along this path each day on his way to teach at Kyoto University. He later moved to Kamakura, and his home there has been preserved to this day.”
japanpropertycentral Report
Zoe gives some advice to photographers and artists out there in the world: “It’s okay if you don’t know what you are doing or don’t have a particular goal with what you are currently doing. Do what makes you happy and gives you the most joy creating. Maybe it will lead you somewhere?”
“Tea House ‘Go-an’ by Terunobu Fujimori. Part of the Pavilion Tokyo 2021 / Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL being held in connection with the 2020 Olympics. Fujimori is known for his creative and often elevated tea house designs that are far from traditional. This one resembles a ‘yagura’ watchtower with a grass-covered base (the same turf used on race tracks) and burnt cedar walls. The ceiling is decorated with crushed cedar pieces. To enter, you must crawl through a small circular door at the rear and climb a ladder to the tea room upstairs. The tea house is a temporary structure and will be disassembled when the exhibit ends on September 5, 2021. Viewing the interior requires advance bookings.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“This group of three shophouses in Nihonbashi was listed for sale a little over a month ago for ¥149 million (US$1.35 million), and appears to have already sold, if the removal of all of the online listings is any indication. That means demolition is likely looming.
The terraces date from the 1920s or 1930s and are on Chuo City’s list of early 20th century modern architecture. Sadly being on that list, or having any type of official heritage recognition, doesn’t provide any legal protection to prevent these historic buildings from being demolished. A few from the list have been torn down in recent years, and more will follow. They are a wonderful example of kanban-kenchiku (#看板建築), or billboard style architecture.
The terraces sit on 92 sqm of commercially zoned land, and some suggested redevelopment plans for a 13-story block of 17 units with a potential gross yield of 8% have been provided. That’s a hugely impressive yield and a very low price for land like this. There’s a good reason, too – the land is leasehold. It’s the old, and almost perpetually renewable leasehold type, and the landowner is a major real estate company, so there is some stability with that type of landlord.
The majority of land in Tokyo and across Japan is freehold, but occasionally you might encounter a leasehold property. It’s really important that you fully understand the costs, pros and cons, and legal entitlements and obligations that come with leasehold properties, as they can easily be a source of disputes and troubles for the inexperienced.”
japanpropertycentral Report
The author tells us more about herself and her journey: “I first moved here about 15 years ago, after growing up in a rural part of Australia. I first got involved in the real estate industry in Japan in 2008 and opened my own real estate brokerage company in 2014. I did not speak any Japanese when I first moved here but studied for a long time after I arrived. You need to be fluent to work in real estate here as all of the sellers and agents will only speak Japanese, and all of the documentation and legal explanations are also in the Japanese language only.”
“The Yasaka Pagoda in Hōkan-ji Temple, Kyoto. First built in 592. It was destroyed in a fire in 1191 that broke out after a dispute between Kiyomizu Temple and Yasaka Shrine and had to be rebuilt. In 1291 it was struck by lightning and rebuilt in 1309. It was lost again to a fire in 1436. The current pagoda dates from 1440, making it 581 years old. The foundation stone for the central pillar of the pagoda is said to be the original one from over 1,400 years ago.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“Fujiya Ryokan and its ‘kawadoko’ river floor dining set up for the hot summer months. These floating floors first appeared over the Kibune River in the 1910s~1920s and have become a summer tradition ever since. Several restaurants and ryokans along this section of the river set up these tatami dining areas each year.
Fujiya Ryokan has one of the longest histories in the area, having been founded in the 1830s~1840s. ”
japanpropertycentral Report
“If you do get the chance to visit Japan in the future, don’t be afraid to skip some of the over-touristy areas and explore some of the more local neighborhoods. Instead of Shibuya Crossing, for example, I would go for a wander to try all of the coffee shops around Yoyogi-Koen, a 15-minute walk north, or head a few stations over to Shimokitazawa for some vintage clothing. If you are into old architecture, there is the Edo-Tokyo Open-Air Architectural Museum in Tokyo and the Meiji-mura museum in Nagoya (highly recommended!). Otherwise, you can still see a few old buildings around Tokyo’s former merchant districts like Tsukiji and Nihonbashi.”
“The offices of a prune company near Shibuya Station. Designed by Yuzo Nagata on behalf of Takenaka Corporation and built in 1985. The facade is clad in small granite tiles. Nagata founded his own architectural practice that same year. His works are often statement pieces with detailed tiled facades. Several of his designs are large private residences, including one in Omotesando.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“The former home of actor Denjiro Okochi, famous for starring in many samurai-themed movies. His two-hectare estate sits on the hillside just above the Arashiyama bamboo path and has sweeping views over Kyoto City. His main residence pictured above is called Daijokaku. It was built by Sukiya-zukuri master Kaichiro Usui and was completed in 1941.
The grounds are open to the public as the Okochi Sanso Garden, with an admission fee of ¥1,000 per person.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“The Toranomon Osaka-ya Sunaba Soba Restaurant. The current building was completed just before the 1923 Kanto Earthquake, although the restaurant itself has been operating since 1872. It was registered as a Tangible Cultural Property in 2011.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“The entrance to the Ro-an Teahouse in Shōsei-en Garden. The gate leads to a tea garden and represents the delineation of the serenity of the tea ceremony and the chaos of the world outside. This tea house was rebuilt in 1957. The garden and its structures were destroyed twice by fires, once in 1858 and again in the 1864 riot.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“The former Mitsui Family Shimogamo Villa. Built in 1925, although part of the home dates from the 1880s, having been detached and relocated here from their other, larger villa near Sanjo Street (since demolished). The European-influenced part of the house was the newer portion built in 1925. Despite the grandeur, this home was built as a rest-stop for when they visited their ancestral shrine nearby. The property was transferred to the national government in 1949, and from 1951 to 2007 it was used as the official residence of the president of the Kyoto Family Court.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“The merchant house of Nakashima Shokai. Built in 1928. The decorative sheet copper facade is a wonderful example of billboard architecture (kanban-kenchiku).”
japanpropertycentral Report
“A traditional setting in Tokyo’s Kanda district. An early postwar house now swamped by office buildings. Miraculously the sun is still able to shine down on the narrow laneway.”
japanpropertycentral Report
“Seikoro Ryokan, Kyoto. Established in 1831 as a traditional inn. The current buildings date from 1901 and 1921.”
japanpropertycentral Report
Note: this post originally had 100 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.
Old Architecture Looks Like In Japan (30 Pics)
- Published in abandon, abandoned, adventure, Architecture, Art, balance, build, buildings, creative, Creepy, culture, decades, eerie, exploration, explore, forgotten, full-page, furniture, harmony, History, home, Homepage featured, idea, International, japan, Japan Property Central, japanpropertycentral, live, memories, mess, modern, old, pass, past, People, period, Photography, photos, project, real estate company, remember, repurposed, reuse, sad, scary, space, stories, story, time, time period, Tokyo, travel, vintage
50 Times Architects Outdid Themselves (New Pics)
Many things can shape a city—its culture, history, social life, or food scene. But perhaps the most distinctive feature would be architecture. Some buildings can completely fascinate you with their astonishing design and pure aesthetics. Through careful urban planning and understanding of the cultural background, the structure of a city can carry you through time while still leaving you in a very particular place.
Need convincing? Let me introduce you to this subreddit page, an online community with more than 923K members. It is dedicated to sharing interesting architecture and some of the most eye-pleasing images of buildings you could find. If you wish to immerse yourself in other customs, traditions and the everyday life of the locals, this is the place to be.
Continue scrolling and upvote your favorite pictures! And if you’re still in the mood for some more, make sure to check out Part 1 of this post.
#1 Sun And Moon Pagodas In Guilin, China
Image credits: oddprophet63
Even if people say that architecture is not about words, sometimes it may seem like buildings can speak to you. One reason for this could be that construction specifics, curves and the whole style of a building tells you its history. What were the prevailing ideas or opinions at the time, the traditions, celebrations—everything’s in the details.
Since its creation in 2011, this Reddit community continues to share pictures of “the beautiful impossibilities that we want to live in”. According to the moderators, “Individual images of buildings are the focus of this subreddit,” and it’s true. The page is full of high-quality pics of architecture that will interest and inspire you.
#2 The Shambles In York, England
Image credits: Fuckoff555
It’s no secret that beauty is relative. If the structure looks weird to you, it does not actually mean that the creator has poor taste. According to architect, designer and artist Ron Arad, what we consider beautiful architecture is actually all about the “culture, context, personal history, acquired taste and, most importantly, ideas. When an architectural problem is solved by an idea, that idea is always there to be seen in the building – the idea has a visual manifestation that is beautiful.”
Another architect, Sam Jacob, said that aesthetics is actually not an essential consideration in architecture: “Beauty, if it’s anything, is a psycho-cultural phenomenon. After all, it’s an idea (or a sensation) that is not inherent to a thing but a qualitative value thrust upon the object of our gaze.”
The cycle of beauty goes like this: shock, then acceptance, then mainstream before it becomes the one thing to rebel against. “When people use the word beauty in design, they are seeking refuge from all of the difficulties of modern life – all of its doubts, fears and challenges,” he explained.
#3 Mont Saint-Michel, France
Image credits: j3ffr33d0m
#4 Osaka Castle, Osaka, Japan
Image credits: Sunkisty
However, being pleasing to the eye is not the only attribute of great architecture. It can also tell a lot about us as human beings. One of the main things they teach you about ancient cultures is in fact the structures they built. Through it, we can get a glimpse of what the builders and other people living there were like. Let’s take ancient Egyptian civilization, we see the pyramids, the temples, the Sphinx and can immediately get a sense of how they viewed their rulers and religion.
#5 Kyoto, Japan
Image credits: Sunkisty
#6 Inner Walls Of Ta Prohm Monastery. Cambodia, Khmer Empire, 12th-13th Century
Image credits: MunakataSennin
Also, big historic events like The Industrial Revolution had an effect on many life aspects. The birth of mass production of iron and steel was a game-changer in construction. It allowed to design bigger and lighter structures and gave a path to Modernism. So one way or the other, all revolutions and historic changes influenced the way we see and think about design, and if we would take more time to observe it, we could clearly see how.
#7 Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest
Image credits: KantKay11
#8 Athens
Image credits: forestpunk
#9 Jewel Changi Airport, Singapore
Image credits: Roku80
If design concepts tell so much about our culture and environment, what would they say about our present way of life? One very important topic now is sustainability. The U.S. Energy Information Administration stated that buildings generate nearly 40% of annual global CO2 emissions and that the global building floor area is expected to double by 2060.
#10 Two 17th Century Half-Timbered Houses At Hohe Straße 18 And 19 In Quedlinburg, One Of The Best-Preserved Medieval And Renaissance Towns In Europe That Escaped Major Damage During World War II. Harz, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
#11 The 24 Year Old ‘Wisteria’ Cottage. This Beautiful Cottage Is Located In Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland
Image credits: TheGuvnor247
#12 This 50-Foot Tall Statue Of A Native American Woman In South Dakota Titled “Dignity”
Image credits: karmagheden
Since the population and sea levels will continue to rise, architects will have to adapt. Architecture Quote is an innovative platform where you can find the right architect for any type of project you have in mind. According to them, “Architecture is the solution to poverty, overcrowding, and land depletion.” They provide a few thoughts on what future trends in construction will look like.
#13 Chefchaouen, Morocco
Image credits: bakhtura2403
#14 Tree House, Singapore
Image credits: tanmaypendse63
#15 The Neuschwanstein Castle In Germany Looks Even More Stunning In Snow
Image credits: SophiaJohnson123
Nowadays, architects are urged to take into account sustainability, carbon footprint, price, and innovations. When it comes to choosing building materials, timber seems to be a trend that’s coming back. It has been used for thousands of years and there still are some buildings that can be dated back to 6000 B.C. “Timber is an inexpensive, light, and easy material to work with during construction,” Architecture Quote explained. “The future of architecture inches closer and closer to more eco-friendly, sustainable solutions each year. Timber actually stores carbon and helps our planet.”
#16 Ruyi Bridge, China
Image credits: Dee_Odj
#17 Concrete Bench, Part Of The Santuario Dell’amore Misericordioso Complex, Todi, Italy (By Architect Julio Lafuente, 1953-1974)
Image credits: tanmaypendse63
#18 English Country Garden Surrounding Asthall Manor, A Gabled Jacobean Cotswold Manor House Originally Built In The 1620s And Later Altered And Enlarged In The 1910s. Asthall, Oxfordshire, England
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
Plywood and newspaper wood are also being used more frequently due to the new look that they give. There’s the growing idea of repurposing materials for a new use, like newspapers. They are especially popular in small living spaces since they give a sense of warmth to the interior.
#19 Casa Batlo, Barcelona, Spain
Image credits: Industriosity
#20 My Favorite Castle In Germany
Image credits: nico_shoot
#21 This Is One Of My Favorite Museum’s Stairs (Paris)
Image credits: redcattino
According to the platform, glass is also considered to become an important material in future housing. There’s a new glass technology that can harness heat from the sun and add to the insulation of the building. “This is particularly exciting for energy efficiency and sustainability in the future,” they said. “Future buildings feature more and more glass as we have learned that it can help with stress, anxiety, productivity, and depression.”
#22 Evening Scene In Bremen, Germany
Image credits: granta50
#23 Tolbooth Tavern, Edinburgh / Sir Lewis Bellenden
Image credits: langshot
#24 Wooden Houses In Bergen, Norway
Image credits: MassiveCunt1
Another thing that is considered is earth materials. Even though making walls out of mushrooms might sound crazy, it is possible. And it’s actually better for us to breathe in. “Materials like mud and adobe have been used since the beginning of civilization. The architecture of the future has taken inspiration from the past.” Using the resources that our planet provides us is not only greener but also economically attractive.
#25 Ornate Carvings And Solomonic Columns On The Stone Steps Leading To The Water In Varenna, A Town On The Scenic Shores Of Lake Como, Northern Italy
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
#26 Las Lajas Shrine – Built 1916 -1949 Designed By J. Gualberto Perez & Lucindo Espinosa – Nariño, Colombia
Image credits: 43mysticalSquirrels
#27 Kapaleeswarar Hindu Temple In India
Image credits: Rapama2
Besides, there are new types of buildings that are emerging due to our fast-paced lives. For example, tiny or modular homes. They provide a less environmental impact while saving you time and money. With small homes, you don’t have to stay at exactly one location, you can roll your house anywhere you wish. With modular architecture, houses are built off-site and being delivered already finished to the site.
#28 Old Gatehouse In Northern Ireland
Image credits: I_am_person6969
#29 80 Metre Climbing Wall Built On The Side Of A Power Plant In Copenhagen, Denmark
Image credits: 99Blake99
#30 The Frog House In Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Image credits: Faiiven
“The demand for these small homes is on the rise and we can expect to see many more tiny homes in the future. Architects are building for smaller and smaller spaces as populations rise, whether it is a tiny home or a small apartment. The future is all about small.”
#31 La Casa Pàdua, An Example Of Catalan Modernism Architecture Originally Built As A Single-Family Residence In 1903, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi District Of Barcelona, Spain
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
#32 English Garden Of The Coton Manor, A 17th Century Country Manor House That Was Extended In The 1920s, Coton, Northamptonshire, England
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
#33 Cathedral Of Saint Mary Of The Flower, Florence
Image credits: Maksele
Lastly, let’s not forget green buildings. According to the World Green Building Council, “A ‘green’ building is a building that, in its design, construction or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment.” So it seems that the hope for the future of architecture is using low-waste and reusable materials, living tighter, greener and more mobile.
#34 Walzin Castle On A Cliff Overlooking The River Lesse, A Castle That Started Construction In The 13th Century And Was Restored Several Times Since, Namur, Wallonia, Belgium
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
#35 San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane, Lugano, Switzerland
Image credits: Dee_Odj
#36 Architectural Juxtaposition In Clinton Hill Historic District, Which Consists Of 1,063 Largely Residential Buildings Built Between The 1840s And 1930 In Contemporary And Revival Styles Popular At The Time, Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, New York City
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
Even though the facts of environmental impact and population rise sound alarming, such architectural trends are giving us hope to be excited about the future of construction. Admire these photos on your screen and try to think about how they reflect our lives. And if that seems like not enough, we have some more stunning architecture right here and here.
#37 Stone House In The Small Village Of Tissington, Derbyshire, England
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
#38 Concrete Turret Of The Félix Potin Building, A 1904 Art Nouveau Department Store With An Exterior Of Moulded Concrete Casts On Rue De Rennes, 6th Arrondissement Of Paris, France
Image credits: ManiaforBeatles
#39 Ghost Sculpture In The Castle Of Vezio, Italy
Image credits: karmagheden
#40 Imam Reza Shrine, Mashhad, Iran
Image credits: BrilliantFamous6570
#41 Grand Central Terminal, NYC, The Sun Can’t Shine Through Like That Now Due To The Surrounding Tall Buildings. 1929
Image credits: SHIVANSH_RTX
#42 Sainte-Chapelle At Paris, France
Image credits: chardrizard
#43 Windows Of Paris
Image credits: TheHammershoi
#44 Traditional Old Wooden Houses In Trakai, Lithuania
Image credits: 43mysticalSquirrels
#45 Snowy Evening, Oxford University
Image credits: granta50
#46 Old Bridge Over A Modern Road. Dublin, Ireland
Image credits: trinerr
#47 Top Of Tribune Tower, Chicago Illinois
Image credits: MessyGuy01
#48 Cairo, Egypt
Image credits: manbel13
#49 The Architecture In Some Older Power Plants Were So Unique And Ornate, This One Built In 1925 Was A Neoclassical Design Inspired By Roman Bath Houses. Although It Has Seen Better Days It’s Still Beautiful And Dripping In History
Image credits: st-jawnthebaptist
#50 The First Of The Two Round Houses Constructed In Moscow 9-Storied, 936 Flats, Built In Late 1970s
Image credits: ElectronicRhubarb841
50 Times Architects Outdid Themselves (New Pics)
- Published in 700-page, Architecture, buildings, Homepage featured, images, interesting designs, interior, Interior Design, interiors, International, Pics, pictures, reddit, subreddit
Woman On Twitter Shows Major Interior Design Flaws Of This Castle That Costs $60M
Various movies, books and cartoons romanticized living in a castle and that would be many kids’ dream to live in one. Some adults may think so too because they also know about what kind of lifestyle is associated with it. However, the reality of living in a castle is very different as many of them are really old, need renovations and modernization.
That is why some people who have enough money build their own dream castles with all the commodities that modern times offer and with even more features that the old ones don’t have, like a cinema room or a golf field.
If you go to look through the listings of houses, you might not find a castle that easily, but they are definitely there. Twitter user Rebecca Makkai actually came across one and its interior and exterior are so unusual, the owner’s story is so crazy, and it can be rented for unusual events, so it caught her eye.
Twitter user Rebecca Makkai shared an unusual property listing she found and it was an actual castle
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Rebecca Makkai is a writer from Chicago and on her Twitter, she shared a long thread of pictures of Christopher Mark’s castle with a moat surrounding it with some interesting facts about the place and the owner taking advantage of her talent to make it an interesting read.
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
It is a modern-day castle, built in 2010 and it resembles a Disney one but a little bit more creepy and less magical
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
The castle was built in 2010 by Christopher Mark, the grandson of Chicago steel tycoon Clayton Mark who was one of the pioneer makers of steel pipe in the US. It is located in Connecticut, around 40 miles from Hartford.
It looks quite fairy tale-like, something similar to what can be seen in Disney movies about princesses and it’s not a coincidence as Christopher Mark dedicated this castle to his daughters who liked to dress up as if they were part of a royal family.
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
The castle is currently owned by Christopher Mark, who had it built for his daughters and he is now selling it for $60M
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
The property with the land surrounding the castle covers 75 acres and the castle has 18,777 square feet (1744 square meters) of living space with 9 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 12 fireplaces, an underground garage, seven floors and an elevator. There are secret passageways, a dungeon and a moat. The castle is surrounded by a pond, so why not take advantage of it and dig a ditch? On the ground floor, there is a home theatre and complete performing arts stage.
The construction on the castle began back in 2003 and cost $4,100,000. It was a long project and more than 100 artisans from all over the world got involved in it. The wooden doors you see in the pictures were actually hand-carved by a local Connecticut boat builder. Although the style may not be everyone’s favorite, but the construction and the designing of the castle required a lot of effort and time.
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
It has 10 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, 12 fireplaces, 7 floors, an elevator, a performance stage and many other crazy features
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
It was first listed for sale in 2014 for $45,000,000 and the price changed a couple of times but nobody bought the castle and in 2016 the listing was removed. In June of last year, it reappeared again and the price was $35,000,000, which is $3,000,000 more than before removing the advertisement. Interestingly, a few days ago, on 23 of January, the price had a drastic jump to $60,000,000.
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Even though the style is not Rebecca’s cup of tea, there was a lot of effort put into the construction and design of the castle as over 100 artisans worked on it
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Both the exterior and interior of the castle are really eccentric, extravagant and just over the top, so the buyer must have a specific taste, but they must also have some spare millions in their bank account. It’s definitely not a traditional family house.
Rebecca, who posted the thread, seems to not be very fond of the decisions that were made to pull everything together. She points out that there are quite a lot of clocks inside that may be there to remind people that time is what is killing us, unless the moat will be useless and the Visigoths will do that first.
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Not only did Rebecca talk about the arrangement of the rooms, she gave some interesting facts about the owner’s life
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
She draws our attention to a room that you could say is eclectic as it features some branches that might allude to an enchanted forest from the above-mentioned fairy tales about princesses right by the flat-screen TV and above the marble floors.
The dining room is, for some reason, guarded by suits of armor and the nearby room is decorated with two elephant statues looking down to a family crest integrated in the wooden floor.
Christopher Mark is the great-grandson of Clayton Mark who started using steel for pipes
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Christopher didn’t live in the castle with his family for too long as his wife filed for divorce
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Another weirdly arranged part of the house is the kitchen, which is round and has a column in the middle of it with storage space for spices.
Rebbeca’s favorite part is what seems to be an office space where the different-sized chairs just make sense.
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
He then invited his girlfriend to live with him but when she gave birth to their child, Christopher broke up with her over text
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
The writer continues her engaging story to talk about what happened to the castle after it was built. Turns out, Christopher Mark lived there with his wife Mary Galt and two daughters, but she filed for divorce and left.
Then he invited his now ex-girlfriend Marina Isakova to the castle, who left her husband and took her daughter with her to live with him. After she gave birth to Christopher’s daughter, she was reportedly banned from the castle. What is more, Christopher refused to pay more than a required minimum for the child support, so Marina had to live off food stamps.
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
What is more, he refused to pay more than the minimum required childcare and he was allegedly involved in the starving of a camel
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Another scandal surrounding the castle was a dead camel. So the castle had a zoo and it was called Wilderness Kingdom, Inc. Besides the camel, the zoo once housed an emu and a zebra. During the divorce litigations between Chrostopher and his wife, Mary, they both accused one another of starving the camel to death.
Despite the family drama attached to the castle, even though it hasn’t been sold yet, it hasn’t stayed empty all that time. It has held events like music performances and weddings and it was involved in the making of the 2020 Hallmark movie One Royal Holiday.
As nobody has purchased the castle, it was repurposed for various events and a movie was filmed in it
Image credits: rebeccamakkai
Image credits: ErinEdw78312460
The castle leaves quite an impression; it is for you to decide if it is a good or a bad one. We would like to hear if you would live there if you had the money. What is your favorite and least favorite part of it and why do you think it is still on the market?
Woman On Twitter Shows Major Interior Design Flaws Of This Castle That Costs $60M
List of Banks Providing Home Loans in Pakistan
Who does not want the luxury of having their own home?
It is the dream of most of us. Living in a rented house may become frustrating and annoying. Privacy and comfort are usually absent in rented spaces and oh… don’t forget the sky-high utility expenses. A place you can call home is indeed a blessing.
However, building a home in today’s era can be very difficult due to the increasing cost of raw materials, labor, and property tax. Before getting a loan for the home you exactly know about the plot size conversion. Once you know the exact size of your land then it is easy for you to get a loan with a proper plan. Thankfully, some banks are providing home financing for Pakistani people.
All you have to do is pay a certain amount of money every month to the bank. This makes the whole construction process easier and more practical. A person belonging to the middle class and upper-middle class can enjoy the perks of their very own home, all thanks to home financing.
We have outlined a very useful and thorough comparison among different banks so that you can see how the whole loan thing works.
Before starting off with the article, we would like to highlight that the costs and interest rates mentioned in the content are for Islamabad. The interest rates, terms, and conditions may differ in other cities.
Also, these figures are related to an average 5-marla house in Islamabad. The cost of construction is taken as Rs. 26 lac, and the payback period is 15 years.
You can change the cost of construction, income bracket and payback period according to your preference. The primary objective of this article is to educate people about the interest rates, processing fees and basic requirements of every bank.
If you want to know about the breakdown of construction costs of a 5-marla house, then do check out Cost to construct 5 marla house where we have sketched all the costs associated with the grey structure of a 5 marla house for sale. There are many construction companies that provide high-quality construction services at an affordable price.
APR stands for annual percentage rate. It is the annual interest rate that the person has to pay the bank. Secondly, the repayable amount is the total amount (principal amount and interest amount) that the person has to pay back to the bank.
List of Banks Providing Home Loans in Pakistan
1. Bank Alfalah
Alfalah Home Finance is giving home loans on easy terms and conditions. You can apply for a loan amount starting from Rs2 million to Rs. 50 million, payable in 36 to 240 monthly installments.
The minimum salary requirement for the filer is Rs. 70,000, and the age limit is 23-60 years. Documents required for loans include CNIC, salary slips, 12-month bank statements, and two years of employment under the current employer.
Website: Bank Alfalah
2. HBL
Through ‘HBL Home Loan,’ you can apply for a loan amount starting from Rs2 million to Rs. 15 million, payable in 60 to 240 monthly installments. HBL is also offering a loan calculator on its website that you can use to calculate the loan amount.
The minimum salary requirement for HBL is around Rs. 100,000. The person should be 22-60 years old. The documents required are CNIC, salary slips, a 12-month bank statement, a minimum 5-year experience, Pakistani nationality (Resident & nonresident Pakistani), and a letter from the employer.
Website: HBL
3. MCB
You can apply for a loan amount of up to Rs. 25 million, payable in 12 to 240 monthly installments.
The person should have a monthly salary of Rs. 50,000 and should be 21-60 years of age. The documents required include CNIC, salary slips, a 12-month bank statement, and proof of Pakistani residency.
Website: MCB
4. Askari Bank
Askari bank offers loan amounts starting from Rs. 500,000 to Rs20 million, payable in 36 to 300 monthly installments.
Just like MCB, the minimum salary requirement for Askari Bank is Rs. 50,000. The age limit is 22-60 years, and the documents needed for further processing include CNIC, salary slips, and a 12-month bank statement.
Website: Askari Bank
5. UBL
You can apply for a loan amount starting from Rs. 1 million, payable in 36 to 240 monthly installments.
To get the loan, the person should have a monthly income of Rs. 50,000. They should be 23-65 years old. The papers needed are CNIC, salary slips, a 12-month bank statement, proof of Pakistani residency, and proof of 12 years of employment.
Website: UBL
6. Bank Al Habib
Like other banks, Bank Al Habib is also providing a loan starting from Rs. 300,000 to Rs. 20 million, payable in 240 monthly installments.
The minimum salary requirement is Rs. 60,000 and the age limit is 23-60 years. The things needed for the paperwork include CNIC, salary slips, and 12 monthly bank statements.
Website: Bank Al Habib
If you want to verify your driving license by sitting at home, read: the process of driving license online verification in Pakistan.
7. JS Bank
JS Bank offers home loans ranging from Rs. 500,000 to Rs. 100 million, payable in 12 to 240 monthly installments.
For JS Bank, the salary bracket is a bit high. The minimum salary requirement is around Rs. 70,000. The person should be 21-60 years old and should have CNIC, salary slips, and 12-month bank statements with them.
Website: JS bank
8. Meezan Bank
With Meezan Bank, you can apply for a loan amount starting from Rs. 500,000 to Rs. 50 million, payable in 24 to 240 monthly installments.
Meezan Bank gives loans to a person who has a monthly income of around Rs. 40,000. The age bracket is 25-65 years, and the papers required for further processing include salary slips, 12-month bank statement and 2-year employment proof.
Website: Meezan Bank
9. Standard Chartered
Saadiq Home Financing division of Standard Chartered is also giving loans. Like HBL, this bank is also providing an online loan calculator for its customers. You can apply for a loan amount starting from Rs3 million to Rs30 million, payable in 12 to 240 monthly installments.
With Standard Chartered Bank, financing is available for up to 75% of property value. The salary requirement and age requirements are Rs. 50,000 and 21-60 years, respectively. If you are interested in getting a loan from SC, then do bring your CNIC, salary slips, 12-month bank statement and a letter from your employer with you.
Website: Standard Chartered
10. Summit Bank
Summit Bank allows its valued customers to apply for a loan amount starting from Rs. 300,000 to Rs. 100 million, payable in 12 to 240 monthly installments.
The base pay for Summit Bank is Rs. 80,000, and the age limit is 23-60 years. The documents needed for formal paperwork include CNIC, salary slips, a 12-month bank statement, and a letter from the employer.
Website: Summit Bank
11. Bank Islami
Bank Islami is also offering home financing, starting from Rs. 200,000 to Rs. 50 million, payable in 24 to 300 monthly installments.
The minimum salary requirement is Rs. 51,000, and the age limit is 25-65 years. Bank Islami requires CNIC, salary slips, a 12-month bank statement, 6-month employment proof, and the last 6 months’ utility bills for documentation.
Website: Bank Islami
12. Bank of Punjab
The BOP is also offering home financing from Rs10 million and above, payable in 240 monthly installments.
The person should be earning around Rs. 40,000. They should be 21-60 years old. They should also have CNIC, salary slips, bank statements and a copy of utility bills with them.
Website: Bank of Punjab
13. Al-Baraka
Al-Baraka is giving out loans starting from Rs0.3 million to Rs. 35 million, payable in up to 240 monthly installments.
The minimum salary requirement is Rs. 50,000, and the person should be around 21-60 years of age. The documents required include CNIC, salary slips and bank statements.
Website: Al-Baraka
14. MCB Islamic Bank Ltd
MCB, being one the leading banks of Pakistan is also giving a loan amount up to Rs. 30 million, payable in 24 to 240 monthly installments.
The minimum salary requirement is Rs. 60,000. Your age should be around 25-65 years. The documents needed are CNIC, salary slips, bank statement and a minimum of five years in service.
Website: MCB Islamic Bank Ltd
15. NBP (National Bank of Pakistan)
National Bank of Pakistan also provides home loans to its valuable customers on easy terms and conditions. NBP home loan provides the best home loan rates in Pakistan because of its variable annual return policy.
Under the NBP Saibaan program, the bank is providing construction loans and purchase loans to its customers. The maximum amount that you can get is around Rs.35 million for a period of 3 to 20 years.
To avail of the loan, the person should be at least 22 years old with a net income of around Rs.10, 000 (if he or she is a government employee) and Rs.15000 (if he or she is privately employed).
To apply for the loan, you need to have the following documents with you:
- Two attested passport-size photographs.
- Two attested copies of your CNIC.
- Two attested copies of CNIC of references.
- Cheque for the processing charges.
- Cheque in favor of legal counsel for a legal opinion.
- Cheque in favor of Valuator for valuation report.
- Cheque in favor of income Estimation Company for income estimation report, if applicable.
- Property Documents: an attested copy of title documents available.
- Bill of quantity (BOQ) in the case of HC and LPC.
Website: National Bank of Pakistan
16. Faysal Bank
The home loan program of Faysal Bank operates under the diminishing Musharakah principle. In this program, the bank and the customer purchase the asset jointly. The bank then rents out its share of units to the customer.
When all the units are being paid by the customer, the asset gets shifted in the name of the customer and he becomes the sole owner of that specific property.
Currently, the following types of loans are available:
- Home purchase.
- Home builder/ Plot + construction.
- Home renovation.
- Home re-finance (Transfer existing home finance facility).
To avail of the loan, the person should be a citizen of Pakistan. The salaried person should have a net income of Rs.100, 000 and the age limit for the loan is between 21 to 60 years of age.
The following documents are required by the bank for the application process:
- Copy of CNIC.
- 2 passport-size photographs.
- Last six months’ salary slips.
- Salary certificate/employment certificate (Designation, date of Joining, permanent – status, salary Breakup).
- Last 12 months’ bank statement (Original).
- Copy of complete property documents.
Website: Faysal Bank
17. Dubai Islamic Bank
If you are looking for a home loan without interest in Pakistan, then consider this bank. Dubai Islamic Bank is also providing home loans for its customers, that too without any Riba (a concept in Islamic banking that refers to charged interest). So, all those people who do not want to get involved with any kind of interest can opt for this bank as it provides loans up to Rs.75 million.
A Musharakah agreement will occur between the customer and the bank. The bank will purchase the asset for the customer and then it will lease out that property to the customer. When the amount of the loan is paid in full, the bank will shift the complete ownership to the customer.
The following types of home loans are being provided by the bank:
- Home purchase.
- Home renovation.
- Purchase of an undivided share of the property mortgaged by other banks (Balance transfer).
- Construction finance.
- Age: 25 to 60 years old.
- Monthly income: Rs.40, 000 for salaried employees and Rs.50, 000 for self-employed.
Website: Dubai Islamic bank
Document required:
- Copy of primary applicant’s CNIC
- Copy of co-partners CNIC
- 2 passport-size photographs
- Tax returns
- Copy of utility bill
- Professional degree (for self-employed professionals only)
- Salary certificate/proof of profession
- Latest salary slip
- Bank statement of the last 12 months & bank certificate
18. Allied Bank Limited
Allied Bank Limited is one of the most famous banks in Pakistan that provides home loans on easy terms. If you are a Pakistani citizen within the age bracket of 25 to 57 years and have a net income of 50,000 per month then you are eligible for the home loan.
You can get Rs.40 million in loan and you can repay it within 3 to 25 years, depending upon your preference and budget.
However, unlike many banks, Allied Bank requires you to have a prior relationship of around 6 months with a bank.
The following types of loans from the bank are available at the moment:
- Home/apartment purchase
- Home construction (Land already owned)
- Home Renovation
- Buy land & construct a home
- Last six months’ bank statement (ABL / any other bank, as the case may be)
- Copy of CNIC/ Smart NIC
- Proof of income
- Complete and duly signed “Application Form”
Website: Allied Bank Limited
19. Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited
Khushhali Microfinance Bank provides home loans for renovation and repairs. If you are someone who wants to renovate their house and are looking for finances, consider this bank. Khushhali Bank is providing home loans up to Rs.1000, 000. Your tenure for the month is between 6 to 120 months.
- Age: 25 -60 years (65 years for pensioners)
- The annual income of the applicant should be equal to or less than PKR 600,000 per year
- Residing in the house/ ownership of the house (if the property has been given on rent) for at least 1 year
- Salaried individuals must be working with their current employer for at least 2 years
- 2 years of business experience
Website: Khushhali Microfinance Bank
20. Silk bank
Silk Bank is also providing home loans to its customers in easy installments. It is considered to be one of the best banks for home loans in Pakistan.
An eligible person can get a loan amount up to Rs.2 million and the tenure to return the money is between one to 5 years. You do not have to give security on the loan as well.
- Pakistani residents
- Foreign nationals with an approved company guarantee
- Salaried individuals
- Age: 21-65 years
- Income: minimum Rs.40,000 monthly
Website: Silk bank
All the content provided in this blog post is for educational purposes. The information provided in this article is should be considered for educational/ entertainment purposes only.
You get a loan for small businesses or startups as well. There are million business ideas out there, each catering to a different customer segment.
Pros of getting a home loan in Pakistan
- First of all, getting a home loan means that you are getting ownership of a tangible asset. A home loan will ensure that you become the owner of a house where you can retire after a long tiresome day.
- Financing a home can be difficult. For most of us, paying in bulk for the construction of the house is nearly impossible. This is when the banks come to our rescue. They provide you with the capital you need to build your house and let you return the money at easy terms and conditions.
- Very few people know that there are tax benefits attached to the repayments of home loans. The interest portion of the EMI paid for the year can be claimed as a deduction from your total income.
- Home loans also allow you to save on rent. The amount that you were paying to stay in someone else’s home can now be used to finance your tangible asset. Also, a home loan can save you from the uncertainty that you face when you are living in a rented property.
Things you need to know before signing up for home loans
- Unlike personal loans, home loans are long-term. When you get a microfinance loan or a personal loan, you pay it off within 2 to 3 years. but when you sign up for home loans, keep in mind that it will take 10-20 years to return your loan. If you are ready for this kind of financial commitment, go for a home loan for sure.
- When you purchase a home or build a house using a home loan, remember that you will not become the 100% owner of that property. You will only get full ownership of the property after making all the installments.
If you will fail to make the required installments, the bank has the authority to take legal action against you. In the worst of cases, can lead to you being evicted from the home and the bank taking possession.
Any action that you take upon the information on this website is strictly at your own risk. For more information on home loans, visit the bank’s website.
There are many online calculators like 1 trillion in crores conversion and home loan calculators in Pakistan. If you want to calculate and compare costs, then you can use Home Loan Calculator.
Currently, no bank is providing interest-free loans in Pakistan. However, the banks that we have mentioned above are offering loans on easy terms. If you meet all their requirements, you can easily get a loan against property in Pakistan. Get to know swimming pool construction costs in Pakistan.
Browse these banks and their terms and then decide which bank is best for your home loan in Pakistan. Get to know the best insurance company in Pakistan.
After building homes people are more concerned about home safety. For that, try installing a home automation system that makes your home smart.
Are you someone who has already received a home loan from any bank? If yes, then do share your personal experiences related to bank loans. We would love to hear from you. Get to know factors affecting the real estate market.
List of Banks Providing Home Loans in Pakistan
- Published in Al Baraka Bank, Alfalah Home Finance, Allied Bank Limited, Askari Bank Limited, Bank Al Habib, Bank Islami, Bank of Punjab, Dubai Islamic Bank, Faysal Bank, Habib Bank Limited, home loans, International, JS Bank, Khushhali Microfinance Bank, Lifestyle, loans, Loans for house, MCB Islamic Bank Ltd, Meezan Bank, Muslim Commercial Bank, National Bank of Pakistan, Silk bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Summit Bank, United Bank Limited
Top 18 Family Vacation Spots in Pakistan in 2020
“Take vacations, go as many places as you can, you can always make money, and you can’t always make memories.” ~ Unknown.
I love vacations! What about you?
I truly believe that vacations are crucial for our personal growth and development. Not only do vacations give us ease of mind but they also broaden the horizons of our knowledge and learning.
Vacations give us a chance to relax and enjoy the world around us. It is always a good idea to take a break from the sluggish and boring routine and devour the marvels of nature around us.
Islamabad is a place of beautiful landscapes and the second most beautiful capital in the world. There are certain haunted places in Islamabad if you are curious about these places you should add these places in your list.
However, international trips can be pricey, especially when you are traveling with your family. Luckily, Pakistan is loaded with excellent yet inexpensive family vacation spots. Pakistan should not be underestimated when it comes to vacation destinations since it has some of the top places to visit in the world.
You do not have to go to Switzerland to experience the natural beauty and all that greenery. Similarly, you don’t have to hunt for an exotic beach in the Maldives to experience the fresh and soothing effect of the sea. Although Maldives is offering free entry for Pakistani passport holders the accommodation and food are quite expensive.
Apart from solo travelers, Pakistan is excellent for people who want to travel with families. Cafés in Karachi are perfect for hangouts with friends and family. There are lists of amazing and best places to travel with toddlers in Pakistan.
If you are someone who is looking for a nice and memorable family vacation spot in Pakistan, then keep on reading. We have come up with an amazing list of cool places to visit in Pakistan.
1. Naltar Valley
This is a beautiful valley situated on the outskirts of Gilgit Baltistan. If you are a big fan of lush green sceneries and out of this world lakes then Naltar Valley is your go-to place. It has mountains covered in snow, a very beautiful valley, lakes and most importantly, it has the longest chairlift in Gilgit.
In short, it is the perfect spot for families who want to have some family time in a cool and quiet place.
2. Neelum Valley
Neelum Valley is situated in Azad Kashmir district. Apart from its outstanding views and sceneries, the place is famous for fishing and angling activities. If you and your family are interested in fishing and devouring trout by the lake, then do check out Neelum Valley. If you want to get away from the scorching heat of June and July in Pakistan, then try vacationing in this area.
3. Deosai Plains
The place is also known as ‘the land of giants’ because of its wide and huge plains. Deosai plains are also known as the second-largest plateau on Earth. It is situated in the Gilgit Baltistan region. The best time to visit the place is August because the place is booming with millions of colorful wildflowers, a sight you do not want to miss.
There is a national park as well which serves as the home of many endangered species of animals such as brown bears and the national animal of Pakistan, Markhor. Indeed, it is an excellent vacation spot for kids because they can have a rich experience of the flora and fauna of Pakistan.
4. Siri Paye
Do not confuse this mesmerizing place with the food, Siri Paye. Just kidding!
It is a beautiful and lush area located near Kaghan. Some of the places a person should visit in Siri Paye include Makra Peak, Malika Parbat, Musa ka Musala and the mountains of Kashmir.
However, one should keep in mind that this is an isolated place with steep and dangerous paths. So, if you have small children with you, you probably want to opt for another less risky place. But if you only have grownups in your group then Siri Paye is your place to go.
5. Swat Valley
Who has not heard about the outstanding Swat Valley? Did you know the youngest Nobel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai also hails from Swat Valley? Swat is situated in the Malakand region of Pakistan. The place is packed with waterfalls, scenic views, and greenery.
The place is also very famous for its stones and emerald mines. You can easily find many beautiful pieces at a very affordable rate. So ladies, if you are looking for stone jewelry, then do visit Swat.
6. Bahawalpur
Bahawalpur is a beautiful and historical city situated in Punjab, Pakistan. If you are a big fan of historical places then you should visit Bahawalpur. The city is filled with strikingly beautiful architecture and polo grounds. Horse riding and hunting are also common in Bahawalpur.
You should see the Noor Mahal and Darbar Mahal – both buildings belonged to the royal family of Bahawalpur. The palaces look gorgeous at night.
Some of the other places that you should visit are Abbasi Masjid, Bahawalpur Zoo, Derawar Fort and the national park. If you and your family members have a knack for history then you should not miss Bahawalpur. Try going there in winter because the city gets quite hot during summer.
7. Gwadar
This place is one of the best family vacation spots in 2020. Who wants to spend an insane amount of bucks on exotic beaches and yummy seafood when you already have Gwadar? Gwadar is a port city located in Baluchistan. You can view the mesmerizing Arabian Sea from Gwadar.
Kallang Beach and Gwadar Beach are no less than any other beaches in the world. You can visit the Hammerhead, Omara, Princess of Hope and national parks located in the city.
8. Saif ul Malook
It is one of the best family vacation spots on a budget. Jheel Saif ul Malook is situated in the Kaghan Valley. The place is breathtaking and often regarded as heaven on earth. The crystal-clear water and wildflowers leave you in awe. There is a myth that fairies come to this lake on the 14th of the lunar month.
9. Murree
Every Pakistani knows about Murree. We all have been there at least once in our lives.
Murree is one of the most famous vacation spots in Pakistan. Every year, thousands of people visit this place. It is a 45 minutes’ drive from Islamabad. The beautiful hill station has been winning hearts for ages now.
The hill station was founded by the Governor of Punjab, Sir Henry Lawrence in 1851. It was previously used as a sanatorium for the British troops. With the passage of time, it became one of the most popular vacation spots in Pakistan.
Mall Road in Murree is famous for its bazaar where you can find lots of local products such as key chains, decoration pieces, clothes, embroidered pieces, and wood products.
You can also take a stroll at the Kashmir point. The cool breeze and majestic trees add more beauty to the place. Also, do not forget to enjoy the chairlift in Patriata. Trust me, it will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. You can see the whole city from up there.
While you are in Murree, don’t forget to try hot pakoras and chutney from Chara Pani. Mall Road is also loaded with innumerable street food stalls such as soup, fries, karahis, burgers, fries, pakoras, and broasts, etc. Murree also has a cinema. That means you can also enjoy your favorite movie over there. In short, Murree is one of the best options for vacations. An interesting fact about Murree is that some people believe that Murree is named after the Virgin Mary.
10. Chitral
The next vacation spot on our list is Chitral. Chitral is located in the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa region and is known for its beautiful landscapes and valleys. Chitral is perfect for people who want to experience unique music, culture, and rich cuisine. Interestingly, around 14 languages are being spoken in Chitral alone. How cool is that?
While you are in Chitral, do visit the Chitral Polo Ground. The annual Shandur Festival happens in this ground. Also, Chitralis love polo and there are plenty of polo matches happening at the place now and then. You can also visit the Chitral Museum and Governor House. Did you know that Chitral was the first princely state that acceded to Pakistan after independence? The Mehtar of Chitral, Muzaffar-ul-Mulk, stated his intention to accede to Pakistan on 15 August 1947.
11. Kalash Valley
Kalash is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Pakistan. The valley is further divided into three main regions: Bumburet, Rumboor, and Birir. Among them, people usually visit the Bumburet region because it is easy to reach and there are plenty of hotels in the region.
The culture and traditions of the Kalasha people are very unique and interesting. The people follow the animism religion (Animism is a religious belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence).
Also, you need to see the traditional dresses of the Kalasha people. Their clothing is vibrant and full of beautiful embroidery. The headdress which they wear is very heavy yet they carry it beautifully.
Several festivals are celebrated in Kalash Valley every year such as Chilam Joshi, Uchau and Choimus. These festivals are a perfect depiction of Kalash’s culture where there are dances, music and loads of food and drinks. The people of Kalash Valley are said to be the descendants of the army of Alexander the Great who was left behind in the region.
Get to know the top restaurants in Lahore.
12. Arang Kel
Arang Kel is one of the most beautiful places in Pakistan. Arang Kel is a small but strikingly beautiful village located in Azad Kashmir. Green meadows full of flowers, gorgeous wood huts, and clear waters define Arang Kel.
The lush green meadows, beautiful plains, and mind-blowing weather are enough to make you fall in love with the place. The place can be accessed by either trekking or by chairlift. Arang Kel is also known as the pearl of Neelum Valley.
13. Lulusar
Lulusar is another exceptional vacation spot located in the Naran region. It takes 1.5 hours from Naran City to reach Lulusar. You can easily reach Lulusar Lake with any vehicle. Get to know how to apply for a vehicle license. However, you must keep in mind that there are no hotels in Lulusar and one has to stay in Naran City.
The lake is enclosed by gigantic snowcapped mountains and lush green grounds. Lulusar is also the primary source of the Kunhar River which runs across the whole valley.
14. Skardu
Skardu is located in the Gilgit Baltistan region and is known for its scenic views. The place is situated near the Indus River, which separates the Karakoram Range from the Himalayan mountain range.
The history of Skardu is very old. It was part of the Tibetan Empire and a very important cultural region for them. The weather in Skardu is perfect in summer. The best time to travel to Skardu is from April to October. After October, the temperature falls significantly. The temperature can reach −10 °C (14 °F).
There are beautiful places near Skardu that you can visit with your friends and family. These places include Skardu Fort, Shigar Fort, Satpara Lake, and Kachura Lake. If you are up for adventure and trekking then do visit Skardu.
15. Nathia Gali
Nathia Gali is a mountain resort located near the Abbottabad District. It is one of the most beautiful hill stations in Pakistan because of its scenic views, beautiful weather and peaceful environment.
The whole place is packed with pine, cedar, oak, walnut and maple trees. Don’t be afraid if you spot monkeys on your way because they are harmless. There are many historical sites in Nathia Gali as well such as Saint Mathew’s Church and the Governor House.
If you are a big fan of hiking then you have to visit the Mukshpuri Top. The hike is a bit difficult if you are a beginner but once you reach the top, you feel like you are at the top of the world. You can see the whole region from the top.
16. Kumrat Valley
Kumrat is one of the best places to visit in Pakistan. Kumrat Valley is a gorgeous valley located in the Dir district. The beautiful valley is tucked in between huge mountains and lush green trees. The place is also known for its exotic fauna and flora.
There are fewer hotels and staying places in Kumrat but you can camp aside the waterfalls and streams. Jahaz Banda and Kotora Lake are the main attractions of Kumrat Valley.
17. Attabad Lake
Did you know Attabad Lake was not present before 2010? Yes, you heard me right. Attabad Lake was formed after the Attabad disaster in which there was a huge land slide in the area. The incident resulted in losses but today, the place is attracting tourists from around the world. Attabad Lake is one of the most visited places in Pakistan. Every year, hundreds of tourists visit this place. It is situated in the Gilgit Baltistan region.
If you are someone who loves recreational activities like boating, fishing and jet skiing then Attabad Lake is the perfect place for you.
18. Sonmiani
Who needs the Maldives or the Bahamas when you have Sonmiani Beach right here in Pakistan? A lot of people are unaware of this exotic beach located near Karachi.
Sonmiani Beach is just 1.5 hours away from Karachi. It is located on N25 Highway which connects Karachi with Makran Coastal Highway. If you want to spend some luxurious and peaceful time with your loved ones, then do visit this out-of-this-world beach. It has state-of-the-art resorts and guest houses. It is a perfect spot for picnics and BBQ parties as well. The sandy beach with seashells, crystal clear water and the cool breeze takes you to another world.
I would like to end this piece with a very famous quote by Bill Bryson which goes like this:
“I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything.”
Pakistan is full of amazing tourist sites. There are a lot of tourist places in Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi that you visit with your family and friends as well. Islamabad is full of amazing lush green parks, and natural beauty. There are a lot of places in Islamabad to visit, as well. Some dams in Pakistan are the perfect vacation spot, providing you with swimming spots, beautiful scenic views, and fishing. To see the true and beautiful colors of Pakistan, one has to visit places in Lahore. All we need is recognition and exposure from our people. This was our selection of beautiful places in Pakistan that you can visit with your friends and family. These places in Pakistan are no less than any other vacation spot in the world. If you need to get fit, visit some of the best gyms in Islamabad to maintain your healthy lifestyle.
Get to know the list of schools in Karachi.
These were our suggestions for the best family destinations in 2020. Do let us know about your favorite vacation spots in the comment section below. We hope you find the family vacation ideas for families on this list. Like the best tourist spot, Pakistan has the best restaurants as well. If you are a food lover you should visit these amazing restaurants as well. Get to know one billion in Urdu conversion
Happy vacations!
Top 18 Family Vacation Spots in Pakistan in 2020
- Published in International, Tourism
A Vision for Real Estate: How IMARAT Group is Reshaping the Industry
Pakistan’s real estate industry is transforming conventional practices through digitisation and international investments, thanks to the IMARAT Group of Companies. IMARAT came into the real estate sector with the vision to transform the real estate sector and change the future of the industry that will last for years to come.
In this article, Feeta.pk gives an extensive overview of the path that this company is taking to revamp the real estate sector.
Envisioning a Transparent Real Estate Sector
IMARAT is built on the sole principles of Integrity, Respect, Innovation and Drive. Adhering to these principles is what makes the foundation of this group not only strong but also sparks the innovation and discipline that is crucial to reshaping the future of this industry.
With this vision, IMARAT has brought back the confidence of overseas Pakistanis to invest in Pakistan. All commercial and residential projects require clarity and security to endow trust in potential investors; only then the project can succeed.
With the digitization of records, and transparent and efficient delivery of projects, it is safe to say that IMARAT has played a significant role in encouraging overseas investors to invest in the country. Currently, IMARAT Group is operating all across Pakistan and has also expanded internationally, with offices in UK and Dubai.
OADD for Transparency in the Industry
Fraudulent schemes and societies have affected a lot of investors in Pakistan. To avoid such scams and assist people in making the right choice, IMARAT believes in the OADD systemization that clears any doubts that investors and buyers may have.
IMARAT Group believes in verifying the ownership of any land or property before adding it to its platform. This ownership saves a lot of customers from wasting their money fraudulently on property that is not transferred to them.
Besides this, the system of checking NOCs and approvals of housing schemes is a must for properties and housing that are uploaded with IMARAT Group.
Moving on to the next step, Demand is important before actually deciding on getting a property. IMARAT Group believes in guiding people to make the right choice at the right time. Checking the demand of a project is crucial, as it will directly affect the value of the property and the profit that it generates.
While IMARAT works on verifying properties to give the best to its customers, the group takes pride in promising and delivering its projects exactly as per promise. This not only embarks trust for their name in customers but has also led IMARAT Group to be a trusted group that has transformed the real estate industry.
Feeta.pk – Pakistan’s Very First and Authentic Online Real Estate Marketplace
Feeta.pk comes under the umbrella of IMARAT Group of Companies and has, since its launch, simplified consumer experience when it comes to the real estate market. Feeta.pk provides a complete and transparent marketplace that assists buyers and sellers in finding ideal properties that are not only authentic but also a good opportunity to go for. This online platform is the ideal place to put your properties up for rent, find properties for rent, buy and sell your properties.
Agency 21 International
Agency21 International caters to the growing needs of authentic property transactions in the real estate marketplace. This agency was launched keeping the need for transparent property transactions in mind.
This comes under the belt of IMARAT Group, set in the year 2016, this agency came into the industry with a vision to reshape real estate dealings. It offers broker services by keeping the best of interest of both parties involved in a deal, besides assisting in the legal proceedings for the transaction.
Agency 21 has a team of trained professionals who have a thorough knowledge of areas and property trends, ultimately guiding you with the best property options so you can make an informed choice.
This company aims to be the first premium national real estate brand in Pakistan and has already started operations in twin cities.
PropSure – Digitized Data Bank
PropSure is a digital revolution for the real estate industry to verify the authentication of properties across Pakistan. With this platform, buyers can easily check the ownership of a property they potentially want to buy. This digital verification of properties helps incorporate clarity in the real estate industry through a check and balance system.
IMARAT Group’s Practices – Construction Waste Management
Construction Waste is a massive issue that is keeping the real estate industry at par with developing and adapting new and sustainable ways. This neglected issue can be resolved only by incorporating the approach of 3Rs (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse). IMARAT Group implies sustainable practices in their construction to contribute minimal waste and conserve the environment.
Sustainable Construction not only reduces pollution but also redeems the additional waste that will be saved from going into landfills. Reusing and recycling is a great way to save cost, and the only way to move forward now that sustainability is the key to the future of real estate, all around the world.
Introducing Five-Star Hospitality Services in Pakistan
Pakistan has vast potential in the tourism industry, yet has long suffered the lack of five-star, state-of-the-art hospitality services. This is due to the neglect that affected keeping up with international standards.
However, IMARAT is reshaping hospitality in Pakistan by bringing in Five-Star hospitality services under their collaboration. This will be a helping hand to accommodate foreign tourists who come here and want to relax in a hospitable environment.
Recognising Pakistan’s booming potential in Tourism, IMARAT Group joined hands with Marriot International to bring two of their luxury hospitality brands to Pakistan. These brands are Courtyard by Marriott and Residence Inn, which IMARAT will construct keeping international standards and quality in view.
IMARAT Group Brings International Giants to Invest in Pakistan Real Estate
Chairman IMARAT Group, Shafiq Akbar, after the successful setup of multiple companies in Pakistan, has brought in Turkish giants to invest in Pakistan’s real estate.
After a successful grand event in Islamabad, the President and Chairman of ADO Group and ADOPEN, Mustafa SAK, showed interest in investing in the real estate sector of Pakistan.
Given the past years where real estate fluctuated, this is a huge step in the right direction that will transform the industry.
IMARAT Group – Mega Projects in Commercial and Residencial Real Estate
IMARAT Group has successfully delivered premium projects in the commercial and residential sectors of the industry. From hotels to malls to apartments, a wide variety of projects has brought in a lot of development and efficiency for real estate in Pakistan.
IMARAT Builders Mall
IMARAT Builders Mall is a megaproject that is dedicated to fulfilling your building material, fixtures and construction, needs, all in one place. This innovative concept of bringing luxury and comfort under one roof is Pakistan’s very first, and one-of-a-kind mall.
The mall will be constructed as a five-story building that consists of various brands that offer building materials that cater to construction projects of all kinds.
The mall comprises a range of lighting and fixtures that feature luxury options to reasonable items that you can choose accordingly as per your demand.
Besides this, sanitary fittings and kitchen accessories are also a part of this mall. Everything from flooring to furniture to accessories, this project is a complete one-stop shop if you’re building a home, an office, or any other construction project.
IMARAT Builders Mall is a unique project that not only offers convenience but also a variety of options that makes it easy for you to choose the best for your construction needs.
IMARAT Residences
IMARAT’s vision for vertical landscaping in the country is not only sustainable but also affordable given the rising economic fluctuations. IMARAT Residence is a luxury apartment project that offers a contemporary lifestyle that is ideal for people who want to enjoy the finer things in life.
This apartment complex is not only limited to residential units but will also feature a budding business space. IMARAT Residences is an amalgamation of the finest living standards. It is one of the most-awaited up-and-coming projects that will redefine smart living in Pakistan.
Golf Floras
Golf floras is IMARAT Group’s luxury apartment project that is located just beside Bahria Golf Course, which is a scenic state-of-the-art golf course. These golf-facing apartments give you just the scenic view from your home that you need.
The best thing about investing in these apartments is the mesmerizing views of the green grass layout that you can see at all times.
Golf Floras is located just between the twin cities, which is one of the most convenient localities given that it offers easy access to both cities. It is located in Bahria Town Phase-8 and is easily accessible via Bahria Expressway which is at the distance of just a 5-minute drive away from the GT Road.
Amazon Outlet Mall
Amazon Outlet Mall is one of the finest additions to the commercial real estate of the twin cities. It is a luxury mall that features all high-end brands in one place, along with unique places. Amazon restaurant in the Amazon Mall is an Amazon rainforest-themed restaurant that perfectly sets the aesthetic for people who love nature.
Besides this, the mall also features a designated floor for children’s recreational activities and rides as well as a food court that comprises the best food chains from across the country.
One of the best things about the Amazon Mall is that it features a rooftop restaurant that perfectly captures the daylight scenes and night views of city life around. Not only is it a refreshing environment, but also a beautiful view with quality food that you’re sure to fall for.
G-11 Hotel
The G-11 Hotel is located in sector G-11 and is currently an investment project that is under the works. This project is at its prime time for investors who want a handsome monthly return in the coming years.
The hotel features luxury accommodations, restaurants, pools and amenities that will attract visitors and tourists from all across the country. This hotel will feature 4-star hotel services in Islamabad.
Florence Galleria
Florence Galleria is the first-ever luxury boutique mall located in the twin cities. IMARAT Group has initiated this project with a renaissance aesthetic in mind that will feature architectural mastery in its exterior. This project is designated to be built in DHA 2 and will have access from the main GT Road.
This building will not only feature shopping brands but also a four-star hotel that imparts luxury renaissance in its services. It is a classic take on commercial projects in Pakistan and will be one of the leading hotels that offer luxury accommodations.
Besides shopping and accommodation, Florence Galleria will feature a state-of-the-art well-being center that will assist in relaxation and rejuvenation that also feature specialized health clinics. These health clinics will offer health facilities ranging from dentistry, hair transplant, dermatology, nutritional consultation, etc for your fitness needs.
Florence Galleria is a CDA-approved luxury project, that is currently under construction and is a great opportunity for investors.
Mall of Arabia
Mall of Arabia is a project by IMARAT Group that will feature the aesthetic of the world’s most dynamic malls. It will ideally be located on Faisal Avenue, which is the most prominent area of Islamabad. This mall is yet to be the avant-garde that will feature innovative digital interaction and a media facade that will assist brands in revolutionizing customer experiences.
Given the need for scrutiny that is important in the real estate industry for making the right investment, IMARAT Group has played a significant role in revolutionizing the aspect of real estate transparency that is crucial for the development of this sector.
If you’re looking for more information about IMARAT Group of companies and other companies under its belt that is reshaping the real estate sector of Pakistan, follow our blog at Feeta Blogs to stay updated.
A Vision for Real Estate: How IMARAT Group is Reshaping the Industry
- Published in International, Real Estate
Understanding the Different Types of Forex Trading Strategies
The foreign trading market, commonly known as Forex, is a vast and highly liquid financial marketplace where currencies are traded. With an average daily trading volume exceeding $6 trillion, Forex offers tremendous opportunities for individuals and institutions to engage in speculative trading, investment, and risk management. To navigate the complexities of this dynamic market, traders employ a wide range of Forex trading strategies. These strategies are diverse, encompassing various techniques, timeframes, and risk levels, all aimed at capitalizing on price movements and market trends.
What is forex trading:
Forex trading, short for foreign exchange trading, is the act of buying and selling currencies in the foreign exchange market. It is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets globally, where individuals, institutions, banks, corporations, and governments trade currencies against each other. The primary purpose of Forex trading is to profit from the fluctuations in currency exchange rates.
In Forex trading, currencies are always quoted in pairs, such as EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar), GBP/JPY (British Pound/Japanese Yen), or USD/JPY (US Dollar/Japanese Yen). The first currency in the pair is called the base currency, while the second currency is called the quote currency. The value of a currency pair represents the amount of quote currency required to buy one unit of the base currency.
Forex trading takes place 24 hours a day, five days a week, due to the global nature of the market and the different time zones of major financial centers around the world. The market operates through a network of financial institutions, brokers, and electronic communication networks (ECNs), enabling participants to execute trades electronically.
1. Introduction to Forex Trading Strategies
Forex trading strategies refer to various techniques and approaches used by traders to analyze and execute trades in the foreign exchange market. These strategies aim to capitalize on currency price fluctuations and market trends.
2. Fundamental Analysis Strategies
Fundamental analysis strategies in Forex involve evaluating economic indicators, news events, and central bank policies to assess a currency’s intrinsic value. Traders use this analysis to make informed decisions about potential currency movements in the market.
2.1. News Trading
News trading is a fundamental analysis strategy in Forex where traders make decisions based on the impact of economic news and events on currency values. It involves reacting swiftly to news releases to capitalize on price movements.
2.2. Economic Indicators Analysis
Economic indicators analysis in Forex involves using trading calculator to assess the impact of key economic data on currency pairs. Traders utilize these tools to make informed decisions based on fundamental factors affecting the market.
2.3. Central Bank Policy Analysis
Central bank policy analysis in Forex involves examining the decisions and actions of central banks to gauge their impact on currency values. Traders must be cautious about Forex trade scams when accessing information from unreliable sources.
3. Technical Analysis Strategies
Technical analysis strategies in Forex involve studying historical price data and market patterns to predict future price movements. Traders use various tools and indicators, such as moving averages, candlestick patterns, and support/resistance levels, to identify entry and exit points for profitable trades.
3.1. Trend Following Strategies
Trend following strategies in Forex involves identifying and trading in the direction of established market trends. Traders use technical indicators and chart patterns to confirm trends and ride the momentum for potential profit opportunities.
3.2. Range Trading Strategies
Range trading strategies in Forex involve identifying price levels where a currency pair consolidates within a specific range. Traders look for buy opportunities near support and sell opportunities near resistance to profit from price oscillations within the range.
3.3. Breakout Trading Strategies
Breakout trading strategies in Forex involve identifying key support and resistance levels and entering trades when the price breaks out of these levels. Forex Factory, a popular website, provides traders with real-time market data, economic news, and forums for strategy discussions.
4. Sentiment Analysis Strategies
Sentiment analysis strategies in Forex involve assessing market sentiment to gauge the overall attitude of traders towards a particular currency pair. Traders analyze factors such as news sentiment, social media trends, and market positioning to make informed decisions based on the prevailing market sentiment.
4.1. Contrarian Trading
Contrarian trading in Forex involves taking positions opposite to the prevailing market sentiment. Traders identify overbought or oversold conditions and enter trades against the crowd, aiming to profit from potential market reversals.
4.2. Market Sentiment Analysis
Market sentiment analysis in the Forex market involves assessing the collective attitude of traders towards a currency pair, which influences price movements. Traders use this analysis to gauge sentiment shifts and identify potential trading opportunities.
5. Scalping and Day Trading Strategies
Scalping and day trading strategies in Forex involve executing multiple short-term trades within the same day. Scalpers aim to profit from small price movements, while day traders seek to capture larger intraday price swings. Both approaches require quick decision-making and effective risk management to succeed in the fast-paced Forex market.
5.1. Scalping Techniques
Scalping techniques in Forex currency refer to short-term trading strategies where traders aim to make quick profits from small price movements. Scalpers execute multiple trades throughout the day, holding positions for only a few seconds to minutes.
5.2. Intraday Trading Approaches
Intraday trading approaches in Forex involve executing trades within the same trading day. Traders use various strategies, such as technical analysis, chart patterns, and market indicators, to identify short-term opportunities and capitalize on price movements during the trading session.
6. Swing Trading Strategies
Swing trading strategies in Forex involve holding positions for several days to weeks, capitalizing on price swings within larger trends. Traders use technical analysis, chart patterns, and trend-following indicators to identify entry and exit points, aiming to capture significant price movements and maximize profit potential.
6.1. Fibonacci Retracement
Fibonacci retracement is a popular technical analysis tool used in Forex trading. Traders use Fibonacci levels, derived from a mathematical sequence, to identify potential support and resistance levels, aiding in predicting price corrections and trend continuation.
6.2. Moving Averages Crossover
Moving averages crossover is a technical analysis technique in Forex where two different moving averages, such as the 50-day and 200-day moving averages, intersect. Traders interpret this crossover to identify potential trend reversals or changes in market momentum, helping in making buy or sell decisions.
7. Carry Trade Strategy
The carry trade strategy in Forex involves taking advantage of interest rate differentials between currencies. Traders borrow money in a low-interest-rate currency, use the funds to invest in a high-interest-rate currency, and profit from the interest rate spread. However, like any Forex strategy, it carries risks, and traders should be cautious when engaging in cargo Forex trading.
8. Position Trading Strategies
Position trading strategies in Forex involve holding positions for an extended period, ranging from weeks to months or even years. Traders focus on fundamental analysis and long-term market trends, aiming to capitalize on significant price movements and maximize profit potential.
9. Algorithmic Trading and Expert Advisors
Algorithmic trading in Forex involves using computer algorithms to execute trades based on predefined rules and strategies. Expert Advisors (EAs) are automated trading programs that operate within MetaTrader platforms, allowing traders to execute trades automatically and efficiently, based on specific criteria and conditions.
10. Risk Management in Forex Trading
Risk management in Forex trading involves implementing strategies to control and mitigate potential losses. Traders use techniques such as setting stop-loss orders, position sizing, and diversification to protect their capital and maintain long-term profitability.
11. Choosing the Right Strategy for You
When choosing the right Forex trading strategy, considering your risk tolerance, time availability, and expertise is crucial. Traders should also factor in the impact of Forex news on their chosen strategy, as economic events can significantly influence currency movements and may require adaptation or caution in executing trades.
In conclusion, understanding different Forex trading strategies is essential for navigating the dynamic Forex exchange market. Whether employing fundamental, technical, or sentiment analysis, traders can capitalize on various market conditions. Careful consideration of risk management and adapting to Forex news events can enhance success. By choosing a strategy aligned with individual goals and risk tolerance, traders can increase the potential for profitable outcomes in the Forex exchange market. Feeta.pk is a property portal, always exercise caution and do your research when dealing with any property portal or real estate platform.
Understanding the Different Types of Forex Trading Strategies
- Published in Europe, forex, forex, International, Investment, Investment Tips, Investments, uk, USA, viral, Zillow
Unveiling the Top Interior Design Styles for a Modern Home
Welcome to the world of contemporary interior design styles, where creativity knows no bounds and innovation flourishes! In this ever-evolving era, a modern home serves as a canvas for self-expression, blending aesthetics with functionality to create spaces that embody the spirit of the times. Uniting form and function, the top interior design styles for a modern home are as diverse as they are captivating, reflecting the individual tastes and personalities of homeowners while embracing the essence of the present age.
From the timeless allure of Scandinavian minimalism, where clean lines and natural elements harmonize effortlessly, to the bold and vibrant eclecticism of Bohemian chic, where cultural diversity takes center stage, each design style offers a unique narrative. Step into a world where mid-century modern aesthetics coexist with industrial charm, and where contemporary elegance finds companionship with rustic warmth. This journey through the top interior design styles will inspire and empower you to curate spaces that embody the spirit of modern living, merging innovation with comfort and beauty with purpose. So, let us embark on this adventure of style, sophistication, and limitless possibilities!
Here are some of the top Interior design Ideas for a Modern Home:
- Scandinavian Minimalism: Embracing Simplicity and Serenity
- Bohemian Chic: A Fusion of Cultures and Colors
- Mid-Century Modern: Timeless Elegance with a Retro Twist
- Industrial Charm: Blending Raw Elements and Urban Sophistication
- Contemporary Elegance: Sleek Lines and Cutting-Edge Design
1. Scandinavian Minimalism: Embracing Simplicity and Serenity
Scandinavian Minimalism, one of the most sought-after interior design styles for modern homes, revolves around the captivating essence of simplicity and serenity. Originating from Nordic countries, this design approach creates a harmonious and uncluttered living space, emphasizing clean lines, neutral color palettes, and the abundant use of natural light. Stripping away excess, Scandinavian Minimalism fosters a tranquil atmosphere that promotes relaxation and mindfulness. With a focus on functionality, every element serves a purpose while exuding understated elegance. From sleek furniture pieces to organic materials like wood and stone, this style seamlessly blends form with function, offering an inviting sanctuary that epitomizes contemporary sophistication.
2. Bohemian Chic: A Fusion of Cultures and Colors
Bohemian Chic, a captivating interior design ideas for modern homes, weaves a tapestry of cultures and colors into a harmonious and eclectic space. Drawing inspiration from nomadic lifestyles and artistic expression, this style embraces freedom, individuality, and a laid-back vibe. Mixing vibrant hues, patterns, and textures, Bohemian Chic creates a rich and inviting ambiance that celebrates diversity. Vintage furniture, ethnic rugs, and an array of global accents add depth and character to the design. Plants and natural elements further enhance the boho atmosphere, promoting a connection with nature. In this alluring fusion of cultures and colors, a Bohemian Chic home becomes a captivating haven that exudes warmth and creativity.
3. Mid-Century Modern: Timeless Elegance with a Retro Twist
Mid-Century Modern, a timeless decorating styles, infuses homes with a touch of nostalgic elegance and a retro twist. Originating from the mid-20th century, this design approach remains immensely popular due to its enduring appeal. Characterized by clean lines, organic shapes, and a focus on functionality, Mid-Century Modern effortlessly blends form with style. Furniture pieces boasting sleek contours and innovative materials become statement pieces in this aesthetic, while bold colors and geometric patterns add a playful retro flair. Embracing simplicity and sophistication, this decorating style creates a balance between the past and the present, offering a classic yet contemporary atmosphere that complements modern homes beautifully.
4. Industrial Charm: Blending Raw Elements and Urban Sophistication
Industrial Charm, a captivating home decorating styles, embraces the raw beauty of urban sophistication. Drawing inspiration from old factories and warehouses, this design approach celebrates exposed brick walls, weathered wood, and metal accents. It seamlessly blends the utilitarian with the stylish, creating a unique and inviting ambiance. The use of salvaged materials and industrial lighting fixtures adds character and authenticity to the space. Neutral color palettes with pops of bold hues accentuate the industrial vibe while maintaining a contemporary edge. With a focus on open spaces and minimalism, Industrial Charm exudes a rugged yet refined charm that appeals to those seeking a distinctive and modern living environment.
5. Contemporary Elegance: Sleek Lines and Cutting-Edge Design
Contemporary Elegance, a captivating home decor styles, epitomizes modern sophistication with its sleek lines and cutting-edge design. This aesthetic embraces a clean and uncluttered approach, creating a sense of spaciousness and serenity. Neutral color palettes, such as whites, grays, and earth tones, dominate the decor, allowing key design elements to shine. The use of high-quality materials like glass, chrome, and polished metals adds a touch of luxury. Minimalist furniture and statement pieces with bold geometric shapes further enhance the contemporary allure. In this style, form follows function, seamlessly integrating technology and innovation into the living space, resulting in a harmonious and visually stunning environment that exudes modern elegance.
In the vibrant world of interior design, exploring the top styles for a modern home reveals a captivating tapestry of creativity and innovation. From the serene simplicity of Scandinavian Minimalism to the eclectic fusion of Bohemian Chic, each style offers a unique expression of contemporary living. Embracing timeless elegance with a retro twist, the allure of Mid-Century Modern and the industrial charm of raw elements further enrich the choices available. Finally, contemporary elegance brings forth sleek lines and cutting-edge design. Embrace these diverse styles to curate spaces that reflect your individuality and make a statement in the modern world of home design.
Question 1: What are the 9 major interior design styles?
Answer: Below are 9 major interior design styles mentioned.
- Scandinavian Minimalism
- Bohemian Chic
- Mid-Century Modern
- Industrial Charm
- Contemporary Elegance
- Traditional
- Coastal
- Rustic
- Transitional
Question 2: What are the different types of interior designs?
Answer: Different types of interior designs include Scandinavian, Bohemian, Mid-Century Modern, Industrial, Contemporary, Traditional, Coastal, Rustic, Transitional, Minimalist, Art Deco, Victorian, and more, each offering unique aesthetics and design principles.
Question 3: What are the 5 style of interior design?
Answer: The five styles of interior design are Scandinavian Minimalism, Bohemian Chic, Mid-Century Modern, Industrial Charm, and Contemporary Elegance. Each style presents distinct aesthetics and concepts to suit various tastes and preferences in modern home decor.
Question 4: What are the 7 elements interior design?
Answer: The seven elements of interior design are space, line, form, light, color, texture, and pattern. These fundamental components work together to create harmonious and visually appealing environments that reflect the desired style and ambiance.
Question 5: What interior styles are trending?
Answer: As of my last update in September 2021, some trending interior styles included modern farmhouses, Japandi (Japanese-Scandinavian fusion), sustainable and eco-friendly design, and maximalist interiors with bold colors and patterns. However, trends can change rapidly, so it’s essential to check for the latest updates.
Unveiling the Top Interior Design Styles for a Modern Home
- Published in Featured Articles, interior, Interior Decoration Ideas, Interior Design, interiors, International, US, Worldwide
Top Home Decor Trends That Will Dominate 2023
In 2023, home decor trends will take on a blend of modern sophistication and sustainable living. Nature-inspired elements will dominate, with a focus on biophilic designs, incorporating natural materials such as wood, stone, and bamboo. Earthy color palettes, featuring warm tones and soothing neutrals, will create a calming ambiance.
Smart home technology will continue to play a significant role, seamlessly integrating into decor through hidden features and eco-friendly innovations. Multifunctional furniture will rise in popularity, providing space-saving solutions for smaller homes.
As we become more environmentally conscious, upcycled and repurposed decor will gain traction. Artisanal craftsmanship and handmade pieces will take center stage, adding uniqueness and personalization to interiors.
Bohemian and eclectic styles will remain prevalent, allowing individuals to express their creativity and individuality freely. Lastly, statement ceilings, bold wallpapers, and textured finishes will add drama and character to rooms, completing the overall transformative and harmonious home decor trends 2023.
- Biophilic Design: Embracing Nature Indoors
- Earthy Color Palettes: Warmth and Serenity
- Seamless Smart Home Integration
- Multifunctional Furniture for Space-Saving Solutions
- Sustainable and Upcycled Decor
- Artisanal Craftsmanship and Handmade Pieces
- Bohemian and Eclectic Styles: Embrace Your Creativity
- Statement Ceilings: Adding Drama to Spaces
- Bold Wallpapers and Textured Finishes: Character and Charm
1. Biophilic Design: Embracing Nature Indoors
Biophilic design, one of the different styles of home decor dominating 2023, focuses on bringing nature indoors. It embraces natural elements, such as greenery, natural light, and sustainable materials, to create a harmonious and calming environment. By incorporating features like indoor plants, large windows, and organic textures, this trend seeks to reconnect residents with the outdoors, fostering a sense of tranquility and well-being within their living spaces.
2. Earthy Color Palettes: Warmth and Serenity
Earthy color palettes will dominate 2023’s home decor, offering warmth and serenity to living spaces. These natural hues, inspired by elements like earth, sand, and forest, create a soothing ambiance, promoting relaxation and comfort. Shades of warm browns, soft greens, gentle grays, and creamy neutrals will be prominent choices for walls, furniture, and decor accents. The earthy color trend is a timeless choice that complements various interior styles and encourages a grounded and harmonious atmosphere.
3. Seamless Smart Home Integration
Seamless smart home integration will continue to be a significant trend in 2023’s home decor. As technology advances, homeowners seek effortless control and automation of their living spaces. Smart devices, such as voice-controlled assistants, smart lighting systems, and automated thermostats, will seamlessly blend into the decor, eliminating clutter and enhancing convenience. This trend aims to create a modern and efficient living environment, where everyday tasks can be effortlessly managed through intuitive and interconnected technology.
4. Multifunctional Furniture for Space-Saving Solutions
In 2023, multifunctional furniture will gain popularity as a space-saving solution, complementing the home decor color trends 2023. With living spaces becoming more compact, versatile furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes will be in high demand. These innovative designs will not only maximize functionality but also incorporate the earthy color palettes dominating the year, blending seamlessly with the overall decor. The combination of practicality and on-trend colors will create stylish and efficient living spaces for modern homeowners.
5. Sustainable and Upcycled Decor
The sustainable and upcycled decor will be a prominent trend in 2023, reflecting a growing emphasis on eco-friendly living. Homeowners will seek to reduce their environmental impact by choosing decor items made from recycled or repurposed materials. Upcycled furniture, reclaimed wood accents, and vintage pieces will find their way into interiors, adding unique character and a sense of history to spaces. This trend encourages responsible consumption while fostering creativity and appreciation for sustainable design practices.
6. Artisanal Craftsmanship and Handmade Pieces
Artisanal craftsmanship and handmade pieces will take center stage in 2023’s home decor trends. As people increasingly value individuality and authenticity in their living spaces, they will gravitate toward handcrafted items that showcase skilled artistry and attention to detail. From intricately woven textiles and pottery to hand-carved furniture and one-of-a-kind art pieces, these artisanal elements will infuse homes with a sense of warmth, personality, and cultural richness. Embracing handmade decor fosters a deeper connection to the craft and the talented artisans behind each creation.
7. Bohemian and Eclectic Styles: Embrace Your Creativity
In 2023, the bohemian and eclectic styles will continue to be popular, encouraging homeowners to embrace their creativity. These styles embrace a mix of patterns, textures, and cultural influences, allowing individuals to curate unique and personalized spaces. Bold colors, vintage finds, and a diverse array of decor pieces come together harmoniously, reflecting the free-spirited and artistic nature of bohemian living. The eclectic style celebrates individuality, empowering people to express themselves through their home decor, resulting in vibrant and visually captivating interiors.
8. Statement Ceilings: Adding Drama to Spaces
In 2023, statement ceilings will be a captivating trend, adding drama and depth to interior spaces. Traditionally overlooked, ceilings will become a focal point with creative designs and bold finishes. Wallpapered ceilings, intricate moldings, artistic paint patterns, or even eye-catching lighting fixtures will draw attention upwards, elevating the overall aesthetic of a room. Statement ceilings provide an opportunity for homeowners to infuse personality and uniqueness into their living spaces, transforming them into visually striking and awe-inspiring environments.
9. Bold Wallpapers and Textured Finishes: Character and Charm
Bold wallpapers and textured finishes will dominate 2023 home decor trends, infusing spaces with character and charm. Vibrant and eye-catching wallpapers featuring geometric patterns, floral motifs, or artistic designs will breathe life into walls. Additionally, textured finishes, such as faux brick, rustic wood paneling, or tactile wall coverings, will add depth and tactile appeal. These bold elements will create a captivating backdrop, enhancing the overall ambiance and making a powerful statement within interior spaces. The combination of patterns and textures will imbue rooms with a sense of personality and visual interest, making them truly unique and inviting.
In conclusion, the home decor trends of 2023 are a reflection of our evolving lifestyles and values. Nature-inspired elements, sustainable practices, and seamless smart home integration demonstrate a growing desire for harmony with the environment and technology. The rise of artisanal craftsmanship, bohemian styles, and upcycled decor reflects a shift towards personalization and conscious consumption.
Earthy color palettes, statement ceilings, and bold wallpapers signify a boldness in design choices, adding character and drama to living spaces. As we embrace creativity and individuality, 2023’s home decor trends encourage us to create homes that not only showcase our style but also nurture a sense of well-being and connection to our surroundings.
When exploring any property portal or real estate website, it’s essential to verify its legitimacy, user reviews, and reputation before engaging in any property-related transactions. Always exercise caution and conduct thorough research when dealing with real estate platforms or investment opportunities.
Top Home Decor Trends That Will Dominate 2023
- Published in creative home design, decor, Decoration, decorations, decorative objects, Design Gallery, Designs by Style, dream house, home, Home Decor, home design, Home Interiors, homes, house, house decoration, house design, houses, interior, Interior Decoration Ideas, Interior Design, International, top Featured, trend, Trends, uk, UK property, uk real estate, USA, viral, Zillow
Elements of Style: Designing a Home & a Life
Everyone has their unique elements of style and preferences. This is why it’s important to create a cohesive and aesthetic design for your home and life. A cohesive design with aesthetics means that all of your interior and exterior design choices support and enhance one another. It helps you create a harmonious and beautiful space that you can be proud of.
When you have a cohesive design aesthetic, you’re not just looking at your home as a place to live. Therefore, it is also an expression of yourself. From choosing colors to selecting furniture, everything you need to know to create an aesthetic design for your home. So whether you’re looking to update your entire home or just want to update a specific area, read on to learn more ideas.
Defining a design aesthetic
Designing a cohesive design aesthetic for your home and life can be a daunting task. However, it is well worth the effort. A cohesive design aesthetic not only looks good. It also helps to simplify your life and make it easier to live in a space that’s pleasing to you.
When you have a cohesive design aesthetic, you’ll be able to focus on creating a space that’s functional, stylish, and calming. You’ll also be able to create a space that’s versatile and can be used for a variety of different purposes. One of the best ways to achieve a cohesive design aesthetic is to start by thinking about your needs as a person.
What kinds of things do you want in your home and life? What do you want to see more of? Once you have a good idea of what you want, it’s time to start thinking. You can learn more about the design elements that will help you achieve those goals. When homeowners have an attractive space, they will not stop getting compliments from guests.
Elements to consider for your home and life
Some of the most important design elements to consider for your home and life are color, texture, light, and material.
- Color
Color is one of the most important elements of design. You should think about the colors that will best represent you and your personality. For example, if you’re a minimalist, you might want to stick to colors that are light and airy. If you’re a more creative person, you might want to think about colors that are more vibrant and creative.
- Texture
Texture is also an important element of design. You should think about the textures that will best represent you and your personality. For example, if you’re a minimalist, you might want to stick to textures that are smooth and sleek. If you’re a more creative person, you might want to think about textures that are more bumpy and textured.
- Light
Light is also an important element of design. You should think about the light that will best represent you and your personality. You might want to use light fixtures that are sleek and modern. If you’re a more creative person, you might want to use light fixtures that are more rustic and traditional.
- Materials
Material is also an important element of design. You should think about the materials that will best represent you and your personality. Homeowners can use materials that are sleek and modern. If you’re a more creative person, you might want to use visually appealing materials.
Creating a style guide
When it comes to designing your home, it’s important to have a style guide in place. This will help you create a cohesive look for your whole life, not just your home. You can use this document to help you with everything from choosing furniture to choosing colors.
Creating a style guide is a great way to keep your design ideas consistent and organized. It’ll also help you to stay on top of trends and make sure your home looks modern and stylish.
Applying a design aesthetic to your home
Creating a cohesive design aesthetic for your home is important not just for the look and feel of your place. It is beneficial for your day-to-day life too. An aesthetic design can help you declutter, organize, and streamline your home. It will help you focus on the things that matter most.
You can start to outfit your home with pieces that match and reflect your style. This will help you to declutter and make your home look more organized. A great way to start applying a design aesthetic to your home is by creating a mood board. This is simply a collection of images that help you visualize your goals for your home. Once you have a good idea of what you want, you can start shopping for pieces to achieve your goal.
Applying a design aesthetic to your life
Creating a cohesive design aesthetic can be done in several ways. You could go all out and purchase a specific style of furniture. Why not paint the walls a certain color, and have a certain type of rug on the floor? Or you could go with a more subtle approach and simply choose coordinating colors, furniture, and accessories. Whichever route you decide to take, be sure to keep the following concepts in mind:
- Balance: always try to strike a balance between formal and informal elements.
- Coordination: choo-complementary items and coordinate them together.
- Aesthetics: choose items that are stylish, eye-catching, and functional.
- Comfort: make sure all the items in your home are comfortable and easy to move around.
- Timing: choose items that will work with the style of your home and life.
- Patterns: use patterns sparingly, but when they are used, make sure they are well-designed.
- Storage: make sure you have enough storage space to accommodate your chosen design aesthetic.
- Functionality: make sure all the items in your home are useful and serve a purpose.
When it comes to home design, it’s important to be patient and take your time. No one wants to go through the process of redecorating only to have their dream home turn into a nightmare. It’s important to have a clear vision for your home and to stick to it, no matter what.
Elements of Style: Designing a Home & a Life
Interior Design Course
When you want to renovate your home or design a new one, choosing the right interior design course is essential. There are so many different courses and programs out there, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. In this post, we are going to recommend the best interior design courses in Dubai.
These courses will teach you everything you need to know about designing a home from start to finish. From choosing the right flooring to selecting the right furniture, these courses will have you designing your dream home in no time. So whether you are looking to renovate your home or design your very own, read on for the best courses in Dubai.
Interior Design Courses in Dubai
If you are looking to learn about Interior Design, then you have come to the right place. There are many courses available in Dubai, and the best one for you will depend on your career aspirations and what you want to learn.
If you are working in the Construction or Real Estate industries, then you will want to take a course that covers Construction Methodologies and Specifications. If you are looking to start your own business, then you will want to take a course in Brand Planning and Strategy.
Not sure which course is best for you? Consult with an Interior Designer or look online for reviews and ratings to get an idea of the quality and content of the courses. Once you have decided on a course, don’t forget to check the course timetable to see if there are any special offers or discounts available.
Types of Interior Design Courses
There are many types of interior design courses to choose from if you want to become an interior designer. Whether you want to learn about traditional European and American interior design or want to get started in modern interior design, there’s a course for you.
Some of the most popular courses you can take in Dubai include:
- Interior Design Course at The American University in Dubai
- Interior Design Course at The London School of Economics and Political Science
- Interior Design Course at The University of Southern California
- Interior Design Course at The University of Queensland
- There are also many online courses that you can take, such as:
- Interior Design Course via Coursera
- Interior Design Course via Udemy
- Interior Design Bootcamp via Skillshare
The best way to find the right course for you is to do some research and find a course that suits your needs. There are many courses to choose from and it’s important to find one that will help you to develop your skills and knowledge in interior design.
Selection Criteria for Interior Design Courses
Choosing the right interior design course for you is important. There are many criteria you need to take into account before making your decision, including the level of experience, type of course, location, and course length.
Level of experience:
If you have no experience in interior design, a course that teaches the basics will be more beneficial than one that goes into more detail.
Type of course:
Some courses are designed for people who want to become professional designers, while others are designed for people who want to learn more about a certain area of interior design, such as lighting or furniture.
Choosing a course that is located in the city where you live or work is a good idea because you will be able to attend classes and meet other students.
Course length:
Some courses are short, while others are longer. You should choose a course that is the right length for you.
Recommended Courses for Interior Design Students
If you’re an interior design student in Dubai, it’s important to have the right tools and knowledge to succeed. Here are some of the best interior design courses in Dubai that will help you get started.
- The Institute of Interior Design in Dubai is a well-known institution that has been providing excellent interior design courses for students for over 30 years. The courses offered include traditional and contemporary interior design, furniture and textile design, architecture, and construction.
- The National Design Academy (NDA) is a world-renowned institution that offers a range of interior design courses, including traditional and contemporary interior design, furniture and textile design, construction, and graphic design.
- The American University in Dubai offers a range of interior design courses, including traditional and contemporary interior design, furniture and textile design, construction, and landscape architecture.
The courses offered by these institutions are highly respected and are sure to help you succeed as an interior design student in Dubai.
Interior Design Schools in Dubai
If you’re looking to get into interior design, there are a few schools you can attend in Dubai. Depending on your level of experience and what type of design you’re interested in, some schools will suit your needs.
Choosing the right school is important, as it will set the tone for your education and career. Make sure to do your research and choose the school that best suits your needs. Here are a few of the top schools in Dubai.
- The American Academy of Interior Design (AAID) was founded in 1978 and offers a three-year program in Interior Design.
- The British School of Interior Design (BSID) was founded in 1984 and offers a three-year program in Interior Design.
- The School of Architecture and Design (SAD) is a government-owned university and offers a four-year program in Interior Design.
- The American University of Sharjah (AUS) is a private university and offers a four-year program in Interior Design.
Duration of Interior Design Courses
There are many different Interior Design courses that you can take in Dubai. The duration of the courses can range from one week to one year. The most popular Interior Design courses in Dubai are the Foundation Level Interior Design Courses and the Advanced Level Interior Design Courses.
The Foundation Level Interior Design Courses are for those who are new to Interior Design and want to learn the basics of Interior Design. The Advanced Level Interior Design Courses are for those who are experienced in Interior Design and want to learn more about the advanced techniques and concepts of Interior Design.
Both the Foundation Level Interior Design Courses and the Advanced Level Interior Design Courses are internationally recognized and accepted by many universities around the world.
The duration of the courses will determine the amount of time that you will need to spend in Dubai. The courses are offered in English and you can choose to study either at the Foundation Level or the Advanced Level.
Finding the right interior design course in Dubai can be a daunting task. After all, there are a lot of options out there. However, with the help of this guide, you’ll be able to narrow down your search and find the perfect course for you.
Interior Design Course
- Published in Designs by Style, Dining Rooms, interiors, International, Living Rooms, News, Real Estate
Real Estate File Rates In Lahore
File Rates In Lahore, Pakistan has seen exponential growth in demand for housing, especially in urban areas. One of the major cities where this demand is highly reflected is Lahore. In response to the rising demand, numerous housing societies have sprung up and are offering files for plots. Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, looks at Lahore real estate file rates and installment plans.
Real Estate File Rates in Lahore:
Given below are some of the projects whose files are available in installments:
Zam Zam City, Lahore:
Zam Zam City is a new residential project in Lahore and is marketed primarily toward the middle class (salaried class and government employees). Zam Zam Developers are developing the project.
Master Plan of the Society:
The project is divided into five blocks. These are given below:
1. Executive Block
2. Royal Classic Block
3. Egypt Block
4. Overseas Block
5. Shohda Block
Payment Plan for Zam Zam City:
(Source: Zam Zam City)
The project has plots ranging from 3.5 to 16 marlas, and the payment plan is given below:
Payment Plan for Residential Plots | |||||
Plot Size | Down Payment | Monthly Installment | 6-Monthly Installment | Possession | In total |
4 Marla | 240,000 | 12,000 | 60,000 | 260,000 | 1,400,000 |
5 Marla | 300,000 | 15,000 | 75,000 | 325,000 | 1,750,000 |
8 Marla | 480,000 | 24,000 | 120,000 | 520,000 | 2,800,000 |
The payment plan for commercial plots is given in the table below:
Plot Size | Down Payment | Monthly Installment | 6-Monthly Installment | On Confirmation (30 Days) | Total Price |
4 Marla | 1,200,000 | 200,000 | 1,500,000 | 1,200,000 | 7,000,000 |
Iqbal Garden, Lahore:
(Source: Iqbal Garden)
Iqbal Garden is a project of Grace Marketing and is located at the Kala Shah Kaku Motorway Toll Plaza in Lahore. The project does not have NOCs from the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) and Tehsil Municipal Administration (TMA).
Master Plan of the Society:
The society offers plots from 3 marlas to 20 marlas in the residential blocks and 2 marlas and 4 marlas in the commercial block.
Payment Plan of Iqbal Garden:
Payment plans for various blocks in the society are given below:
Payment Plan for Residential Plots (4 Years) | ||||||
Plot Size | Down Payment | Monthly Installment | 6-Monthly Installment | Balloting | Possession | In total |
3 Marla | 200,000 | 7,500 | 45,000 | 75,000 | 100,000 | 1,095,000 |
5 Marla | 300,000 | 11,000 | 75,000 | 150,000 | 175,000 | 1,750,000 |
10 Marla | 600,000 | 18,500 | 150,000 | 275,000 | 400,000 | 3,350,000 |
The society also has a 2-year payment plan that is given below:
Payment Plan for Residential Plots (2 Years) | ||||||
Plot Size | Down Payment | Monthly Installment | Quarterly Installment | Allocation | Possession | In total |
3 Marla | 520,000 | 15,000 | 50,000 | 110,000 | 110,000 | 1,500,000 |
5 Marla | 800,000 | 20,000 | 100,000 | 210,000 | 210,000 | 2,500,000 |
Iqbal Garden has a 5-year payment plan for their Overseas Block that is given below:
Payment Plan for Residential Plots (5 Years) | |||||
Plot Size | Down Payment | Monthly Installment | 6-Monthly Installment | Balloting | In total |
3 Marla | 200,000 | 8,000 | 35,000 | 225,000 | 1,260,000 |
5 Marla | 300,000 | 11,000 | 49,000 | 300,000 | 1,750,000 |
10 Marla | 600,000 | 25,000 | 49,000 | 300,000 | 3,500,000 |
20 Marla | 1,000,000 | 40,000 | 160,000 | 1,000,000 | 6,000,000 |
The payment plan for a 4 marla commercial plot on Main Boulevard is as follows:
Payment Plan for Commercial Plots | |||||
Plot Size | Down Payment | Monthly Installment | 6-Monthly Installment | Possession & Allocation | In total |
4 Marla | 2,500,000 | 125,000 | 250,000 | 1,250,000 | 1,260,000 |
Kings Town, Lahore:
(Source: Pinterest)
Kings Town is one of the latest urban residential projects in Lahore and is being developed by Al-Kabir Developers. It is in Phase 3 of Al-Kabir Town and is located near Bahria Orchard and can be accessed from Raiwind and Ring Road.
Master Plan of Kings Town:
The society spans over 175 kanals of land and has different blocks built around spacious parking lots, hospitals, schools, and lush green parks.
Payment Plan for Kings Town:
Payment plans for plots in the Overseas Block are given below:
Payment Plan for Overseas Block (4 Years) | ||||||
Plot Size | Down Payment | Monthly Installment | 6-Monthly Installment | Balloting | Possession | In total |
3 Marla | 250,000 | 15,000 | 100,000 | 300,000 | 630,000 | 2,700,000 |
5 Marla | 350,000 | 25,000 | 150,000 | 500,000 | 1,050,000 | 4,300,000 |
Payment plan for plots in the Executive Block is given below:
Payment Plan for Executive Block (4 Years) | ||||||
Plot Size | Booking | Monthly Installment | 6 Monthly Installments | Balloting | Possession | In total |
8 Marla | 600,000 | 50,000 | 125,000 | 800,000 | 1,200,000 | 6,000,000 |
10 Marla | 800,000 | 65,000 | 150,000 | 900,000 | 1,230,000 | 7,250,000 |
1 Channel | 1,200,000 | 125,000 | 225,000 | 1,200,000 | 1,800,000 | 12,000,000 |
The payment plan for residential plots in B Block is given below:
Payment Plan for B Block (4 Years) | ||||||
Plot Size | Advance | Monthly Installment | 6 Monthly Installments | Balloting | Possession | In total |
3 Marla | 200,000 | 15,000 | 60,000 | 400,000 | 600,000 | 2,400,000 |
5 Marla | 300,000 | 30,000 | 80,000 | 600,000 | 1,020,000 | 4,000,000 |
Installment plan for commercial plots in B block is given below:
Plot Size | Advance | Monthly Installment | 6 Monthly Installments | Balloting | Possession | In total |
3 Marla | 1,500,000 | 40,000 | 300,000 | 800,000 | 1,780,000 | 8,400,000 |
Liberty Lands, Lahore:
(Source: Google Maps)
Liberty Lands is a project of Union Developers in Lahore and is located on Mian Jia Bagga Road. The society can be accessed from Ring Road, Raiwind Road, and Khayaban-e-Amin near Pine Avenue.
Payment Plan of Liberty Lands:
The payment plan for liberty lands is given below:
Payment Plan for Commercial and Residential Plots | ||||
Plot Size | Category | Down Payment | Monthly Installment | In total |
2.66 Marla | Commercial | 1,195,000 | 850,000 | 7,995,000 |
5.33 Marla | Commercial | 2,275,000 | 1,590,000 | 14,995,000 |
5 marla | Residential | 475,000 | 340,000 | 3,195,000 |
Zaitoon Lifestyle, Lahore:
(Source: Zaitoon City)
Zaitoon Lifestyle is a project by Zaitoon Group and is approved by LDA. The project is located on Jia Bagga Road next to Halloki interchange exit Ring Road. Adjacent to the society are Lake City, Etihad Town Phase 2, and Liberty Lands.
Payment Plan:
Payment plans for the different plots are given below:
Payment Plan for Plots | |||||
Plot Size | Booking | Monthly Installment | 6 Month Installment | 24 Month Installment | In total |
3 Marla | 270,000 | 15,000 | 191,250 | 270,000 | 2,700,000 |
5 Marla | 400,000 | 400,000 | 268,750 | 400,000 | 4,000,000 |
8 Marla | 640,000 | 35,000 | 456,252 | 640,000 | 6,400,000 |
10 marla | 700,000 | 40,000 | 490,000 | 700,000 | 7,000,000 |
For more information on Lahore real estate file rates, visit Feeta blog.
Real Estate File Rates In Lahore
Dark and Mysterious Interior With Red Accents
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Dark and Mysterious Interior with strong red interruptions, this modern home interior is an atmospheric space with a bold personality. Displayed by Andrej Vladimirov, This home design features an open-plan dwelling that is wrapped in dramatic black decoration from the ceiling to the floor. Contemporary furniture and accent cushions cast the ruby-red accent, while reserved lighting features give a subtle moody glow. In the kitchen, a tumult of redness overwhelms the kitchen and preparation space, spilling over color-matched kitchen bar stools at the dining island. In the bedroom, red accents are minimized to create a quiet dark space when sleep comes easily.
Cocooned in black decoration, natural light from the large windows is quickly swallowed up in the dark living space. Red scattered cushions and a pair of red accent chairs add a spark of vigor to the layout and an indoor plant adds a feather of vibrant greenery. An upholstered bench divides the living room from the adjoining kitchen and dining room without completely impeding the open flow.
The modern fireplace burns with a wonderful glow inside the black living room wall, where it blends smoothly into the stucco. Wall-mounted units display decorative items under the brightness of LED backlights. A modern black living room floor lamp almost goes unnoticed next to the black sofa, where it provides a focused light when needed.
The elegant lamp on the side board is a Hoop LED panel lamp by Adolini + Simonini Associati by Martinelli Luce.
The figurines are a Star Wars theme Bearbrick collectible.
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Dark and Mysterious Interior With Red Accents
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Luxury Chinese-style Villa Interiors & Serene Courtyards
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A sense of serenity pervades us as we tiptoe through this set of luxurious Chinese-style villa interiors, each open and spacious and decorated in soothing laconic palettes and exquisite details. Displayed by ZHBB Vizio, these spaces are reminiscent of the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, the picturesque lands that lie south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. These peaceful riverside memories inspire water-filled courtyards, where reflective pools surround majestic trees, and colorful koi fish swim. Light living rooms and spacious dining rooms provide high-end places in which large groups of friends and extended family can gather and socialize until the evening. Traditional teahouses respect a long-lasting ceremony.
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Luxury Chinese-style Villa Interiors & Serene Courtyards
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A Luxury Condominium With Elegant White Interiors
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Located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this chic contemporary home White Interiors project is titled “Living Curve” in response to its elegant arched ceiling shape and arched interior details. Designed by Pins Studio, a blanket of white drapes the entire interior to create a peaceful view. Black accents strike a contrasting balance in the decor, while natural wood furniture introduces visual warmth and texture. At 1707 square feet, the home has a generously proportioned open plan living space, a welcoming home office/craft room, an elegant master bedroom with a walk-in closet, an impressive bathroom design dressed in luxurious marble tile, and a comfortable children’s room. room.
A white sectional sofa is aligned with the edge of a gray living room rug to form a living area within the open concept living space. A small side table and a white knitted puff extend over the white furniture theme, while a wooden coffee table offers a visibly warm contrast in the center of the space.
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A Luxury Condominium With Elegant White Interiors
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How to Calculate ROI in Real Estate
Most investors do not know how to calculate ROI in real estate, and that is where they cannot assess the value of their property in the right ways.
Real estate is considered to be one of the most profitable industries. It offers investments in several forms such as residential or commercial projects, retail offices, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and shareholding in properties.
It provides investors with steady cash flows, long-term financial security, investment diversification, tax advantages, and, in most cases, higher return on investment (ROI).
Most investors prefer rental properties as they generate a steady cash flow that they can further invest in several other domains. Some investors buy properties with the intent of selling them after a short period of time and earning higher profits.
Investment goals might differ for various investors; however, the primary objective is usually a high return on investment (ROI).
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, brings you a complete guide on how to calculate ROI in real estate.
What Is ROI?
ROI is a mathematical calculation that allows investors to evaluate the performance of a particular asset over a period of time, in comparison to others. To summarize, it is the profit an investor gains over his / her investment.
In real estate, ROI is the profit gained from a property in the form of rent or property value appreciation.
Requirements to Calculate ROI:
After finding a property for investment, there are some basic requirements to calculate the potential ROI. These factors will determine how a property investment will grow in the near future.
- Property details: Location, repair cost, per square feet price, and number of bedrooms
- Mortgage details: Down payment, loan terms, interest rate, and closing costs
- Rental income details: Anticipated rental value, tenancy ratio
- Property maintenance expenses
How to Calculate ROI?
The following formula is used to calculate ROI in real estate:
(ROI = Gain in investment – Initial cost of investment / Total Cost)
- To calculate ROI, you need to calculate the final value of your property including investment gains.
- Subtract it from the initial value of the investment without closing costs.
- Divide the resulting value by the total investment cost, which includes closing costs as well.
This formula is basic and easy to work with. However, investors might get confused as they have to keep track of all factors that can affect it.
For instance, the closing cost can be unpredictable and can affect the ROI negatively.
What Is Good or Bad ROI?
If a property is generating sufficient profits after covering all the closing costs, it is said to have a good ROI. According to major real estate firms, a good ROI value falls somewhere between 8-10%.
On the other hand, if a property fails to generate profits, it has a bad ROI. Properties with 2-5% ROIs are less attractive to investors.
Factors Affecting a Property’s ROI Value:
Source: Pinterest
The following are some of the factors that can affect the value of your property’s ROI:
- Location
- Property type
- Property’s condition
A property’s location is a prime factor in defining its value and the potential return on investment it can generate. If a property is well-connected to major areas, such as schools, hospitals, and roads, there are great chances that it will generate a high ROI.
However, if a property is located in some far-off area, it is unrealistic to expect a high ROI from it.
Moreover, demographics, such as age factors and socioeconomic factors of that particular area, also matter.
If the residents of a particular area earn well and have a good living, they will make greater investments.
Property Type:
There are six different property types based on their usage:
- Residential
- Commercial
- Mixed-Use
- Industrial
- Agriculture
- Special Purposes (Offices, Research)
All these different types of properties have different ROI values. For instance, commercial units generate more income in a short span as compared to residential units, which keep growing with time and produce low rental income.
Similarly, agricultural land can generate crop income. So, while investing, you should carefully assess property types and the potential income you can get in return from them.
Condition of the Property:
Source: Housing
Buying a property in a bad condition is a waste of investment. It will cost a lot of money in the form of maintenance and repair charges. Moreover, there are fewer chances of tenancy for such properties.
On the other hand, well-maintained properties that offer a range of amenities and facilities will attract a number of tenants and buyers.
Ways to Increase ROI in Real Estate:
The following are some important strategies that can be used to increase ROI in real estate:
- Invest in the right property type
- Purchase cheap properties
- Improve your property’s condition
- Reduce annual costs on property maintenance
- Create a marketing strategy for your property’s advertisement
Keeping all of the above factors in mind, investors can make a hefty profit on their property investments.
To get more information about real estate investments, visit our feeta blog.
How to Calculate ROI in Real Estate
Features and Functions of Punjab Land Record Authority
The Punjab Land Record Authority registration system is for keeping detailed records of matters relating to land ownership, possession, and other rights. These serve as evidence of title, make transactions easier, and prevent illegal land disposal. It is critical to understand the meaning of land in connection to property in order to comprehend the land registration system. ‘Immovable property,’ as defined by the law, includes land, buildings, benefits derived from land, objects attached to the earth, and anything permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth. This is more important in Punjab as it is the biggest province in Pakistan with the highest population. Therefore, it required the Punjab Land Record Authority.
Furthermore, in Pakistan, the terms ‘land’ and ‘property’ are interchangeable. The property became a provincial topic after the 18th Amendment was passed by the Parliament in 2010, which means it is regulated by the provinces rather than the federal government. The land registration system is divided into rural and urban systems, in addition to provincial rules. The legislation is founded principally on the colonial Deeds Registration System, which records the ‘sale deed’ as a title instrument.
Because the system does not provide for ownership of the title or interest in the property, this emphasizes the significance of due diligence in real estate transactions. The lack of a centralized land register and database leads to financial crimes and creates opportunities for third-party malpractices, such as brokers and fake agents, trapping uneducated investors in a ‘capital trap’.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, takes a look at the history of land records in Pakistan and how the Punjab Land Record Authority is bringing a revolution.
Framework for Land Administration:
Organogram of the Punjab Land Record Authority (Source: PLRA)
The manual process of land [property] registration consists of six steps and takes two months. The stamp duty rate, which varies by region, is another crucial cost to consider when registering deeds. In Punjab, for example, stamp duty on deed registration costs 5% of the whole property value. The procedure begins with the engagement of an attorney to draft the Instrument of Transaction on stamp paper. The Land Registrar is supplied with the document for verification.
The owner must deliver the paperwork to the Board of Revenue, or patwari, in order for the mutation to be recorded in the Record of Rights (Jamabandi). The patwari gives out fard, which acts as proof of ownership. The province of Punjab, on the other hand, has revolutionized its land registration system by digitizing land records. The Punjab Land Records Management and Information Systems (LRMIS) scanned 10 million pages of old records, digitized 55 million landowner records (or 98 percent of all records), and made all rural land title information available online for landowners.
Land registration has become more efficient and cost-effective because of the digitization of land records. Investors’ concerns about property verification and inspection, however, continue to this day. With recent digitization trends in the real estate sector, the Digital Property Verification System is the ideal solution to streamline Pakistan’s Land Registration System. It will raise public awareness and provide investors with instant access to information. Third parties, such as brokers and patwaris, will not be able to interfere with a digital database. It would ensure that real estate transactions are transparent and that malpractices are reduced. Bribery will be eradicated as a result of the streamlined processes of property verification and inspection.
The Land Registration System’s History:
Old map of Rawalpindi (Source: My Historical Pakistan Society)
Pakistan’s Land Registration System is based on the British Deeds Registration System and dates back to colonial times. The main goal was to create a repository, where the land records could be kept. In the pre-industrial era, where land was mostly used for agricultural purposes, this approach worked well. In the subcontinent, the British used this technique to collect taxes through the revenue department.
However, as the number of people interested in land grew, it became clear that a more organized system of land registration was required. The Deeds Registration System, for example, does not give a record of the land title, but rather the title of the registered deed. As a result, the precise information and documentation of land rights are essentially unavailable. This is why there is an expanding backlog of land-related cases in Pakistan’s courts, believed to be approximately 1 million in number. Accurate and fabricated land records, imprecise border descriptions by patwaris that result in overlapping claims, and multiple registrations of the same land by various parties are all major sources of land disputes.
Furthermore, in 2002, England repealed the Deeds Registration System by enacting the Torrens System-based Land Registration Act. The new system keeps track of land titles and makes it easier for investors. For example, to navigate the title of the land, an investor can browse the digital register and look for ownership facts. Similarly, the digitization of Land Records on a provincial level has made tremendous progress for the Pakistani government. However, due to the lengthy procedure of property transfer and the lack of a digital database for property verification, it is difficult to conduct safe and secure transactions.
Background of PLRA:
(Source: Punjab Land Record Authority)
The Pakistani government and the World Bank struck an agreement in 2007 for a project named Land Record Management and Information System (LRMIS) in Punjab to avoid malpractices. The main goals of this program were to provide complete access to property records, increase transparency in land transactions, and improve land right holders’ tenure security.
LRMIS was created with the intention of providing services in 18 Punjab districts. The project was then expanded to include all 36 districts. The World Bank also provided insight and a Project Management Unit (PMU) for the digitization of land records was established in 2007.
Following the completion of Project LRMIS, the Punjab government established the Punjab Land Records Authority (PLRA) in 2017 under the administrative jurisdiction of the Punjab Board of Revenue. PLRA has accomplished a lot in a short period of time. The creation of Arazi Record Centers (ARC) in all districts of Punjab especially has aided in the timely issuing of fard and eased the process of land mutation registration.
PLRA’S Features and Functions:
(Source: gisportal.punjab-zameen.gov.pk)
Land digital titling is critical for underprivileged farmers and proprietors in Punjab to protect their property rights. As a result, land records are now being digitized, allowing the rightful property owner to be identified with a single click of a button. The Punjab Land Records Authority (PLRA) has been instrumental in transforming Punjab’s land record management system. You can now acquire information about a property, land ownership in Punjab, and register your property online. The key accomplishments of the Punjab Land Records Authority are listed below.
- Automated services for expediting fard issuance, mutation attestation, and e-pass book
- 151 Arazi Record Centers
- 16 satellite fard booths
- 24/7 availability of land records
- Reduced time for property registration, from 56 days to merely 11 days
Checking Land Ownership:
(Source: glisten.pk)
You don’t have to leave your home to check and verify the ownership of your property. This can now be done by filling out property and personal information on the PLRA website. Just click on Property Registry Search and fill out the following information:
- Head to the PLRA website.
- Select your district name from the drop-down option.
- Choose a service center from the list.
- Then choose whether you want to enter your CNIC number, bahi number, registration number, or name.
You will receive complete records for each mauza once you have provided the information. Choose the one you want to learn more about. When you click View Details, you’ll see all of the property’s ownership information.
Advantages of PLRA:
Following are the advantages of using Punjab Land Record Authority:
- You do not have to pay the patwari any fees.
- Check records from the comfort of your own home.
- Transferring property ownership, also known as a mutation, takes less time.
Checking Blush Online:
(Source: Thoughtco.com)
While there are many different forms of fard, you can only get the document through PLRA if you need it for your personal records. It’s also crucial to check whether or not your property record has been computerized. As indicated above, you’ll need to locate property registration information or land records information to do so. Once you’ve determined that land ownership information is available online, follow this step-by-step guide to obtaining online fard.
- When you arrive at the Punjab Land Records Authority’s home page, you’ll notice a tab that says: Get your online fard by clicking here.
- Select the aforementioned tab.
- Mention your CNIC, Passport, POC, or NICOP if you have one.
- Your cellphone number will receive a code.
- Click next after entering the code.
- A new page will appear with blank forms. Enter the district, tehsil, and mauza of your property. You must also specify the reason for obtaining fard, which should be just for your own records.
- If you need fard for any other reason, you must go to the Arazi Record Center in person, as biometric verification is required in this case.
Obtaining a Fard from the Local Arazi Record Center:
(Source: onlinefard.punjab-zameen.gov.pk)
You can get your fard through the following process:
- Tell the police at the Arazi Record Center your name, father’s name, and husband’s name.
- It is not necessary to give the khewat number. By providing your CNIC number, you can get fard.
- Your thumb impression will be taken, as well as a photograph.
- The system will identify any discrepancies in the records.
- To pay the charge, you will receive a printed challan.
- Keep in mind that the cost can only be paid at any Punjab Bank branch.
- The cost varies between PKR 500 and PKR 700, depending on the type of blush you desire.
- Fill out the challan form.
- The printed fard will be sent to you.
Registering a Property:
(Source: Housing.com)
Since the establishment of the Punjab Land Record Authority, the process of registering your property has also changed dramatically. The entire procedure has been shortened to only 11 days, down from 56 days earlier. As indicated in the diagram above, the property registration procedure consists of four steps:
- Arazi Record Center can provide you with fard for PKR 500-700.
- Pay the taxes such as the 2% Capital Value Tax (CVT), the 3% Stamp Duty, and the 1% Town Fee.
- Tax payments can only be made at the Punjab Bank.
- Hire a lawyer or a deed writer.
- The registration of a deed in the attendance of a registrar’s office will be completed at the sub-registrar office in 8 days.
- The registration process will cost you PKR 1000.
To read more on land registration in other provinces of Pakistan, visit our feeta blog.
Features and Functions of Punjab Land Record Authority
How to Reduce Risk in Real Estate Business
For all investors, it is important to take measures to reduce risk in real estate investments. For that, a complete understanding of various market factors and trends is important.
Real estate shares a huge portion of economies around the world. With rapid population growth around the world, commercial and residential real estate has been on the rise. This has created opportunities for investors to pool their money in potential projects and secure their assets.
However, real estate investment is a complex and risky process. The market is volatile with several potential risks. Government policies keep changing and, similarly, the market trends keep shifting. Thus, a proper understanding of the market is required before making an investment.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, brings you a guide to reducing risk in the real estate business.
Benefits of Investing in Real Estate:
There are several benefits of investing in real estate. Firstly, it is the best way to reduce the risk of assets losing their value. Secondly, a rental property provides a source of continuous cash flow.
The following are some other benefits of real estate investment:
- Provides greater returns on initial investments
- Long-term assets security
- Tax breaks and deductions
- A passive income source
- Covers mortgage payments
- Ability to leverage funds
- Protects against inflation
Risks of Investing in Real Estate:
Most investors are unaware of the risks involved in real estate investments and are unable to plan a strategy.
The following are some of the most prominent investment risks in real estate.
- Volatile market
- Negative cash flows
- High maintenance costs
- Investment in real estate takes time to grow
- Real estate transactions are slow
Factors Affecting the Real Estate Market:
The following are some factors that can affect the real estate market:
- Demographics
- Economy
- Employment opportunities
- Interest rates on loans and properties
- External investors
- Fiscal budget
- Government policies and laws
These factors govern the investment trends in any given area. Considering these factors and devising a strategy accordingly will help you reduce the risks involved.
Tips to Reduce Risk in Real Estate Business:
The following tips can help you get the most out of your investment with minimal risks:
- Understand the real estate market and its trends
- Choose the right real estate domain
- Consider the functional attributes of projects to reduce risk in real estate
- Invest at the right stage of project development
Understand the Real Estate Market and its Trends:
Understanding the real estate market is essential, especially in Pakistan, where inflation is growing every day, rupee devaluation is a common occurrence, and investment trends keep changing. Without having a solid knowledge of different trends, there are higher chances of investment failure.
Investment in real estate is of three types: buying, selling, and renting. Each type of investment requires a completely different understanding of the market. To understand each one of them, break down the market into micro components and research it.
Real estate companies can also guide you about the current changes that the market is experiencing. Moreover, they can give you options for projects with potential growth.
Choose the Right Real Estate Domain:
Source: Pinterest
With population growth, more residential projects have been launched. However, commercial real estate is mostly a high-end investment option, with people investing billions each year.
Real estate investment can be in the form of buying, selling, renting, and shareholding. All these options have different market requirements, risks, and benefits. Your investment in real estate largely depends upon your capital.
If you are a seasonal investor and looking to get the best out of your investment quickly, then buying a property and selling it after some time can be a suitable choice.
Consider the Functional Attributes of Projects to reduce risk in real estate:
Before making an investment, you need to understand the functional attributes of the relevant project. The first major thing to decide is whether you want to invest in a commercial project or a residential project.
To invest in a commercial project, you need a high investment. There are generally higher returns associated with this investment.
Commercial areas develop faster, and the development of local and international brands increases the value of these commercial plots.
Residential projects, on the other hand, require smaller investments, but it requires a long time to receive profitable returns. However, investors are confident to invest in residential projects, as the market is currently growing at a fast pace.
Apart from the nature of the projects, you need to look for the following functional attributes of a property:
- Location, location, and location
- Property style and size
- Home amenities
- Nearby facilities
- Taxes and cost of living
- Lifestyle needs
- Basic infrastructure
- Connectivity and transport
- Local market indicators
Compare your desired property to the other properties in the market with the same features. It will help you make the right investment with minimum chances of loss.
Invest At the Right Stage of the Project Development:
Source: Levelst
Real estate development is completed in seven different steps: land banking, land packaging, land development, building development, building operation, building renovation, and site redevelopment.
At every stage of project development, investment varies. For instance, if you are buying a plot file while land development authorities have released the construction plans you can own the property at low rates.
However, buying a fully developed commercial or residential unit is a big investment. These units can help you regain the initial investment in a short amount of time, however, the risk associated with it is also bigger. Thus, you need to carefully evaluate all factors before investing.
For more tips on how to navigate the real estate market, visit our Feeta blog.
How to Reduce Risk in Real Estate Business
How to Save Money to Buy a Home
Save Money to Buy a Home is the single biggest investment for most families. For many of them, it takes years to save enough money for the down payment. Factors such as an ever-changing housing sector, skyrocketing market prices, and high inflation add to problems when purchasing a house. Inflation, above all, has been the most prominent factor that has caused a sudden rise in property prices.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, has compiled a guide that can help you save money to buy a home.
Tips to Save Money:
The following are some of the most effective tips that can help save money to buy a home as well as make the following payments:
- Break down the payments
- Eliminate your debt
- Create a budget
- Set saving goals
- Spend to save
- Choose a cheaper place
- Find new ways to generate income
- Find new ways to generate income
Break Down the Payments:
Whether you are a first-time property buyer or a regular investor, you will have to break down payments that you are required to make at various steps. Therefore, you must consider each factor while making the calculations.
The most important and difficult payment while purchasing a property is the down payment. In most cases, it is usually around 2-30% of the total cost of the property.
If you are depending on a mortgage or loan payment, it might be even trickier. Most lenders will give you money if you possess a minimum of 10% of the price of the house. Even once they lend you money, you would have to repay the amount at a specific interest rate later on.
There are also closing costs that need to be paid while completing the sales process. These can put a burden on your budget during and after the purchase. The following factors can add to the closing cost:
- Inspection costs
- Appraisal costs
- Title services
- Property insurance
- HOA (Homeowners Association) Fees
- Moving charges
- Renovation and maintenance
- Government and local body taxes
Eliminate Your Debt:
Most home buyers have to save money for years to buy their first home. Moreover, they have to manage money for various daily expenses as well. It leads them to take loans from banks or other money lenders, disrupting their savings amount.
So, if you are trying to save money through budgeting and still have a large debt burden, you need to pay it off first. Most money lenders take interest while you repay them the amount. Once you eliminate all the debt, you can add that money to your savings account.
Secondly, prioritizing your debt payments earlier will help you in managing other financial obligations later on.
Create a Budget:
The most important strategy to save money for any purpose is to have a budget plan. Whether you have a single source of income or multiple sources, if you don’t plan your budget, you will end up wasting all your money. A budget will help you to:
- Manage your expenses effectively
- Allocate appropriate resources to wants and needs
- Monitor your objectives
- Make confident financial decisions
- Identify problems of over-budgeting
However, creating a budget is not a simple task. For that, you need to consider all your expenses, future goals, and income, along with many other factors. The following checklist can help you create a realistic budget:
- Gather your financial paperwork
- Calculate your income
- Create a list of monthly expenses
- Set realistic goals
- Calculate your monthly income and expenses
- Make adjustments to the budget
Step 1: First, calculate your income from all sources. In this manner, you will be able to divide your income equally for various expenses.
Source: MS Excel
Step 2: Secondly, list down all your expenses and keep track on a daily basis.
Source: MS Excel
Step 3: Sum up the overall budget at the end of the month.
Source: MS Excel
The difference between the budget set and the total money spent will help you in reviewing your plan. You would be able to check if your expenses will be over the budget and how you can save more money.
Set Saving Goals:
Without setting proper financial goals, budgets are likely to fail. Your financial goals can be of two types: short-term or long-term goals. Achieving short-term financial goals by managing your income and expenses will help you in achieving your long-term financial goals.
You can use the 50/30/20 rule to set realistic saving goals. Define 50% of your total monthly income for your daily needs, 30% for your wants, and save 20%. This rule will help you in the first step by allocating the budget for specific purposes.
Now, you need to check the area where you are wasting your money. If you are spending too much on your needs or wants, you should cut a specific percentage from them and add it to your savings.
Luxury items and food from restaurants account for the most percentage of your budget. You can also cut these expenses by reducing your purchase of luxury items and cooking food at home. This will increase your savings over time.
The following measures can help you achieve all your saving goals:
- Go shopping with a smarter list and shop.
- Avoid unnecessary trips to the markets.
- Prefer to eat at home.
- Eliminate unnecessary bills.
- Use less electricity and gas.
- Pay your bills on time to avoid penalties.
- Use public transportation.
- Cut the cost of your water bills.
- Trim down your daily expenses.
Spend to Save:
Source: Readers Fusion
When you buy a home, there can be several problems. For instance, there can be issues with water pipelines, electric wiring, paint, doors, windows, etc. If you ignore these repairs at first, they will eventually cost you more in the future.
You can also hire certified professionals who can give you an overall efficiency report of everything inside and outside the building. You can follow the given checklist to assess the condition of the property:
- Water damages
- Damaged roof
- Faulty electrical system
- Plumbing problems
- Structural and foundational issues
- Pest infestation
- HVAC system problems
Choose a Cheaper Place:
Property prices vary from area to area. Property prices are usually higher in densely-populated areas with a large number of commercial set-ups. On the other hand, in new residential areas with less population and small commercial set-ups, property prices are very low. Thus, you need to make a conscious decision while choosing the location.
The following are some benefits of buying a cheaper property:
- There is less competition for cheap properties as they are located in less prosperous areas.
- Cheap properties are suitable for cash investors.
- They minimize stamp duty bills.
- Cheap properties require low deposits, low payments, and low interest.
- There is a lower risk of loss of investment if you have to sell the property.
- These properties have good rental prospects.
- You will have control over all the updates and improvements.
Find New Ways to Generate Income:
Depending solely on one source of income might not help you these days in saving money. With the high inflation rate, the prices of everyday commodities have gone up. Moreover, this inflation has changed the real estate market with soaring prices. So, one must find ways to earn and save money for future investment goals.
The good news is that the internet has already provided hundreds of ways to learn and earn money online. The following are some of the ways that can help you generate income apart from a single job:
- Become a freelancer
- Become a virtual assistant
- Start an eCommerce business
- Write online reviews
- Start your own blog
- Sell photography
- Become a rideshare driver (Uber, Careem)
- Rent out items
- Manage other people’s properties
- Invest in stocks
- Become a digital creator
- Start a coaching business
There are also several other resources that you can invest in to save money to buy a home.
For more information about saving money, visit Feeta Blog.
How to Save Money to Buy a Home
How to Generate Buyer Leads in Real Estate
It is not very difficult to generate buyer leads in real estate if realtors follow the right strategy after studying the market.
The real estate business has witnessed tremendous growth during the past few years due to the exponential population boom. Real estate companies are investing in big construction projects and expanding their business to large extents. However, individual realtors are facing a tough challenge to grow in the market.
Realtors solely depend on market trends and competition to generate sales. A successful strategy in a stable market helps them generate buyer leads in the real estate business.
However, fierce market competition, changing consumer demands, evolving technology trends, and environmental changes are causing economic uncertainties in markets. It affects the sales strategies of realtors in the long run. So, they have to keep a track of several factors and update their strategies accordingly.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, has compiled a guide that can help realtors generate buyer leads in real estate.
Ways to Generate Buyer Leads in Real Estate:
From arranging physical tours of the property to using digital media platforms for marketing, the following strategies can help generate buyer leads in real estate.
- Focus on a niche
- Become your local subject expert
- Create a website
- Create a social media marketing strategy
- Use email marketing
- Develop real estate content
- Offer virtual tours
- Provide testimonials and portfolio
- Build partnerships
- Advertise through traditional media
Focus on a Single Niche:
One of the most common mistakes that realtors make is that they don’t have a single defined niche. They think that focusing on multiple areas will help them generate buyer leads and build their portfolio. However, that is a false assumption. Taking multiple areas of investment into account diverts the prospective client’s focus, causing a loss of confidence.
Therefore, focusing on a single niche at one time is essential. It will help you gain expertise in that particular area strategically and stand out amongst other realtors. Potential clients mostly consult realtors who possess expertise in their area of interest and, hence, can help in securing growth investments.
Moreover, by covering your area you will be able to create the right content and market it to the right investors.
The following are certain niches that individual realtors can choose from:
- First-time home buyers
- Commercial real estate
- Luxury real estate
- Relocations
- Rental Properties
- Mountain homes
- Farms
Apart from these, you can choose a niche depending upon the demographics of the area. For instance, in every area, the population is divided into various groups ie, hostels, single-family homes, multiple-family homes, university areas, etc. So, you can opt for a single area and build the presence of your services in it.
Become Your Local Area’s Expert:
Most real estate agents prefer to work in more than one area. They keep track of various projects in those areas and provide investors with potential investment opportunities. However, in most cases, they lack expertise in all of these locations, which goes on to cause problems later on.
To attract potential clients, becoming an expert in one area can increase your chances of gaining leads. A local area expert realtor must be aware of schools, parks, entertainment spots, restaurants, and all other facilities and amenities that can attract investors.
For instance, if you are working with a first-time home buyer with kids, you should provide them with options where schools and parks are nearby. It will help them choose the best property according to their needs. Therefore, it will eventually build investors’ confidence in the realtor.
If the realtor is confused about his or her area and has to consult others in the market, it gives a red signal to the investors. Becoming a local area expert will help you build your portfolio within a short period.
Create a Website:
With the evolution of technology and the online presence of real estate firms, investing in real estate has become quite easier. Although investors make their final decisions after physically visiting the properties, the internet and digital marketing can also influence their choices.
From finding a property to selecting a real estate agent, investors are now relying on the internet for information. With a single search, they can find thousands of properties and real estate agents to make their investment easier. Therefore, to stand out from the competition, building a website is an essential step for a real estate agent.
If you are working with a real estate firm, they may provide you with a web page presence, but that is not enough. You should create your own website to present your work to potential investors.
Having your website will help you in:
- Building a strong online presence
- Generating more leads
- Providing exposure to properties in your inventory
- Bringing innovation to your business
- Spreading the word about your business
- Using web listings during presentations
- Displaying testimonials and portfolio
Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy:
Over the past few years, social media has been influential in boosting the success of businesses. With an effective online presence through a defined strategy, companies can attract a large roster of clients.
Digital marketing with engaging and cohesive social media content provides the best strategy for the long-term success of a business. Having a social media following can bring in loyal customers who are influenced by your content and services.
Your social media content should focus on:
- 80% engaging content to build the interest of the public and keep them updated with industry trends.
- 20% sales-related content and messages to promote your business.
The following are some benefits of having social media presence:
- It gives a better exposure to your business.
- It provides a cost-friendly approach to reaching more investors.
- Reporting and analysis of lead generation are easier.
- It helps in enhancing customer relationships.
- It builds brand trust.
Use Email Marketing:
Source: Cmarix
Keeping clients regularly informed about your services is important as it helps build permanent relationships with clients. Website content and social media play a major role in maintaining bonds with investors and clients.
However, not all investors may have a social media presence. In this case, building an email marketing list will help a great deal. Once you have compiled the list of emails, send them weekly newsletters about upcoming local events or the latest developments in the real estate market.
The following are some benefits of email marketing:
- Enhances brand presence
- Helps in closing more real estate sales
- Reaches a broader range of customers
- Nurtures relationships with the clients
- Save time and money
Develop Real Estate-Related Content:
In the digital age, the traditional concept of real estate marketing has changed. Now, clients look for more information about projects and possible areas of online investment. So, real estate firms and agents have been generating informative content for this audience through blogs.
A real estate website is the ultimate platform to keep clients informed. However, having a website with your portfolio and client testimonials is not enough. You need to produce quality content on your site. Clients have a bundle of questions and concerns that should be answered.
Being aware of the most common real estate questions will help you plan content related to client concerns. With such content, you can address the client’s problems, build brand authority, and ultimately attract a regular audience. In case you are unaware of the most common real estate problems, you can follow the most famous real estate blogs on the internet and generate related content.
Offer Virtual Tours:
With the latest developments in technology, most real estate firms and realtors are adopting modern techniques to attract clients. Virtual tours, for instance, have become one of the most important tools for an agency. Clients need to view the condition of properties before they can consider investing in them. In such cases, physical visits and virtual tours play their role.
Most investors do not have enough time to visit the properties physically, so they prefer virtual tours. These allow them to assess the overall condition of properties. Virtual tours can also be helpful to a realtor.
They help in:
- Displaying property in the best way
- Gaining the trust of the clients
- Saving time and money spent on arranging physical tours
- Attracting more customers to your website
- Standing out from the other agents in the market
Provide Testimonials and Portfolio:
Clients usually do not trust the real estate agents in the market. Instead, they trust personal references from people they know or the other investors in the market. Secondly, they believe in the quality of projects in a realtor’s profile.
Hence, providing your clients with testimonials and past projects in your portfolio will help you gain their trust.
Providing testimonials will:
- Build credibility and trust in the market
- Establish an emotional draw
- Help during effective marketing
- Generate buyer leads
- Maintain permanent customers
Build Partnerships:
The real estate sector is connected to several industries. It is essential to expand your network in all allied industries. Building partnerships will help you and everyone connected in the loop in enhancing business.
The following are some industries where real estate agents can form profitable partnerships:
- Professional renovation firms
- Insurance companies
- Personal bankers
- Commercial lenders
- Title companies
- Property managers
- Cleaning services
Advertise Through Traditional Media:
Apart from all the strategies that involve technology, traditional advertising campaigns can also help in reaching out to more potential clients. For example, billboards and brochures can promote word-of-mouth among those who do not use social media.
By using these strategies, realtors can close more sales from their deals. To get more information about generating leads in the real estate business, visit Feeta Blog.
How to Generate Buyer Leads in Real Estate
How to Choose a Property Manager for Your Rental
A rental property bringing in a steady cash flow is a great asset to have Property Manager. Several investors in the real estate industry tend to buy properties and, after minor repairs, lease them to the tenants. However, it can also be a difficult decision to leave your property entirely in the hands of tenants.
Unfortunately, as is the case with most rental properties, tenants do not uphold the responsibility of taking care of the property. This can even cause a financial loss to the owner. In such cases, owners need to hire a property manager.
An experienced property manager will take good care of the property, keep the tenants satisfied, and maintain a steady cash flow for the owners. However, if you hire an inexperienced property manager, he or she can mishandle the property and tenants, eventually causing a low retention rate. Therefore, it is essential to hire the right professional.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal has prepared a guide to help you choose the right property manager for your rental.
Benefits of Hiring a Property Manager
Hiring a property manager comes at a cost, but it saves you the hassle of property management and legal procedures, among several other things. The following are some of the benefits of appointing the right property manager:
- Ensures traction on the property with effective marketing
- Helps you obtain high-quality tenants
- Saves you from any legal issues
- Maintains proper rent collection and cash flow
- Eases the eviction process
- Maintains solid monthly reporting and accounting
- Acquires a higher holding retention rate
- Ensures proper maintenance and repair work
- Prevents longer periods of property vacancy
Tips to Choose the Right Property Manager
A property manager can help you build a good portfolio in the market. However, finding the right professional is not an easy task. Rental property management is a long, complex process that involves tenant screening, constant communication, and property maintenance.
To choose the right property manager, you can follow the tips given below:
- Research the market
- Stick with local expertise
- Look for Organization and Tech Expertise
- Conduct multiple interviews
- Get referrals
- Prefer a proven track record
- Look for licensed property managers
- Review local ads
Let’s discuss these tips in detail for a better understanding:
Research the Market
Market research is essential when choosing a property manager. These days, technology has made this easier for property owners to look for relevant firms and professionals, and shortlist those with the best reviews.
Once you have prepared a list of potential property managers, you should check the following key information on their websites:
- List of services they provide
- Management charges and schedule
- Staff and leadership information
- Services for tenants and owners
- Contact information
- Customer testimonials
- Having reviews
- Original license
Stick with Local Expertise
Property management requires a thorough understanding of the local markets. Experts are well aware of various market factors, thus making the process easier for both owners and tenants. Before choosing a property manager, you can inquire about their knowledge of the following factors:
- Tenancy laws and licensing: Different areas have different property laws that govern tenancy conditions and rental licensing. During the tenancy, some problems may occur that would require a legal solution, hence, the property manager should be aware of related procedures and laws.
- Market demographics: Understanding the market demographics helps acquire the right tenants and maintain the tenancy rate. For instance, if a property is located in an area with a large student population, the property manager will help market the property as a suitable option for students.
- Vendor relationships: Property management requires property maintenance and repairs at different intervals. If the manager is unaware of the vendors in the local market, the cost of property management will be high.
Look for Organization and Tech Expertise
Property management is all about organization. If the property manager does not take care of everything meticulously, it might result in a bad reputation for your property. For this, proper documentation and communication are essential.
Electronic systems are secure and help maintain quick and effective communication. Technology awareness can also help find the best solutions for various problems. So, managers that are up to date with the latest technological trends can provide huge benefits to owners and tenants.
Conduct Multiple Interviews
While you are looking for a property manager, several candidates might approach you with their portfolios. You need to gather as much information as possible before proceeding further.
While you are interviewing candidates, the following questions might help you in getting the best results:
- How long have you been in the property management business?
- What will you cover in the monthly management fee?
- What are the conditions for the management fee?
- Will you provide a property management agreement?
- How many properties can you cover each month?
- What are the basic tenant requirements and basic screening process?
- How do you carry out property inspections?
- What is your deposit returning policy?
- Are you aware of the demographics of the area?
- Do you have an online portal for tenants and owners?
- Will you provide monthly and annual financial and property management reports?
These questions will help you analyze the management skills and professionalism of the applicants.
Get Referrals
An important way to hire the best property manager is to get referrals from friends and investors in the market. If a manager or a company has a bad reputation, it will eventually come out when consulted with others. Similarly, good property managers will have a stellar reputation in the market, and everyone will suggest their services.
Prefer Proven Track Record
Source: Pinterest
A professional’s track record with previous clients can give you a better idea about the quality of his or her services. When choosing a property manager, look for an individual who has the best projects in his portfolio.
Generally, owners look for the average time property managers take to fill a vacant property. Moreover, the maintenance factor should also be kept a priority. If the track record of a property manager shows excellent property maintenance, he or she should be your first choice.
Look for Licensed Property Managers
Property managers with licenses and proper documentation are a safer option for better management of your rental. Some property handlers have a good reputation in the market and a strong track record, but they lack legal authority. It makes them unreliable.
A licensed property manager is certified by the local government. They have taken the required property management courses and exams, which means they have a comprehensive knowledge of property management.
Review Local Ads
Property managers use local property advertisement agencies to share details about vacancies in different areas. These ads are displayed in newspapers or simply on digital platforms. For instance, big real estate companies or property management firms utilize their websites to display rental properties.
These ads and classifieds are your best ways to analyze the best property managers. Look for the following features in ads to help you make your decision:
- Unit Description: The best unit descriptions describe the rental place in detail, with all its features listed. If the management firm is showcasing all aspects of the property, it shows professionalism.
- Quality Photos: These days, property advertisement has become easier because of digital platforms. If the property manager displays quality images of the property to attract the tenants, it shows his professionalism.
- Virtual Tour of the Property: With the arrival of technology, it has become possible for managers to arrange virtual tours of rental properties. This helps the tenants in ‘visiting’ the property virtually from any place.
These aspects can help you find the property manager you are looking for.
To get more information about rental property management tips, visit Feeta Blog.
How to Choose a Property Manager for Your Rental
Happy Home Interiors With Relaxed Muted Decor
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Off-the-shelf colors make soft, happy fusions within these three inspiring modern Home Interiors, to promote relaxation and rejuvenation. In a sunny home design number one, we see an immediate influx of color with a curved terrace-covered feature wall and TV mount, which are quickly joined by sweet pink, blue and yellow accents. Our second tour takes place in an elegant, mid-century modern-inspired home design that includes a bold green and tan combination and a quirky tapestry-tipped headboard main wall. Finally, we finish our collection with a clear modern apartment interior, where silent color collisions inspire a unique personality and joyful moments.
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Happy Home Interiors With Relaxed Muted Decor
- Published in colorful, Decoration, Home Decor, home design, interior, Interior Decoration Ideas, Interior Design, interiors, International, modern
A Guide to Rental Property Financing
Rental property financing is complex for new investors to understand.
Real estate investments are highly desirable as they provide opportunities for sustainable growth. For the majority of investors, buying rental properties can be the right way to start in real estate. Rental properties can be a source of healthy passive income. With time, expanding and diversifying this real estate portfolio becomes desirable.
However, financing the first rental property can be challenging. For a first-time real estate investor, the right funding for the first rental property is essential, otherwise, it can turn out to be a problem in the future.
However, financing has become very difficult for new investors due to trust issues in the market. For investors with decent credit sources, there are several ways to arrange funds.
A conventional way to invest in rental properties is saving money for down payments and arranging mortgages for the remaining payments. However, this is not the only path to financing rental properties.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal provides a complete guide on rental property financing.
Ways to Rental Property Financing:
The following are some of the ways that can help generate rental property financing:
- Private funding
- Online mortgage providers
- Seller financing
- Home equity
- Group investing
Let’s discuss these sources in detail.
Private Funding:
The real estate market has giant investors and businessmen who are always looking for different investment opportunities. They provide buyers with private financing with interest. The process is quite similar to conventional mortgage payments, but a quicker one.
For people who are looking to expand their portfolio in the real estate market, private financing can be an excellent way to fund properties. Traditional mortgage payments are slow and require documentation and legal procedures. However, a private funding source will provide you with the required funds with little documentation and no hassle related to legal procedures.
Rental properties are mostly financially feasible investments with a positive cash flow each month. In such cases, buyers can avail of private funding for short periods and then shift to mortgages later on. This will allow them to save more money from rent.
Buyers must also keep the high-interest rate factor in mind. Private lenders take higher interests as compensation for payments of large sums in a shorter time. However, this factor should not stop buyers from availing of quick funds.
Online Mortgage Providers:
Arranging a traditional mortgage is a complex and daunting task. It takes anywhere between three to seven weeks and lots of documentation procedures to get a traditional mortgage approved. The conventional mortgage process is completed in six steps:
- Pre-approval
- Property shopping
- Mortgage application
- Loan processing
- Underwriting
- Closing
To avoid this toil and lengthy procedures, finding an online mortgage provider can be a good choice. Rental property loan from an online lender is hassle-free and convenient. Buyers do not require to visit any banks and arrange brokers for the legal procedures and paperwork. All they have to do is to fill out the mortgage application online from their computers or mobile phones.
Online mortgage providers usually do not demand debt-to-income (DTI) details or any details about property size. This helps buyers get the required loans and invest them in any property of their choice. Moreover, loan repayment conditions are also flexible.
Seller Financing:
Seller financing might not seem like an appropriate idea while thinking about rental property financing. But, in cases when investors are unable to find finances from traditional or online mortgage providers or private funding, this can be a good option to try.
Seller financing is the process of arranging finances from the person who will sell you the property. If the property owner agrees to lend you the funds, it might be the easiest way to finance your rental property. Banks and credit unions have lengthy procedures to follow.
Seller financing has two major scenarios: first, where the seller finances the entire purchase; and second, where the seller finances the down payment. In both cases, the deal becomes easier to conclude.
However, getting finances from the seller is not an easy procedure. Most sellers may not sponsor the deal as they might want to sell their property to finance other projects. The trust factor also comes in while the talks are in process.
The contract must outline all the terms and conditions of seller financing to take the owner in confidence. Moreover, the owner should be aware of all the legal procedures and documentation that will provide a guarantee of payments over time.
Home Equity:
As a buyer who may have an old property in his / her name, an investor can draw money through a property equity loan or cash-out refinance. In most cases, it is one of the best ways to finance a rental property. Property lenders take your existing property as a guarantee to give you loans. The loan can then be refinanced in a new property.
Additionally, investors can borrow loans on their existing property. Most properties can fetch 80% loans of the equity value. On the other hand, cash-out refinance only gives a fixed rate of the loan. In all cases, the process can save you from paying extra payments to banks. ‘
Group Investing:
For investors with limited sources and no other means to finance the rental properties, group investing can be a profitable way to do so. There are hundreds of people out there in the market who can connect and invest in groups.
The concept is very similar to stocks and shareholding. Every individual in the group will get the shares in the rental property according to their investment percentage. This method is being used as ‘real estate investment trusts’ in big real estate projects.
Factors to Consider While Purchasing a Rental Property:
Buying and financing a rental property is a complex process. Several factors should be considered before selecting any property and pouring money into the market. The following are several factors that every rental property buyer must keep in mind:
- Buy a low-cost property
- Avoid high-interest rates on property loans
- Calculate the right repayment margins
Buy a Low-Cost Property:
While starting ventures in the real estate market, investors want to invest in big projects. Most times, it proves to be a big mistake. Similarly, for small investors, it is essential to think before making any investments. Small and low-cost properties are profitable and better investment areas. Higher mortgage payments burden the cash flow from the property as well.
So, to maintain a considerable amount of monthly rent and pay the mortgages, low-cost properties are very convenient.
Avoid High-Interest Rates on Property Loans:
Over the past few years, property prices have skyrocketed and so have the interest rates on loans or mortgage payments. However, some banks and lenders are charging more than the average market rates. Therefore, while purchasing any property on loans, it is essential to look for the right mortgage providers.
Arranging a low-interest mortgage provider will help investors save money from the monthly profits. Moreover, it will help property owners during any renovation work later on.
Calculate the Right Repayment Margins:
Calculation of the right repayment margins is as essential as selecting a low-interest mortgage provider. If the investor is not aware of all the expenses, he or she might miscalculate the payments and profits. It will lead to mismanagement, eventually burdening the owners. Therefore, investors must plan the loan repayment strategy.
Other costs such as home insurance, association fees, property taxes, regular maintenance costs, and pest control expenses should also be part of the payment plan.
For more information about rental property investments, visit Feeta Blog.
A Guide to Rental Property Financing
10 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Real Estate Investment
To answer the most commonly asked questions about real estate investment, understanding various factors is essential.
Real estate investment seems overwhelming to beginners because of the significant financial growth linked to it. In Pakistan, it is one of the most lucrative and highly-profitable investments. Construction projects across the country are attracting investors to secure their assets for a better future.
However, investing in the real estate industry is a complex process. Many new investors fail because they are unaware of the factors that can influence their investments. They tend to repeat common mistakes and lose their investments. So, a solid knowledge of the industry is essential before pouring money into real estate.
One way to predict the ups and downs of the market is to ask questions from experts. Real estate market analysts keep a track of key factors over time as it helps them predict market dynamics accurately. Gaining their insights can give you direction when investing.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal brings you answers to the 10 most commonly asked questions about real estate investment.
10 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Real Estate Investment
Familiarity with answers to the most common questions of real estate investment can help to avoid the most common mistakes during real estate investment. Here are the questions that every new real estate investor asks:
- What are the ways to determine the value of an investment property?
- How can one finance real estate deals?
- What is the best real estate investment strategy?
- Where can one find profitable investment areas?
- Can investments in real estate begin with no money?
- Are real estate agents essential to buy or sell any property?
- How can one predict rent charges for their property?
- How can one find the right tenant for a property?
- Who handles the basic repair value of a property?
- What should be the financial goals?
Let’s dig into the details of these questions and find out the answers.
What are the ways to determine the value of an investment property?
As a beginner in the real estate market, it can be difficult to find out the prices of properties. When it comes to selling or buying a property, both sides involve different factors. So, what are the ways that can help determine the value of a property?
Comparative market analysis (CMA) is one of the best methods to solve this problem. While working in a market with many properties on sale and many investors involved, it is easy to predict the rates of a property according to the area. An in-depth analysis of the most recently sold properties can give you the best estimate.
CMA reports are set by the real estate agents in the market, which helps new sellers and buyers with listing prices and estimates for investments. CMA compares one property to another with the same features, area, and facilities.
Another way to predict a property’s value is to get help from government officials. Land record offices have all the properties listed according to their locations. Moreover, they set a base price per sq. ft. of each property. Hence, it can help a lot in predicting the overall price of the property.
How can one finance real estate deals?
For most beginners, financing a real estate deal is the biggest problem. With no stable income sources, they fail to invest in any property and eventually fail to get started. However, proper awareness of potential sources that can generate finances for investments can be helpful.
There are two ways to generate finance: selling an old, self-owned property or acquiring conventional property investment loans. The first method can become a source of positive ongoing cash flow. Selling a home and then buying a new property can give you hefty annual returns on your initial investment.
Most people living in rural areas of Pakistan own a large number of properties. But, due to remote locations, these properties are considered practically worthless. So, these days, people from rural areas are selling their properties and investing in real estate projects in major cities instead.
On the other hand, for most investors with no previously owned property, loans are the only way to start real estate investments. However, these investments are not desirable as annual returns are not too high.
What is the best real estate investment strategy?
Without a proper strategy, a real estate investment is bound to fail. According to real estate experts, most beginners lose their investments because they do not strategize beforehand. Beginners are under the false impression that possessing a sufficient amount of money is all that is required, and it will give them profitable returns straightaway. However, the reality is pretty much the opposite.
Successful real estate investors formulate a strategy based on their investment goals, which helps them in their next venture. It provides them with a timeline to hold on to their assets and then invest at the right time. So, tuning investment strategy to goals is essential.
Generally, there are three main strategies that successful investors follow: opportunistic, add-on, and core. Moreover, factors such as types of property and location can also influence the decisions. For example, commercial properties are profitable as compared to residential properties.
How can one find profitable investment areas?
A very important factor to consider before investing in real estate is to choose the right area. Pouring money into properties with no real value is not a good strategy. With the recent widespread development of residential and commercial projects around Pakistan, property prices have skyrocketed.
Commercial properties have a higher value as compared to residential properties. For an investor who is looking to grow assets in a relatively short time, investment in commercial areas is recommended. Houses need repairs and time to increase their value.
Moreover, the availability of water, gas, and transport systems near a property also influences its value. If it does not have such facilities, it is not desirable for buyers.
Can investments in real estate begin with no money?
The state of one’s finances is the most important factor to start a real estate investment. However, in cases where investors do not have enough money to pay for down payments, investors need to be more creative. Funds can be generated in several ways to finance a real estate deal. However, these cannot be guaranteed every time as the market keeps changing. Some of these ways have been listed below:
- Real estate partnerships
- Wholesale dealings
- Conventional property investment loans
- Home equity loans
Are real estate agents essential to buy or sell any property?
One can start investing in the real estate market without any external help. However, the process will be time-consuming and rigorous as the market is much more complex to understand. The presence of a real estate agent can help a great deal as they are aware of all the complexities of the market as well as the processes that are involved in a property deal.
From evaluating markets, finding an attorney, and getting pre-approved loans, to negotiating and closing the deal, the real estate agent makes everything smooth and easy. However, with hundreds of agents in the market, scammers get the chance to target investors. So, choosing the right real estate agent is also important.
How can one predict rent charges for my property?
For investors who purchase properties to rent them out, a basic awareness of the right rent charges is essential. Proper rent estimation helps in advertising the property. An over-estimated property may remain vacant and a low-rented property might end up in negative cash flow.
An analysis of how tenants navigate the competitive rental market gives the best estimate of a property’s rent. Local market conditions and rates can also help you in advertising your property with the right rent charges.
How can one find the right tenant for a property?
If you have rented out a property, you would want to ensure that it is kept safe and protected. A good tenant takes care of your rental property and also makes rent payments on time.
When choosing the right tenant, proper screening is important. Check the references they have provided you with for a more thorough screening process.
Who handles the basic repair value of a property?
While purchasing any property, buyers are concerned about the expenses of basic repairs. Hiring professional teams can cost you a lot of money and affect your profits. If you are a new buyer, you should preferably do all the minor repairs yourself. It will help you keep the cost in control.
However, if you are a potential real estate investor, then you can hire a team to carry out all the repair and renovation work, as this helps to enhance the overall rates of a property.
What should be the financial goals?
Just like the right strategy, the right financial goals are also important. Whether you are a part-timer or a full-time investor, you need to have everything figured out. Should you hold on to the property until prices appreciate to make a profit? Or should you buy a commercial property to start your own business?
Before you start investing, also try to make an accurate calculation of whether you might end up losing money in the first few months, the point at which you may break even, and how much you can expect to make after three to five years.
Factors Influencing Real Estate Investment
Apart from all the above questions, new investors must also be aware of the factors that can influence their real estate investments:
- Demographics of the country
- Government policies
- The annual budget of the country
- Employment opportunities
- Interest rates on loans and property
- Market trust
- Tax policies
To get more information about real estate investment in Pakistan, visit Feeta blogs.
10 Most Commonly Asked Questions About Real Estate Investment
Tips to Get the Best Deal on Your Property
To get the best deal on your property when it comes to buying or selling a property, you need to avoid some common mistakes. Selling a property, in particular, is a more complex process. From preparing the house for selling to finding a suitable buyer, the process takes a lot of time to secure the deal.
A property is probably the most expensive asset an individual owns, so selling comes with an element of caution. Most property owners sell their property because they need immediate finances to manage expenses or invest in some other project.
While visiting a property on sale, most buyers generally offer less money than your property’s actual worth. Moreover, they will criticize several elements such as home design, closet positioning, and color choices. It can be emotionally challenging as a place is more than walls and roofs for the owners.
With no experience and knowledge, property owners face heavy losses while selling a property. However, a little know-how about the process can help secure the best deal with the highest possible rates in a reasonable time frame.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, brings you essential tips to get the best deal on your property.
Tips to Get the Best Deal on Your Property
The following are some essential tips that property owners can follow to get the best deal on their property:
- Prepare your home for selling
- Improve your home’s exterior
- Make the repairs
- Be patient while selling your property
- Do the Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
- Choose a realtor carefully
- Setup a realistic price
Prepare Your Home for Selling
Before buying a property, the buyer imagines himself living inside it. If everything is properly arranged and decluttered, buyers can put in a good offer.
The following are certain measures that you can opt to prepare your property for sale:
- Thoroughly clean every part of your property
- Get rid of the clutter
- Depersonalize by removing family photos
- Rearrange all the furniture
- Move all the bulky items to storage
Apart from these measures, you can hire property stagers. They will showcase your best assets in order to impress the buyers. Stagers help property owners in selling their properties in a reasonable time frame.
Improving the Property’s Exterior
The exterior of a property is the first impression potential buyers have of your place. Hence, if you want to sell quickly, make sure your property’s exterior is attractive. For that reason, you should consider taking the following measures:
- Clean your house’s surroundings
- Consider minor repairs and maintenance of exterior elements
- Wash the windows
- Repaint some parts of your home, if needed
- Replace your door handles, if required
- Clean the pathway from the curb to the porch
- Prune the outgrown bushes and straighten up uneven paths
- Dust away debris and spiderwebs from windows
Taking these measures will make your home appealing to visitors and leave a positive impression.
Make the repairs
Minor repairs can greatly impact your property’s selling price. If you do not have enough time to do full renovations, you can focus on quick repairs. A complete survey of the house will point out all the areas that need quick fixing, such as:
- Loose tiles in bathroom and kitchen
- Loose hinges on doors and cabinets
- Stuck drawers and cabinets
- Leaky faucets
- Stains on carpets
If you have enough budget and time, you can add new hardware as well to make your home more attractive.
Be Patient While Selling Your Property
Most people want to sell their property as soon as possible because they think selling property is a piece of cake. However, it is completely the opposite. If you want to sell your property quickly, you probably need to rethink your strategy because a hasty decision will result in big losses.
If you do not analyze market prices and dynamics, real estate agents and buyers will benefit from the situation. The real estate market keeps fluctuating and you should wait for the right time to make your decision instead of rushing the process.
Even if you have spent money on quick repairs or renovation, this may backfire if you haven’t taken the current market conditions into account.
Do the Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
In the real estate business, a comparative market analysis is essential. If you are unaware of the market factors and dynamics, your investment might crash. Your asset is the most valuable thing that you have and, for that, you need to be mindful.
CMA report will provide you with the following essential elements:
- Addresses of all the comparable properties in the area
- Description of all the properties including floor plan, facilities, and amenities
- The sales price of each property
- Prices of recently sold properties
- The fair market value of properties
- Neighborhood Details
Apart from these factors, the CMA report gives you a realistic estimate of your property’s price. So, comparative market analysis saves you from fraud and losses and you can get the best deal on your property.
Choose Your Realtor Carefully
Being new to the real estate market, you might not be able to understand the complex process of property selling. In such cases, you should hire a real estate agent after proper research. Although real estate agents usually charge 2-4% of the final cost, they help in securing a good deal.
A good real estate agent will keep your interests at the core of his business. He can present your property in much better ways to potential buyers. The following are the main responsibilities of a real estate agent:
- Facilitate meetings with potential buyers
- Carry out CMA and set the property’s price
- Prepare listings preparations for clients
- Take photographs of the property to present it on digital platforms
- Market your property
- Make property repair suggestions
- Stage home for a better impression in front of clients
- Process documentation, agreements, and records
- Coordinate meetings and appointments
- Secure the best deal
Set Up a Realistic Price
Setting a realistic price for your property is very crucial. While listing your property for sale, you should consider a comparative market analysis. It will help you decide the right price for your property. Just like all sellers, buyers and their real estate agents also conduct comparative market analysis so they have an idea about property prices in a particular area.
If you have set a high price for your property, chances are it will remain unsold. Similarly, setting lower prices will result in losses. Therefore, a balanced strategy is helpful in this regard.
For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
Tips to Get the Best Deal on Your Property
How to Differentiate Your Property from Other Listings
With thousands of listings available online, buyers can easily get overwhelmed navigating through a sea of properties. There’s a high possibility that your listing may get swept under the plethora of estates that already stand out. Under such circumstances, the only way to cut through the noise is to differentiate your property from other listings.
If you’re not sure where to start, we have you covered. Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, features an in-depth guide on how to differentiate your property from other listings.
How to Differentiate Your Property from Other Listings
Even if your property offers something that others don’t, buyers will have no way to find out unless your listing is shaped in a way that stands apart. A listing that is able to instantly catch the attention of buyers is one that is more likely to be sold quickly as compared to others. Follow these steps and make your listing truly unique.
Stage Your Listing
When buyers look at pictures of a listing, they want to imagine themselves living there, something which is not possible with pictures of an empty, dull room. This practice not only attracts more buyers but also increases your property’s value.
Real estate experts have estimated that a staged home is likely to sell for 17 percent higher than non-staged homes on average. Moreover, the rate at which these listings get sold is also significantly much faster.
Hire a Photographer
Source: Pinterest
Simply taking pictures with your phone may seem like an easy and tempting idea. However, selling your property is a big deal, meaning you should go all out on presenting your property in the best way possible.
Hire a professional photographer, one that specializes in shooting interiors. Since online listings rely primarily on photos, low-quality DIY photos may lower your chances of finding a buyer.
Highlight the Best Features
Source: Pinterest
Not every part of your home needs to be photographed. Highlight the part of your home that stands out, something that others cannot offer. This can also take away the attention from a few undesirable features of your property.
If you have a spacious living room with plenty of natural lighting, highlight it through images and by mentioning it in the listing’s description. These factors can amount to a significant differentiation from other listings, allowing yours to stand out.
Keep It Neat
Source: Pinterest
A cluttered and messy space not only looks unappealing and uninviting but also bars buyers from envisioning themselves living there. When taking photos for your listing, ensure that the room is clean and free from any of your personal belongings.
A polished and inviting space offers the perfect imagery for buyers to visualize themselves with their own belongings.
Provide a Floor Plan
Source: Pinterest
Most listings tend to leave out one essential detail of the property – a floor plan. A detailed floor plan provides a bird’s eye view of the overall layout and design of the property. This information allows buyers to visualize the property and get an idea of how their furniture would fit.
Know Your Keywords
One mistake that most sellers make is erratically describing the property. This makes it hard for buyers to skim through the details, forcing them to move on to the next one. Knowing a few keywords pertaining to your property can make it easy for buyers to find exactly what they are looking for.
You can use keywords to either highlight the property’s main features or use descriptive keywords for triggering imagery. Some of the most common keywords you can use for describing your listings have been listed below.
- Wooden Flooring
- Air Conditioning
- Close to Public Transport
- Commercial Areas Nearby
- City Views
- Master Bedrooms
- Stainless Steel Appliances
Provide a Virtual Tour
Source: Pinterest
Apart from photos and floor plans, you can also upload a virtual tour of the whole house. This allows buyers to completely visualize the flow of the property. You can hire a professional videographer to shoot a thorough house video, showcasing the highlights of the property.
A 3-D floor plan is another way to provide some virtual insight into the property’s floor plan. This option might be a bit on the pricy side, but it will certainly be worth it. A 3-D plan not only allows buyers to visualize the interiors but also differentiates your property from other listings.
The Bottom Line
Even if your property is exceptionally unique, buyers will have no means of knowing that unless your listing is able to transcribe the same attributes. With thousands of listings already available, a differentiating factor is the only thing that can allow your property to stand out and garner attention from the right buyers. Use this guide to differentiate your property from other listings and find the best deal.
For more information, visit Feeta blogs – Pakistan’s first online real estate marketplace.
How to Differentiate Your Property from Other Listings
Should I Buy a House Near a Train Track?
House Near a Train Track, With cities expanding at immense rates and the need for housing at an all-time high, buyers have been left with no choice but to consider settling down in rather unconventional localities. Such is the case with those that are considering buying a house near a train track. As the decision comes with a myriad of benefits and drawbacks, many of you will be plagued by the question; should I buy a house near a train track?
To help you thoroughly evaluate and make an informed decision, Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, features an in-depth analysis of buying a house near a train track.
Pros and Cons of Buying a House Near a Train Track
Despite seeming like an obvious pass, a house near a train track can offer several benefits. Some of these may even be enticing enough to forgo the few cons of this situation. So, if you’ve come across an excellent property near a train track, don’t let it slide by without considering both sides.
Pros of Living Near a Train Track
Source: Pinterest
A property near a train track has several benefits to offer. Depending on your situation, some of these benefits might be just what you were looking for. Following are some of the pros of living near a train track.
Affordable Properties
If you’re on a tight budget, a property near a train track might be the perfect option for you. Since most people tend to avoid living near turbulent places, the values of properties tend to be much lower as compared to other city areas.
If a compromise can be made on the strident sounds of trains passing by, these properties can offer some of the most reasonable prices out there – perfect for those on a smaller budget.
Since train stations accompany train tracks at regular intervals, there is a high probability that your property will be close to a train station. This serves as a substantial benefit for those that commute through public transport.
Moreover, train stations are surrounded by public bus stops, motels, restaurants, and overall well-developed infrastructure. These amenities and services make properties near a train track a good option for regular travelers and commuters.
Infrastructure Development
Another benefit that areas near train tracks offer is better infrastructure. As trains produce much traction in the locality, governing authorities are forced to invest in improving the surrounding areas. This could either mean better facilities and amenities, or a well-developed roadway surrounding the locality.
Cons of Buying a House Near a Train Track
Source: Pinterest
Buying a house near a train track comes with its own set of problems. From the regular blaring noise to a low resale price, these properties offer a myriad of drawbacks that should be thoroughly evaluated.
Noise Pollution
The incessant rattling and deafening sound of trains are one of the few reasons why buying a house near a train track can be so off-putting. Living near such high-intensity noise pollution can have severe repercussions on your health – both physical and mental.
Train transits during the day might be bearable, but night-time freights are surely an impediment. Regular sleep disturbance can lead to serious sleep-related issues such as insomnia or sleep deprivation.
Low Resale Value
Houses near train tracks tend to favor the buyer’s market, owing to the low demand for these properties. If you are buying a property to invest and resell, a house near a train track will be detrimental to your investment.
If you do plan on buying a house near a train track, carefully evaluate your plans since reselling these properties can be a hassle. From finding the right buyer to getting a good price for the property, the hassle of reselling these properties is just not worth it.
Air Pollutants
Trains emit an immense level of gaseous waste that is not only detrimental to the environment but also to your health. Given the high quantity of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide that trains produce excessively, your respiratory system could sustain severe deterioration.
Longer Commute
Since train tracks are generally located on the outskirts of the city, a house near one will surely be far from the city center. This may seem like a benefit to those who prefer a secluded lifestyle. However, living in a far-off area would also mean giving up on essential services and facilities.
This can be an even greater issue for those who have jobs in the city. Commuting to and from work can take up considerable time, not to mention the higher costs that come with increased distances.
Tips to Consider While Buying a House Near a Train Track
Source: Pinterest
If you plan on buying a house near a train track, you will inevitably have to deal with the drawbacks. However, there are a few workarounds that you can employ to make living near a train track slightly more bearable.
Invest in Insulation – To reduce the incessant rumbling, triple-glazed insulation can be the perfect option.
Buy an Air Filter – Air filters are a great choice to reduce the overall impact of air contaminants.
Study the Schedule – Most trains and cargo freights have a fixed schedule. You can align your routine along with the train’s schedule, ensuring you don’t get interrupted suddenly by a train passing by.
Buying a house is a once-in-a-lifetime decision, meaning it should certainly be thoroughly evaluated. If you are considering buying a house near a train track, these pros and cons should be meticulously analyzed. However, it all boils down to your personal preferences and deal-breakers.
Meanwhile, if you want to read more such exciting lifestyle guides and informative property updates, stay tuned to Feeta Blog — Pakistan’s best real estate blog.
Should I Buy a House Near a Train Track?
A Modern Indian Brutalist House With Artistic Touches
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Combining a crude Brutalist House composition with softer Indian interior touches, this fabulous home design is a dramatic blend of modern architectural principles and traditional Indian typologies. Created by talent at The Web Architects, this unique house was designed for a small entrepreneurial family with a creative mindset. In addition to running a flower business, the client is also a poet, while his son is an avid nature photographer. Built on a plot of about 12,000 square feet, the large property was shaped to provide a simple, functional home. A minimal material palette of concrete, natural stone and keystone provide a modest interior base for decorated Indian elements and art.
The sliced facade also creates three cantilevered levels. Various terraces are pocketed under the canopy to take advantage of the happy shade, most of which have abundant greenery and flowers. The simple entrance slides under a concrete canopy. It has a three-meter high door that is pulled out and embedded in stone. The front door welcomes guests into an impressively long passageway with seating arranged on the left and a waiting lobby on the right.
The property, called Beton Brut (raw concrete in French), takes advantage of the edifying color and freshness of plant life both inside and out. Due to the predominantly arid climate of the region, drought-prone plants have been selected for the southwest-facing terraces. These temperate specimens also encourage an influx of beautiful butterflies and hummingbirds to the outdoor terraces, creating an amazing biodiversity.
As we move inside the home, we discover a magnificent double-height living room. Molded concrete continues to have a textural interest here, and provides a cool gray background for the warmth of rich tequila furniture. Living spaces are focused on the garden to establish a consistent connection with nature.
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For the latest updates, please stay connected to Feeta Blog – the top property blog in Pakistan.
A Modern Indian Brutalist House With Artistic Touches
- Published in brutalist, concrete, exterior, home, Home Decor, home design, House Tours, India, interesting designs, interior, Interior Decoration Ideas, Interior Design, interiors, International
Embracing Dark Interior Richness
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Without the right lighting, accents and strong silhouettes, a dark interior design can be blurry or simply depressing. With thoughtful accents, the dark decor is mysterious, exciting and profound. Thoughtful lighting focuses on highlights in the room, creating bright views of style and wonder. To illustrate, we present inspiring home interiors that offer two contrasting alternatives to set a tastefully dark decor. Home design number one is saturating ebony black with luxurious introductions of mood lighting where you would least expect it. Our second tour takes us to a smaller apartment where the decor is slightly lightened to a charcoal and graphite combination that builds a comfortable cocoon.
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For more information on the real estate sector of the country, keep reading Feeta Blog.
Embracing Dark Interior Richness
- Published in black, dark, decor, Decoration, grey, interior, Interior Decoration Ideas, Interior Design, interiors, International
Cozy-Chic Interiors: Grey Decor & Wood Accents
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Tone gray décor and wood accents culminate in a Cosy-Chic Interiors within these three modern home interiors. In our first inspiring home design, we visit a living room with textured decor and a host of high-end furniture. The elegant living space, however, is completely overshadowed by a striking entrance design with a sharp orange color-blocked treatment and a cool modern staircase design. Our second outstanding home interior is a deeply shaded design with atmospheric mood lighting, lots of indoor plants and an industrial feel. Finally, we will complete our trio of tours in a lighter, lime-washed living space where trendy bows and subtle boho flowers add elegance and intrigue.
This 145 square meter home design is located in Frankfurt, Germany. A set of tones and textures are put together to create a comfortable modern apartment, with just a hint of bohemian essence. A tan ottoman makes a soft, tonal contrast with a gray tufted sofa design, while a small side table cuts a clear white silhouette.
A A traveler’s palm fills the corner of the living room with the architectural beauty of nature and rich emerald color. A slim floor lamp matches its height.
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For more information on the real estate sector of the country, keep reading Feeta Blog.
Cozy-Chic Interiors: Grey Decor & Wood Accents
- Published in Designs by Style, grey, interior, Interior Decoration Ideas, Interior Design, interiors, International, modern, modern homes, Modern House, wood
All About Bahria Town Lahore
Bahria Town Lahore, a luxurious residential project that offers a modern lifestyle and amenities right in the heart of Lahore. This planned and well-developed society offers a luxurious lifestyle to people looking to live far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal has compiled a list of the things which you should know before relocating or investing in Bahria Town Lahore.
Bahria Town Lahore Location
This beautiful gated residential society is located in the Iqbal Tehsil of Lahore. To be specific, it is just 15.2 kilometers away from Thokar Niaz Baig which connects it with Canal Bank Road. It is also in close proximity to another modern gated community; Sukh Chayn Gardens. You can easily access this gated community after crossing the shakham chowk on Canal Road.
Price of Plots, Houses and Apartments in Bahria Town Lahore
This flagship Bahria Town project is divided into different sectors and each sector is divided further into blocks. It has six sectors that are named Sector A, B, C, D, E and F.
The plots in sectors A and B are high in demand as they are located near the main gate. The residential plots for sale in Bahria Town Lahore are available in different sizes such as 5 marlas, 10 marlas and 1 Kanal.
However, on the other hand, people looking for houses in this prime-gated society can explore housing options in different sizes such as 5 marlas, 10 marlas and 1 Kanal.
Besides these plots and houses, the society has flats and apartments that are available in various categories and price points.
For your convenience, we have listed the price range of different housing units and plots in the tables given below.
Price of Plots Bahria Town Lahore
Area | Price |
5 Marla | PKR 50 Lakes – 75 Lakes |
10 Marla | PKR 90 Lakes – 2 Crore |
1 Channel | PKR 2.5 Crore – 3.75 Crore |
House Prices in Bahria Town
Area | Price |
5 Marla | PKR 1.1 Crore – 2.2 Crore |
10 Marla | PKR 3 Crore – 4.3 Crore |
1 Channel | PKR 5 Crore – 8.9 Crore |
Flats Prices in Bahria Town
Area | Price |
700 Square Feet | PKR 70 Lakh – 1.05 Crore |
800 Square Feet | PKR 82.5 Lakh – 1.2 Crore |
936 Square Feet | PKR 1.12 Crore – 1.12 Crore |
Amenities in the Society
Similar to Karachi and Islamabad, this modern housing society in Lahore also has a complete range of basic facilities. Additionally, it also comes with some modern amenities such as shopping centers, large community parks, top educational institutes, etc.
Following are some of the amenities that are available in this modern society.
Top-Notch Security System
Bahria Town Lahore is known for its top-notch security system. 24/7 patrolling of security guards and state of the art surveillance system ensure the residents of the community to feel safe and secure. This international standard security system prevents any suspicious person from entering the area.
High-Quality Educational Institutes
One facility that many people look for in the housing society is top educational institutes where their kids can get a quality education. Management of Bahria Town has launched multiple schools and colleges for the convenience of its residents. However, there are also some notable schools that have their branches in society as well. These include the Beaconhouse School System, the City School, Imperial College of Business Studies etc.
Healthcare Facilities
There are several international standard healthcare facilities available in the area. The society has its own hospital “Bahria Town Hospital” which is located in the Takbeer block. Some other notable hospitals, clinics and laboratories available in the society include:
- Poly Clinic
- Sharif Medical Hospital
- Chugtai Lab
Entertainment Facilities
This modern housing society provides a range of different entertainment facilities both for adults and kids. Some of them are listed below.
Safari Villas Park
This park features a variety of animals that are brought here from different parts of the world. Some of the animals include lions, deers, monkeys, etc.
Parks and Landmarks
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This housing society is well-planned and has a world-class infrastructure. It has different community parks and landmarks that are well-maintained. You will find the replica of the Eiffel Tower which is one of the major attractions in the area that many people from other parts of the city come to see.
Shopping Centers
Besides educational institutes and hospitals, there is one more thing that homebuyers look for in a housing society; ie the presence of grocery stores, supermarkets and shopping malls nearby.
You will be pleased to know that this residential community has various commercial areas, shopping malls and supermarkets. People living in the area have access to all departmental stores and shopping areas where you can shop from all the major brands.
Restaurants and Cafes
Lahore is known for its rich variety of vibrant and delicious food. From traditional food places to renowned cafes, you may find different international food chains and local fine-dine restaurants. Some of the famous international food chains in the area are Papa Johns, Dominos, KFC etc.
Local eateries like Johnny Jugnu, Ravi Restaurant, and Butt Karahi are also available in the area.
Grand Jamia Mosque
(Source: Pinterest)
Bahria Town Lahore has the 14th largest mosque in the world and the third-largest mosque in Pakistan, having the capacity of 70,000 worshipers. This mosque draws architectural influence from other historical mosques in Lahore like Badshahi Masjid, Wazir Khan Mosque and Sheikh Zayed Mosque. The Grand Jamia Mosque has 4 minarets and 20 small domes.
Other Facilities
Just like Bahria Town Karachi and Islamabad, you get an uninterrupted supply of electricity in Bahria Town Lahore. There is no load shedding in the area as a result of the management’s collaboration collaborated with the Lahore electricity supply company.
If you want to know more about other Bahria Town projects, visit our blog at Feeta.pk.
All About Bahria Town Lahore
What You Need to Know About Living Near an Airport
About Living Near an Airport, Choosing a place to live is probably one of the most important decisions a person has to make in their lifetime, and with rising real estate prices, the choices are limited. There are several factors to consider when looking for a property, however, price and location are the main factors that influence our decision – even more so when considering living near an airport.
There is always a tradeoff in finding the perfect home since no property can fit the definition of “the perfect home”. Living near an airport might not be the ideal choice but some people have adapted and have found their “Perfect Home”.
A person who wants a calm environment might not prefer having their house is in the vicinity of an airport. On the other hand, a hearing-impaired person or someone with a job at the airport might instantly snap at the opportunity of lower-priced properties.
To help you make the right decision, Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal, features everything you need to know about living near an airport.
Pros of Living Near an Airport
An airport is the hub of all major transportation routes and living near one comes with some enticing benefits.
Cheaper Prices
If a property, especially residential, is located near an airport, its value is automatically lowered by some margin due to a variety of negative attributes associated with airports. However, this is not an iron-clad rule as some commercial properties may rise in value. Although, if you can adapt to living near an airport, cheaper home prices are something to look forward to.
Quick Access to Main Highways
Airports have quick access to the main highways as they require high-quality road infrastructure. Convenient access to the main highway usually means that traffic issues are mitigated and most places in the city are relatively easy to access.
Never Miss a Flight
This might seem like an obvious and small benefit but for frequent travelers, traveling to and from the airport can take up a sizable portion of time that could be used for other important tasks.
An airport is a megastructure and requires many auxiliary systems to keep it running smoothly. This opens up several opportunities for jobs at the airport. Airports claim that they create jobs. However, this number is usually on the optimistic side and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Cons of Living Near an Airport
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An airport is a very busy place and living near one comes with a few significant downsides.
Noise Pollution
The most obvious drawback of living near an airport is noise pollution. A jet taking off registers very high on the decibel scale. An airport has about 4 times the amount of noise compared to an average urban living space. A high level of noise on the decibel scale certainly means that taking airplanes off would shake the whole building due to resonation.
Moreover, if an airport has a higher frequency of nighttime flights, it may disturb your natural sleep patterns, increasing the risk of detrimental effects on your health.
Air Pollutants
Commercial jets burn a lot of fuel and expel harmful particles into the air such as sulfur dioxide, ozone, and carbon monoxide. When jet fuel burns, it can leave behind a lot of microparticles. This can easily cause respiratory complications if exposed for prolonged periods.
Longer Travel Times
Due to their immense sizes and negative effects on quality of life, airports are generally constructed on the outskirts of the city. This means that if you live near an airport, a lot of crucial services such as hospitals, educational institutes, and shopping centers will be farther away from your house. It also means that your friends and family might not be able to visit you more often.
Pro tips to consider if you have no choice
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Life doesn’t always present us with choices, forcing us to make do with what we have. Here are some tips to make living near an airport more bearable.
Triple glazed insulation can reduce noise levels by a significant margin and is a worthwhile investment to consider if you’re deciding on living near an airport.
- Study the Airport Traffic
Sometimes, an airport with lower traffic or low-powered jets might not be that much of a nuisance. Therefore, if the airport has no nighttime flights and you go to work in the morning, you can avoid a major portion of the noise pollution.
Air pollution is a major issue and high-quality ventilation systems with good air filtration can significantly mitigate the number of pollutants you breathe.
High-quality air purifiers can significantly help with the problem.
Airports are being constructed in more and more cities as the economy expands. Some of the most prominent societies to look out for in the three main cities of Pakistan have been listed below.
Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan and is host to some of the most modern infrastructure in the country. Some housing societies and their distance from the airport are listed below.
- Supreme court housing society (10km)
- Eighteen (23km)
- Top City 1 (10km)
Lahore is also host to some impressive housing projects in the vicinity of the Allama Iqbal International Airport. Therefore, a few have been listed below.
- Askari 10 (6km)
- DHA 5 (10km)
- Cantt housing scheme (6km)
Karachi is the most populous city in Pakistan, resulting in limited choices for deciding where to build houses. Some of the prominent housing societies near Jinnah International Airport have been listed below.
- Model Colony (3 km away)
- Green Town, Shah Faisal (3 miles away)
- Malir Cantt (7 km away)
While every neighborhood has its downsides and upsides. Certainly, it all comes down to your particular preference and circumstances and how you adapt to them.
For more information, visit Feeta.pk – Pakistan’s first online real estate marketplace.
What You Need to Know About Living Near an Airport
- Published in #librarydesigns, International, Real Estate Guide
Minimalist White Interiors With Unique Furniture Designs
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Unique furniture designs add an elegant wow factor turn after turn in these two unusual minimalist White Interiors home designs. Displayed by the Indifference study, each attention-grabbing interior is styled on a simple, clean white base that allows the more prominent pieces to proudly sing out. The designer furniture takes on a sculptural appeal within the gallery environment, which encourages a sense of respect for the extraordinary creations. With the perimeter decor taking a back seat, the eye can fall on small details, unusual finishes and quality work. Come with us as we tour remarkable lounges, show-stopping dining rooms, minimalist bedrooms and beautiful bathrooms.
White walls, ceiling and floor make a reflective box in which natural light is maximized. Conforming white storage cabinets continue the clean, gallery-white theme along the entire length of a TV wall in the living room. Their sleek, slab-fronted finish quietly blends in with the minimal background.
The TV wall has a textured black finish that completes an elegant look Bang & Olufsen Beoplay A9 speaker. Unique black and white puffs boldly design the salon layout.
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Minimalist White Interiors With Unique Furniture Designs
A Complete Guide to DHA Phase 6 Lahore
In DHA Phase 6 Lahore, In the last few years, Lahore has seen a paradigm shift in the type of housing options it offers. From old city houses to mansions (havelis), the city is now giving way to modern and luxurious homes in residential societies like Bahria Town, Sukh Chayn Gardens, DHA etc.
The transformation isn’t a sudden one; it is due to the demand of the residents of Lahore for a modern and luxurious lifestyle that has led developers to create these ultra-modern residential communities.
DHA Phase 6 Lahore is one such project that is offering quality living to residents. It is the housing scheme of the Defense Housing Authority, a renowned name in the local real estate market. They have developed several projects in Lahore such as DHA Phase 5, Phase 7, Phase 8, etc., which garnered a lot of interest from investors and homebuyers.
DHA Phase 6 is a well-planned residential community with a vibrant neighborhood, high-class amenities and large commercial areas, which makes it one of the best places to live in Lahore.
If you’re planning to buy a house or invest here, you should know what to expect. This is why Feeta.pk, Pakistan’s smartest property portal has come up with an in-depth guide on DHA Phase 6 Lahore.
DHA Phase 6 Lahore Location
This phase of DHA is located between Barki and Bedian road. This residential society is connected to areas such as Dhira, Hera Shingwala, Defense Raya Golf Resort, and Lahore Ring Road. It is located in a prime location in the city, as opposed to DHA Phase 5. It has one of the best management schools (LUMS) in close vicinity (just a 20-minute drive away, to be precise).
Plots in DHA Phase 6 Lahore
This housing society is divided further into 13 blocks, namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M & N. The residential plot for sale in DHA Phase 6 Lahore is available in different sizes, such as 5 channels, 10 channels, 1 channel, 2 channels, with 1 channel being the most widely available in this society.
The main boulevard in the society is in close proximity to blocks like A, B, H, J and L. The main commercial plots in the area are available in 4 and 8 marlas. There are also 2 marla commercial plots available in each block.
If you’re looking for an affordable housing option in the area, you should opt for 5 marla houses that are available in the price range of PKR 1.3 crore to 2.5 crores. 1 channel houses for sale in DHA Phase 6 Lahore are available in the price range of PKR 7.5 crores to 11 crores. For your convenience, we have listed the price range of different residential and commercial plots.
Price Range of Residential Plots in DHA Phase 6
Plot Size | Price Range |
5 Marla | PKR 65 Lakes – 1 Crore |
10 Marla | PKR 1.3 Crores – 2.5 Crores |
1 Channel | PKR 2.75 Crores – 5.9 Crores |
2 Channel | PKR 6 Crores – 13.5 Crores |
Price Range of Commercial Plots
Plot Size | Price Range |
4 Marla | PKR 1.1 Crore – 17 Crores |
8 Marla | PKR 6.8 Crores – 38 Crores |
Facilities in DHA Phase 6 Lahore
DHA Lahore is known for its well-planned infrastructure and world-class amenities like top-notch security, large commercial areas and an abundance of green spaces. Just like in other phases, Phase 6 has all the basic facilities and luxuries that you don’t typically find in other housing societies. To provide more insight regarding the amenities in this community, we have listed some of them below.
This phase has one of the top security s